Friday, May 8, 2009

Statement About My Care of Oliver By Witness

This is a statement from a former neighbor who witnessed how Oliver and I were together. This is only one statement. I have been promised another by a librarian who saw us every week or more than once a week, all the way up to our departure for Canada. I took my son in to see her specifically and she said she's seen lots of mothers and has testified about child abuse in the past and she wants to testify for me, for Oliver's sake. This statement below is something Rosa just spoke out loud and I typed as she talked. I didn't lead her to say anything, she came up with what she wanted to comment about. I asked her if she could comment on his physical and emotional health and other things and these are her words, without alteration and then a latina read it back to her to be sure she understood before signing.

To Whom It May Concern:

My name is Rosa Mena and I used to be Cameo’s neighbor for about one year. I just wanted to say that the time I knew her, she was a great person. I knew her as a great person. She was very kind, she would always come to my house even though she didn’t know me and spend time with me and my kids. My baby was the same age as Oliver and we used to hang out together a few times a week so the kids would hang out together. Even though Oliver was a little bit younger than Emmanuel, he was very well developed. She was a great mom to him. And I never saw anything weird happen. She was always very attentive and patient with him.
She was always very kind and patient to even my children, with even a patience I don’t have. I know she was very patient with my children and she was very protective of Oliver. Not all mothers are this way but she always watched out for him and wished the best for him. Even I am not this way.
I don’t see the reason why they would take Oliver away from his mother. Everything I know is good, from Cameo to Oliver. Sadly we had to stop seeing eachother because she had to move but then we saw eachother again at Ross a few months later and Oliver looked very healthy, very happy with his Mom, and very smart. We lost touch after that but I just wanted the court to know that everything I saw them and all the time I knew Oliver and Cameo he was great and everything seemed fine.
He was a great child and she is a great mother. I didn’t see any drinking problems, absolutely not, and I didn’t see any drug abuse at all, or not even symptoms. I never even thought it could be possible with her, at all.
She would always teach him the colors, the names of the vegetables he was eating, the alphabet, numbers, and teach him not to pick things up on the floor or put things in his mouth. At that age he was walking and for his age he was way ahead of my own child and my child was older. He would eat his food with his hand instead of grabbing the whole dish like my son was doing. He was starting to walk faster than Emmanuel. I don’t remember a lot of talking at that age but the kids were mumbling, but I think he was saying maybe “mommy”.
She was always with him, always carrying extra clothes in his diaper bag and extra food to eat even though she was at my house. She had him dressed for cold weather and walked with him.
She was dedicated to him. Her whole life was dedicated to him and I never saw her by herself. She did not only visit me and my family but she visited all the neighbors around and I think that if Cameo had something to hide she wouldn’t be visiting all the neighbors and being herself.
She never seemed to have any mental illness. She was always very kind and I learned a lot from her. I only remember her talking about pain from after having the baby and all the complications.
Oliver interacted really good with other kids. He was very happy with my children. Oliver was very affectionate with his mother, and she was to him as well.
If you want me to testify, I am willing to come over, and I swear that the above statements are true, made voluntarily without any preparation from Cameo or anybody and it just comes from my heart and I wish the best for her.
I think that Oliver should be with his mom because all children need their mom and he was very close to her and she was very close to her. It’s very harmful, being so attached to his mom, like I saw, I think it would be very hard and sad for him not to be with her. For as much as I saw. Even if things changed from the time I knew her, when we saw her later he was just as attached to her and was happy and healthy.

Rosa Mena

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