Thursday, May 14, 2009

Witness Statement #13 About Hacking Possibilities

This is the first part of a statement Andy Panda made for me. He is the computer tech I kept talking about, who is the one who first told me how my LAPTOPS could be hacked repeatedly. So he explains how this is possible, even after buying a brand new laptop. Then, I was having the same thing happening on a DESKTOP, and I asked him how THIS was possible and that's when he told me about magnetic pulse or microwave and strength needed to access this way, or to access and trigger battery operated toys. So I wrote to him and thanked him for the first part and asked him if he'd explained the rest of what he told me, so I don't sound nuts...because I am NOT the one who came up with the magnetic pulse or microwave idea and all I wanted was an explanation on how it was logistically even POSSIBLE, if it WAS possible, and if so, WHAT would have to be used to make this a reality. And he told me what it would take and said no one would have that kind of equipment or technology unless it was maybe State police or higher, or someone with a lot of money who could buy more sophisticated technology, but, he said, it's absolutely possible. So I'm waiting for this second part, but here's the first part:

Re: Statement for Cameo and Oliver Garrett‏
From: Adnap Corporation (
Sent: Thu 5/14/09 4:32 PM
To: cam huegenot (

Going into detail will not be really necessary.

My name is Andrew Schoenwald, I work at Panda Computers is Wenatchee Washington. I have worked as a computer Tech for over 15 years. Cam came into my store and called several times asking if someone could get on a computer without it being hooked up to the Internet, could they access a computer from outside the home. The following are facts and not my opinion.

Fact 1, wireless connections can be made from one computer to another over 100 yards away.

Fact 2, all copy's of Windows XP and most all other copy's of Microsoft Windows have remote network access turned on and remote file sharing activated when windows is installed, this is a default setting by Microsoft and most people dont' even know its there.

Fact 3, Most anyone can access another computer via wireless and send or receive files, cause damage to the hard drive or erase data before the user even knows what has happened.

Fact 4,Firewall have limited ability to block users due to many exploits in the Network messaging systems and remote sections of windows.

Fact 5, Yes your computer is not really safe until you take many steps to close these holes in the security of Microsoft Windows.


Andrew Schoenwald


Anonymous said...

Cameo - I think you are wasting your time with these "witness statements" because none of them are admissable. These statements will only be useful if the declarants give them in court, and you will have to prove they are unable to do so if you want to use out of court statements.

Mama said...

It's not a waste of time, because I can put them on my blog to prove I have been railroaded and slandered and that I was given shoddy and inadequate defense. My PD could and should have brought these people into court to testify on my behalf and he did not.

These are still admissable in that all I have to add is a declaration the statements are made under penalty of perjury and all of the witnesses agreed to this and to go to court if needed, on my behalf.

I am able to use these statmeents as declarations and if the state wishes to challenge them, they can call the witnesses forth on their own, at their expense.

I have a right to enter these things into the record and based on this and the medical records I have which proved those accusing me were wenatchee medical professionals with a motive to lie, and my evidence that they DID lie, I should have new trial.