Monday, June 1, 2009

40 Again & Mexican Saint

The people I'm with now gave me $40 initially and then went shopping, I guess for groceries and bought 4 apples and put them on the table, and there wasn't much else that was new, and then gave me $40 a second time. I am not quite sure what the deal is about 40.

So far, no problems or anything. I mean, seem to be really nice people. Who knows. A small photo showed up by the nightstand and I took it with me. She said I could, and that it was for safe travels. It was a little statue with a seashell on the vest and was from Mexico and she said it's a Mexican saint. The "Divino Nino de Atocha Tened." I showed it to my son and he laughed out loud in a giggle and said, "cool."

She's not religious at all and used to be mormon and the other guy isn't religious but used to be from evangelical christian roots. We had drinks last night and

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