Monday, June 1, 2009

My Response and Request To Court Re. Mykal Holt & Others

Request for Expedited Hearing for TRO Claim
Response to TRO
Request for Stand-by Order (Immediately, due to risk of immediate
And irreparable harm to belongings)

Your Honor,

I’m asking for an expedited hearing. I live in Seattle and don’t have time to let this drag on. I want to clear my name as soon as possible.

I rented from Mykal Holt for one month. I responded, with my fiance, to an ad for a room for rent and Mykal agreed to this. During the time I rented, Mykal went on to have an affair with my fiance and I caught them in the middle of it. I questioned my fiance and he didn’t deny it and asked me to forget about it. I told him I’d help him pack his bags. After my fiance left, the very next day, Mykal quit staying at the house. This was about two weeks ago or longer. I didn’t communicate with her or even SEE her except once or twice shortly after he left. She offered me a sleeping pill the night he was gone and I turned it down, telling her I didn’t need a sleeping pill. To be exact, she offered a half of a sleeping pill and I don’t know which kind.

After this, she had a new roommate move in. This new roommate seemed okay and then always had her friend over. I started having my room ransacked and clothing was stolen, along with photos. On more than one occasion, all my things were gone through, including prescription bottles. My roommate said it was Mykal and my next-door neighbor who said Mykal was “crazy”, said three police cars had been parked out front that day. I have no idea which version is correct. The neighbors warned me about Mykal when I first moved in, telling me she had done an illegal lock-out against them, had slandered them to everyone in town, cussed out their 12 year old son, and told the drug taskforce that they were big drug peddlers. When I first moved in Mykal told me she was “working on” getting “those neighbors out” and she said if she ever saw any of them even NEAR her property, she would “shoot them.”

Mykal claims to be a part-time missionary for the Methodist church who goes to Brazil to do translation for medical teams. The neighbors say her character is nothing like that of a missionary.

Mykal knows that I have a blog which I write in and which is public. After what happened with my fiance, I wrote about it. I didn’t try to keep it a secret to save my living situation. What happened was wrong, and I wrote about it, and wasn’t planning to stay there past that month. Well, my clothes and other items were then being stolen, or, one occasion, things went missing and then returned.

Mykal did an illegal lock-out against me, on May 26, 2009, after I wrote about her again, in my blog. I came home that evening to find the locks had been changed and my lease or rental agreement was not up. I went to the next door neighbor’s house to see if she had keys to let me in and she didn’t. I did bang on the door until she came to the door but I never screamed at her and would have had no cause to as I don’t even know the woman. I then went to the other neighbor’s house and she said, “I told you so” and let me sleep on the couch. I had a legal hearing the next day and no way to get my things so I went in through a window, showered and got changed and then I was leaving for San Francisco that same day. I didn’t plan to stay another night there but was only going to come back to get my belongings. I wrote about the illegal lock-out first thing in the morning of May 27, 2009. Mykal Holt decided to write out her request for a TRO after I blogged about her pattern of illegal lock outs.

I had a connection from Seattle to Wenatchee when I was returning from San Fran. but I didn’t take it because I was not comfortable staying one more night at Holt’s house. I had no idea, at that time, she had filed for a TRO. I didn’t know about the TRO until today, June 1, 2009. I stayed in Seattle, WA after I got back from San Francisco and then came into Wenatchee this morning of the 1st to visit my son and collect my things. I chose to stay in Seattle because I did not feel safe at Mykal's house.

ALL of my clothing, medical records, legal documents for another case (which I need in order to file an appeal), medications, diaries, and other belongings are at that house. It would probably take me 15 mintues to collect everything, but I have personal photos and medical records which I do not feel are safe with Mykal Holt, and I know my clothing and some photos were stolen while I was still living there.

The new roommate and her friend became equally bizarre, pushing around dead spiders that they pointed out were on my hope chest, and which they said were very poisonous and could “kill you”. There were two different varieties and I asked if they came from the flower bouquet and they said they didn’t know. They kept making a big deal about the spiders.

I talked to someone who is a “friend of the family” and he told me not to take it personally (this is before I knew about the TRO) when I told him what was going on. He said he knew them and that they were on probation and had a gang and drug history and he knew some weird things about them. He said to move out and he believed what I told him was happening, was happening. He said even though he was friend to the family, he couldn’t deny they had very serious issues (not the whole family, but the girls). I spoke to this friend, on the morning of May 27, 2009, which was right after the illegal lock out. This was before Mykal filed for a TRO and he advised me to get out fast.

When I came into town today, I was served with a TRO but without the motion and details attached. I had to go to the courthouse to get the specifics. I deny each and every claim, except for the one where Mykal says I accused her of having sex with my fiance. She did have sexual relations with my fiance and this was what broke us up, or was the final straw.

As for holding a knife and threatening her, Mykal was never even AT the house. I didn’t see her for a week and half until she got back from some Montana trip and she was in and out and my roommates were standing there when she was there. She left again and I tried calling her on her cell phone, about moving out and she didn’t return my calls. I called about the lock out and she didn’t return my calls. I never even used a knife while I was at that house. I didn’t eat there and had hardly any groceries there. I ate out. I didn’t need a knife for anything and I certaintly never brandished one in a threat. I am not that kind of person and I have never even threatened in this way. Out of 2,000 posts on my blog, some of which are very heated and personal and even angry, I never once threaten violence or physical harm. The only thing I’ve ever threatened anyone with, is a lawsuit, a report or complaint, or, I suppose, the fact that I do some blogging and I write about the truth as I see it, is threatening enough to some. As they say, the pen is mightier than the sword. Those who use their brains to articulate what they need to say, get their frustrations out in a proper fashion and do not need to resort to impulsive physical aggression. I’m not a violent, physically aggressive person. Never have been, and I never will be. Mykal Holt, Methodist Missionary who screwed around with a man she believed was MARRIED to me, is a liar.

She also lied about me, claiming I used drugs and had a drug past, and she wrote that this included METH. I have only been accused of “possible substance abuse” by some Wenatchee doctors who damaged me and my son in childbirth, with traumatic injuries and then covered it up and tried to say I didn’t need painkillers but gave them to me anyway. No one has ever claimed I’ve used meth and I never have. Even my ex-fiance wrote my an email stating he would testify for me, if I wanted him to, that I did not have a substance abuse problem and that I didn’t use drugs.

I never harassed my roommate, there was only one and her friend, or asked them about sexual assault. If they had been sexually assaulted, the first I’ve heard of it is today, in these accusations. I have had very little contact or communication with anyone I lived with and Mykal Holt basically moved out of the house the same day my ex-fiance moved out after I told him to pack his bags. She was staying there every night until then. And she didn’t make crazy claims about me until I started blogging about the facts of my life, which I have a right to do.

I am not delusional, “psychotic”, or violent, and I’ve not done one thing I’ve been accused of. Furthermore, there are others who would testify that the crazy people are the ones lying and who were harassing me at my own living space. Finally, there is absolutely zero evidence I have done any of these things, including anywhere on my blog that I’ve made any kind of threat, and in fact, after knowing my housemate had an affair with my ex, I didn’t trash her house, yell at anyone, or do anything. I let it go. I wrote about it, and I was upset, but other than that, I let it go. This is how I handle any frustrations or disappointments in life, in general. I blog, or journal the facts, and I express my emotions, and then that’s it. I don’t need to do more than that. I don’t “feel better” or more satisfied, or wouldn’t, to make physical threats. On the other hand, we’ve got Ms. Holt, who will swear at a 12 year old, turn innocent neighbors into the drug taskforce, and who threatens to “shoot” anyone on her property. Now that I think about it, no wonder the police are apprehensive about doing a stand-by for me to collect my things when Ms. Holt is so, as they said, “uncooperative.”

I again deny all claims and assert I am the one who has not only been “wronged” morally, but that has had crime and harassment occur against, by way of being illegally locked out, clothing and belongings being stolen, and then defamed with an unnecessary TRO. I was the one running from the place and choosing to stay in Seattle rather than go back to the hell-hole.

I feel it is important, given the level of harassment and theft, for me to request my own TRO as these same roommates approached me today while I was seated at a cafĂ©, just 20 minutes before an officer arrived to serve me with the TRO. They stopped by and talked to me and then stood to the side as I was being served. I consider this to be harassment—to seek me out and approach me, and talk to me, and then wait as they watch me being served, waiting to see, I suppose, my reaction, while they knew they were a part of this all along. I find this behavior strange. There was a witness who saw this take place. I feel also that it was improper to be locked out, and given Holt’s history of threats, of a violent nature, I would be more comfortable if she is restrained from coming near me when I have to be in Wenatchee.

Finally, I do need my belongings and I feel the safety and security of my things is at immediate risk of irreparable harm. I have all my medical records there which I need for legal reasons, legal papers which I need for immediate appeal, and all of my other items.

I would not have left anything behind when I went to San Francisco but I had already booked the flight and couldn’t take things with me and I didn’t know where I was going to live next. I just knew I had to find something fast.

For these reasons, I’m asking for:

1. An expedited hearing to argue against TRO requested by Mykal Holt
2. Immediate Order for Stand-by so police can help me collect my belongings before they are irreparably destroyed, damaged, or stolen. I live in Seattle now and need these things.

3. I will file my own TRO in the very near future against the roommates, possibly later in the day.

I swear that the above statements are true and made to the best of my ability and knowledge, and may be used for evidence in court and that it is subject to penalty for perjury.

Thank you for your time,

Cameo L. Garrett


Anonymous said...

Holy Moly! I knew Mykal was crazy, but wow.

I had my own encounter with the lovely "missionary" starting in the summer of 2008. She went after my bf as well...SO many twisted lies. He was buddies with her prior to all the drama...we've both washed our hands clean of her now though.

For us, it all started when she kissed my bf so I'd break up with him (I did...wasn't gonna tolerate ANY cheating). Then about a week after the break up, she slept with him (told him she was on birth control during the act...which she wasn't...hadn't been on it for a while). In the few weeks that followed she supposedly became pregnant and the news was broken to my bf with a myspace "Congrats on the new arrival" graphic. The S**t hit the fan after that point, and I'm sure her head spun around a couple times like the chick on the exorcist. She had all kinds of "proof" but it didn't add up. She told him if he didn't marry her she'd put the kid up for adoption, have an abortion, and/or kill herself.

Then if that wasn't enough, she tried to blame me for everything and turn my bf against me...said I was stressing her out...she was a high risk pregnancy/spotting blood, and I was gonna kill my bf's baby, and "did I REALLY want that on my conscious?"

We were in hell for 9 months...waiting to disprove her "pregnancy." She wasn't pregnant btw...faked it all.

What kind of person does that?

Mama said...

i believe you because this same woman went after my ex, and he admitted it happened, and then when I published what she'd done, she lied and said i was psychotic and waving knives around.

This is the same woman who threatened a teen and told me she'd shoot anyone who came onto her property that she didn't like.

When i read your post, I thought about her, and the first thing that came to mind was: "pure as the driven snow."

i recently had the pleasure of meeting her pal Teria, whom she'd done me about then but I didn't catch on until recently. I ended up going to this women's housing place and Mykal had wanted me to put together welcome gift baskets for the place when i was still living there.

i noticed, in my basket, there was all this "princess" this and that stuff, and "european" and colombia stuff and my ex and she knew i had "princessa" and "princess" for one of my passwords and i joked about it. i checked the other baskets and they were different and varied.

It was like i was just being mocked and then the director of the place happened to be this woman, TERIA. i wrote about it in a recent post about haven of hope and Teria. It was more like Haven of Harpies.

she said she was going to sue me for defamation but i was right about her and didn't lie. my own ex, recently, laughed when I mentioned her and said, "but she's a GOOD person..." maybe she's good for a roll in the hay.

i felt sorry for her but after being harassed by her pal, i think a warning should be out there for other women who have boyfriends, fiances, or husbands.

thanks for writing in and confirming what i knew already. i'm sorry you went through that.

because of her, a chain reaction was set off, to try to claim i was "psychotic" and others started saying this too. but i didn't lie about her, even if the truth hurt, and she DID lie about me.