Saturday, June 6, 2009

Okay, Weird Things At E. Wenatchee House (men into metal at the back and front of house)

I've already written about the heater, christmas lights, and other things melting when plugged into one wall of the house. And I've described my and my son's health issues.

The house I was in was inbetween the river and the freeway. The front of the house faced the freeway and the back of the house faced the river. There were other orchards on either side.

Some of the curious things I noticed:

1. July 4, 2007. Two men at the top of the mountain or hill opposite the face of the house, with binoculars, setting something up or just watching. They were observing my house and area.

2. The man at the back of the house, near the river, where the river drainpipes and metal stuff was. It's for irrigation and for the house and is illegal now to have, but it's grandfathered in so it's not technically illegal. It draws water from the river which then goes to the orchard and the houses. The man at the back, in the winter, in the snow, was out of place. He didn't appear to be hiking and I traced his footsteps and he hadn't walked that far. But he had some kind of metal detector thing with three prongs, which left this triangular prong mark in the snow. He had been poking all over the place.

He was very tall (at least 6') and thin and had sort of whitish hair. Blue eyes I believe. A very small diamond stud, in, I believe, his left ear but I am not positive. He was wearing good clothing and looked like he had at least a little bit of money.

I don't know what drew me to go outside, but I know I was experiencing the painful stuff, and I decided to walk to the back of the property. He was there and I asked him what he was doing and he said he was just taking a walk and lived nearby and when I asked what he had with him, he said it was a metal detector. But why in the world would he be looking for coins, in the snow, in just one spot? It was weird.

3. A couple of times, Latino men came to the house and seemed to just want to know if anyone was there. They said they were looking for work, but all the Latinos knew there wasn't work at that time of year. I felt it was more like someone was checking to see if anyone was home.

4. Helicopter hovering over the house. That was weird and the guy was white, with, I believe, longer hair and sort of tawny blond but I could be wrong. It was solid green and larger and he hovered right next to the house, almost as low as you could go, and was close enough for me to see him, as I was putting my son into the car.

5. When my son and I were getting ready to leave and I started blogging about what was going on still, I saw one guy stop on the side of the road, get out of his car, and pull something out of the ground and then drive away.

I wondered what had been there and I walked out to the road, which was in front of the house, and looked at the same spot he'd been reaching for something. There was a metal pipe that was open there. There was nothing inside the metal pipe but the pipe faced the road and then went back to the house. I couldn't imagine what in the world someone would put something in a pipe, that was important enough they'd drive right to the spot, walk over as if they knew exactly what they were looking for, and then drive away. This is the road where the face of the house was, which had the same side where all the electrical appliances were melting which were plugged into outlets on that wall...the wall which faced the freeway.

The man looked professional and was white. I believe there was a passenger with him. But I don't remember what he looked like.

I just know I immediately thought it was strange and when I went to the same spot, snow had been moved away and I could see the pipe which was sort of going underground. Like a drainpipe but on the side of the road. There was nothing else around it.

6. Started getting extremely loud radio feedback on landline phone. Had to go to the Office Depot and buy something to block it out and then it still started to bleed over. Other people heard it. I was also getting phone echo all of a sudden, where I could hear myself in an echo.

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