Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Criminals Collaboration: Response to Last Comment About War & Peace

I don't take any offense. I agree and I disagree with your position:

First of all, you claim to know that Gandhi suffered more than I have. You don't know me nor do you believe what I and my son have been through, so you really don't have a right to say what my level of suffering has been.

Also, I think there is some confusion as to whether revolutions occur because of the actions of one person and the social climate.

You keep naming individuals, and their philosophies, as if they alone were responsible for what happened in a country and yet you also state it is the environment which surrounds someone.

You seem to think Hitler was the great evil and power, and that his voice was elevated because people gave him respect and prominence out of fear. Maybe later, some people followed him out of fear. But Hitler alone was not responsible for the Holocaust. It wasn't Hitler that changed the course of history. Hitler is a symbol and nothing more, and he was given a platform for his voice. He never would have been given that very platform to begin with if the majority of society wasn't voting and nominating people that they believed echoed their own sentiments. The "Green Revolution" and pervsion of evolutionary models preceded the annilation of Disabled, Jews, Poles, Gypsys, Homosexuals, and anyone else who was deemed "different" of not of good evolutionary stock. The ideas of Hitler were echoed by the people. They believed in survival and in promoting a race without "defects" much as some want now, even in trying to clone certain traits and genetics to create perfect babies. The Green Revolution was one which involved Gaia and the belief that Mother Earth and the communal group was more important than an individual. So this worked to create a collective consciousness where science and ideas about population and what it should look like took forefront. This lack of respect for people who were different, combined with jealousy against groups who had more money or, who others said claimed they were "special", led to the anger against the Jews. Society wanted to take them down. Not just for evolutionary reasons, but because of greed.

It's not that much of a different climate now.

Greed is out of proportion and the idea that capitalism has promoted, is the idea that perhaps it is not "blood" but "money" coursing through the veins that gives an individual or group their worth. This is not a democracy. The U.S. IS a plutocracy. It ceased to be a democracy years ago and those who have created this, are at the top and willing to tear down anyone who wants to pull the curtain, the veil if you will, down, by yanking at it from the bottom.

You give your power to the status quo when you do nothing, and in my book, sitting around on a magic carpet is doing nothing. It may have symbolic worth, but it's not getting a voice out there and it's not challenging anyone. I take that back. Non-verbal protests and gestures can be very powerful and bring attention to a larger cause. Cindy Sheehan.

Martin Luther wasn't just a peaceful protester. There were massive riots and people died out of the course of his challenges. Why did people die? because others were willing to stand up and challenge the status quo and those who weilded the most power, on the surface, were those in government and who were legally authorized to carry weapons.

The people are the "power" of any country but when they are repeatedly convinced things are "fine" and that THEY are not in charge and should continue to leave things to groups who turn on the parental controls, they are no better and have no more "power" than a bunch of dead fish at the bottom of a swamp. There are always going to be people trying to control how much knowledge others have. Which brings to mind another Martin Luther, who said the people should be able to read the Bible for themselves and said the power for salvation and knowledge was not through the priest and pope alone, but through the enlightenment of each and every mind, through reading about ideas for themselves.

When people sit around, content with scraps they are thrown, nothing changes. They trust the information they are fed. They don't even know what is in the fucking fine print but they nod and go along, and hand over their power for good to those who would take the good and use it for evil and manipulating a group.

I do agree with prevention and think more could have been done to prevent what has happened with the Middle East and afghanistan.

But right now, those using power of force are not being controlled.

Yeah, I could have agreed to marry a mobster, who works for god knows who, and create a false appearance or alliance for "peace" and I could have been willing to sacrifice myself for something which would amuse some and pacify others. Instead, I chose myself. I chose to keep my own values and not marry someone for possible benefits, but instead, I continued to care more about my autonomy and freedom and I respected myself enough not to stay with someone who was cheating on me.

People in the U.S. CHOOSE to stay with the cheaters. Society, as a whole, chooses the comforts and benefits of going along with something that might even be contrary to their well being, simply because they are afraid to go it alone and "walk the streets as a starving artist." People think I have been a martyr, but that's a matter of perspective. I feel, easily, that the martyrs and those on the cross, are sometimes those who enjoy their chains.

Should I have used the system? Should I have used the benefits of marriage to work things out from the inside of a trojan horse?

Or was I smart to walk away and preserve my own integrity?

I'm not going to say I haven't relied on some for a little assistance, or that I haven't used the way I look to get someone to give me a lift or for something to eat. But think about it. If I really had ever wanted a sugardaddy just for comfort, I wouldn't be maintaining my independence and just taking what I can get. I'm not going to allow someone to control me because he is my provider and yet it isn't my fault I have no money because others have punished me for using my power, my voice. God is my provider. God has made himself real to me through others, but I have also seen evil at work, and those who attempt to rob me of gaining ground, because they do not like my platform.

I have gained attention because I've been despised by those who are afraid. Those who are afraid, are the same people who pull the strings, and hope the people don't notice who is pulling the strings.

There are different callings. One woman might marry a very rich man and determine to use his assets to help the poor. Another woman might choose to walk the streets without chains, but not knowing where the next meal might be when she is being blacklisted and purposefully targeted by some who think if they trap her first, she will lose time and won't find her way out. Still another woman might never even consider there are alternatives at all, to her life. She might not know what to do outside of marriage, or outside of the dictates of society. There are women, too, who come to an awakening while they are in the pot--something becomes a catalyst and they realize they can do better, for themselves and for women in general.

My calling is as an activist. Yeah, I spent a lot of time praying and you know what? I spent a lot of time scrubbing floors on my knees as I was praying for the same employers who cheated me and told me to fetch the bottle out of the bottom of the garbage bin because they wanted to read the label. I had people testing my patience constantly and wondering when I might break. I had and still have, an enormous amount of patience. I also still try to give people the benefit of a doubt. But I do not tolerate corruption, and the U.S. and this society is no longer in a stage or phase where "preventative" measures are going to work. I know there are people who believe what's happened to me, who are AFRAID.

I understand this, but the have their power in reserve. I'm not going to say they've given their power away yet, but it's in reserve. Right now, the wrong people DO use violence, and force, to keep the status quo. Others abuse the system and use people in the system to do their dirty work. The U.S. appears clean on the surface but it's a festering mess. It is going to take people making small steps towards speaking up and joining hands. The wrong people have already joined hands, and they are NOT going down without a fight.

These are people who are fueled by greed. Of any ethnicity. They are not interested in public interest or the people and in what is fair. They are interested in establishing and keeping control. Religious and non-religious. There is an absolute lack of accountability in the United States and law enforcement and the enforcers of legal systems allow themselves to be bribed with what they feel is in their best interests and the interests of a minority, not the whole.

Just speaking up about a housekeeper who was abused by her greedy employers, was dangerous for me, but I did it. So was reporting monks, or a Rabbi's wife, for cheating me or others. I made enemies. But what is more important to me, is that I know they might think twice before doing it to someone else and that it is a cautionary tale for others who similiarly take advantage of their positions to cause misery for others. Have I been punished for being a "whistleblower?" what do you think? Do I have any regrets? I don't regret a thing. I could have been smarter in strategy if I'd known, but no one is going to say I didn't create a stir, by simply speaking up about the truth as I saw it, whether it was an error in Roman Catholic dogma which the Church keeps covering up, or abuses by those who think they are better than everyone else, who use others to wipe their noses. So crucify me.

It's not like anyone doesn't notice. Will others be afraid because of what happened to me? will they let the bullies keep on pushing down others?

Look around. Obama is no Hitler. But he's a decent man like a cute figure on top of a rotten wedding cake. It's what's beneath the surface and all around, and he sits in the middle of massive corruption and they're not going to let him have any significant power. He's got the whole SS around him and yet he and people can't do anything about it. Because they choose not to.

I notice I have a lot of "religious" who are rich, attacking me. Or rich, who are not religious at all. They try to say I'm prejudiced and that I'm a hater, and try to find fault with my beliefs or accusations against "clergy", hoping others will focus on this and not what my real concern is. My real concern is that there is suffering because the wrong people are in control, and these people have money, and IF they have religion, they're using it for their own purposes, to hold others down.

When you have people like me, who are forced out of jobs and harassed and stripped of financial means, do you really have "starving artists walking the street" or do you have people who continue to say what they're going to say, no matter what? And what happens when you do this to enough people? You freeze people out, harass, abuse, and punish them, and they either die or self-destruct, or they rise up with others who have been similiarly threatened, and they gain strength by continuing on. They are given nothing but a pen and that pen becomes a knife. They are given a ploughshare and they beat it into a sword.

They rise up and take what is theirs, and finally, by force, if necessary.

I have preached revolution through peaceful methods. But where that fails, history shows people only tolerate this for so long. When the imbalance of power and money and resource is in the hands of the rich and the rich try to keep those with ideals from getting ahead through position or money, they traditionally then turn to violence.

Every single civil war that has ever occured, has occured when those at the top keep pushing the idealists down. England had the power, the authority, and the strength, and the "Americans" beat them out through violence when they were abusing their AUTHORITY. The peaceful farmers beat their ploughshares into swords. You will find far more "change" occuring with revolts which involved violence than you will find examples of peaceful "conversions".

I have never threatened anyone with physical harm or hurt anyone physically, in my life. But I understand the principles of war and peace. Better than most, because I see who is pulling the strings and more importantly, WHY and I know what the possible solutions are.

I'm not telling anyone to follow the starving artist walking down the street. The majority is happier following the SS.

Even in Ireland...Do you think they would have acheived peace if there had not been the troubles first? Maybe. But perhaps one group in particular was being harassed and abused and they decided not to put up with it anymore. They formed an alliance and fought back, by any means necessary. Only then did others "listen". They listened when people were dying. They weren't listening when all the mothers and children were praying to God, crying out for salvation and help every day. Those who were activists, saw all the praying and heartache, and instead of "waiting on" someone or some group to change while the suffering continued, they acted.

Were they "rebels".

It probably fucking depends on what your definition of a rebel is. One groups "terrorist" is another groups "civil rights champion."


Oh, one last thing. The problem now? Who are those keeping the status quo? those who ultimately have the "power" and the money, who take advantage of using certain groups that do NOT but which are corrupt and hungry for power and money, who are willing to dirty work to get it. Self interested groups.

That is the problem in the U.S. right now. You know how Colombia is the "producer" of cocaine and Mexico is the "distributor" and the U.S. is the "consumer" (with some flexibility on all sides)? The U.S. RICH are the distributors of policy, justice, and control, and they use this to employ the bottom rungs of poor, but not any poor, the most corrupt and self-interested poor, to "distribute" their own form of justice, and who is the "consumer" or recipient of this hash?

The people.

But it's really amusing, to those who keep their heads in the sand.

Wow. Really good and fitting song, about everything I just wrote about, is one by Sinead O'Connor's "Black Boys On Mopeds".

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

In regards to my Gandhi statement:
That was quite a tangent from the direction I was pursuing, albeit interesting. My whole point was to keep it as simple as possible insomuch as to work WITH the system to fight the system. And here's why: I used to be Oliver. I was taken from my single mother as a child by CPS -so I know first hand the abuses of the system and grave injustice. However, rather than allow myself to be a victim, I took on the system. First, I put myself through college (working sometimes 5 jobs at the same time), and received a degree in counseling and THEN became a counselor at the SAME CPS shelter where I ONCE lived...and that was not enough to change the system, so then I went to law school. I remember my first year of law school (many years ago) and decided that I wanted to really fight for kids and their rights. So, what did I do? I worked for what some (although I DO NOT believe to be) the "enemy" aka the Attorney General's office to work with CPS and protect kids while simultaneously learning the system they use against parents. I LEARNED the system to WORK WITH the system to BEAT the system. Now, I help write legislation to change the law pertaining to children and their rights. So, no, I do NOT have my head in the sand, if I am helping in the creating of legislation. I just found a more amiable way to kick the sand up. However, I do it with non-violence and cooperation. And it works. I may be young (as I am a few years younger than you are per your blog), however, I've managed to figure out that an existentialist mode of aggression is not always the best way to go. That's all I was saying, perhaps that will be inferred.