Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Schemes Unravelling--Images

salt of the earth
dirt of the mire
hired hand out for hire
going to the other side
walking wires
cutting into the feet
holding birds captive
mete for mete
measuring out the justice
sheet metal for ships
hammered nails into the side
like the hands of christ
pouring forth
all the sins within
spilling out in spigots
at the wall, no one with a thumb
big enough to plug
and stop the tide from coming
vengeance is mine saith the lord
i will
eye for eye
tooth for bloody tooth
unless you pray
green green green green
big ones, little ones,
red red red red
big ones, little ones,
black and white
big ones, little ones
how was the bearclaw?
the almondtinne
the valentine with a four letter word
the biscuits and gravy
the sushi
that night, it was one big limosine party
under the full moon
werewolves of course, and alligators under the beds of course
until cars collided
bells rang
bubbles burst
bricks broke in half
ashes, ashes, dust to dust
you all fall down
at the beat of a tiny drum
at the words of a small boy
you bow to my son
asking for his forgiveness

jenny with her posies
pennies for all the priceless children of god
little statues and works of art
sending forward after forward
the princessa blind
to what occurs before her own eyes
love of her life leaving when she doesn't see
what he's up to, promising
the same old old thing
dancing hair blown by the fan
breasts monuments like george washington engraved
with a bit of hair she must shave
nails paid, body paid, everything paid for
in full

hands behind his back
face slapped both sides
hillbillies reckon they will have their way

stop the tracks of my tears
tire tracks
oil and grease from the underside of a car
going in clean
a man goes underground

who killed the man who died an accidental death?
whose college was rivals with his brother's college?
cain and able
art thou thy brother's keeper?
inheritance plot never came undone, fox never outrun
never looked the enemy in the eye
until one muthahfuckah
stared him down in the airplane
a woman smelled smoke and ran out with the rug about her shoulders
knowing there are gangstahs
in new jersey
oh i'm not sayin' anything
not defaming
no, just wondering when your hommies are going to be better
than their rolex watches
rolling up sleeves
lookin' for a playdough fight
brown. like the sticker on the SUV. brown university
notre dame
something fucking nasteeeeeee in the woodshed
taking the tom and harry's
leaving dick behind
leaving mccann
take what you can when you can
getting in tight, as tight as you can
with the mariposa
fly to the flame
groupo religiouso
groupo furiouso
blue and white, red white & black
unity in violencia
wondered why i showed up at the estate
as the nanny
wearing the name of the brother's alma mahtah
on my sweatshirt
notre dame
brother's ghost come to life
who bumped off the other tableau?
"where did you get that sweatshirt?"
"i don't know"
"did you go to notre dame?"
"oh, no, i just bought it somewhere...why?"
"my brother's college and my college were rivals"
"where is he now?"
"he died in an accident"
who does the dirty work in
bad luck owl
come to bedminster
singing chim, chimeny, chim chimeney chim chim cheree
telling tony
the electrician to
please let me be
if i'm crazy i'm not defaming
if i'm defaming
others first defamed me
i want to know one thing:
was it an open coffin?

better than that
better than this
better than the butter batter betting was a miss
hit shit slip-slod freakin with the knee nod
gonna be down
gonna be back
chic shack middle finger pride


Anonymous said...

I prefer Gandhi: "an eye for an eye will make the whole world blind".

Mama said...

you didn't catch the end. i said "pray". why pray if mercy or miracles are not possible?

there is room.

however, gandhi didn't endure the things some people endure at the hands of those who are not right, who are not more moral, but who only have more power vested in them by grant of government or finances.

i am not for capital punishment bc mistakes are made and there is prejudice. but, what i said to my first "bf" who told me, from his nice sheltered and idealistic ivy league, claremont mckenna, was an eye opener for him i guess.

he said he didn't believe there was ever any justification for WAR. i told him he was naive to think there would be "world peace" when peace begins in each individual heart and mind. i told him it was impossible to reconcile everyone to "peace" on this personal level, worldwide, and that when people begin taking it out on children, and innocents, and there is unnecessary, if all other efforts have been exhausted, war is then NECESSARY. it is then WRONG to not wage war, and to stand by idly and allow the suffering of those who are defenseless and vulnerable. He said he never thought of it that way.

He'd written an entire paper on world peace and read it to me over the phone.

Who was I? I was the supposedly dumb blond who didn't know anything, because i wasn't in college with all my other friends who all went to private schools. no, i was working the OTHER ladder: the one of service. I was a nanny for others' kids and i was a personal assistant and a cleaner, and i thought this was my duty and "privilege", to be a slave or servant to others and know that inside i'm great but serve others in humility.

That, in itself, is a wonderful ideal. but it is also unrealistic. i was a fucking "gandhi" for too long. I realized, there is SUFFERING in this world, not because there are enough "peacemakers" who often are not even peacemakers but just use their silence as a covering for themselves because they haven't got the GUTS to fucking STAND UP for what is right, and SAY something, and risk the consequences of trying to make the world a better place, by calling attention to corruption and greed which just might affect more people than you think. to do NOTHING, to stand by in silence, where there is suffering, is immoral. it is not "peace" nor does it create an environment or climate of peace. it creates complacency and a world order which is managed by those at the top who demand subservience of those who are not.

well said, i'm sure, and congrats. congrats to me, the sweet chick who walks around with nothing in her fucking pockets, but with her chin UP, because she is willing to lay her fucking LIFE on the line, to make a difference.

Fuck sitting around on a blanket in meditation while others suffer and cry out for help, and others turn the figurative "blind eye".