Saturday, May 1, 2010

Charlie The Unicorn Alarm Call

Charles needs a new mistress. Now that Camilla is his wife, there's a gap to fill. I volunteer myself and my first idea, as mistress, is to wake him up that first morning, with this:

Just kidding, but the other day, I was laughing out loud in public, thinking about this clip, and having just seen a tee shirt for Charlie The Unicorn and Candy Mountain at the bookstore. This was the same day that I published I had an image of Queen Elizabeth taking a bite out of Philip. I started thinking about both of these things and just cracked up, imagining Queen Elizabeth doing that. Or any of her family reading this. I hope everyone takes what I write with a grain of salt.
Listening to live music at a restaurant/wine bistro. I really, though, when I find myself going back online to look up more Charlie the Unicorn episodes--now, The Banana King--I know there is something wrong. I am very unhappy in this town. I mean, peace and cheerfulness in general, but smothered and people who make me feel low are not even the kind of people whose opinions I should care about. There are many others who are great, but just in general, but then again, I'm back at the place where this one waitress who was jealous of me, wrecked havoc, screaming at me to leave because she thought I flirted with her bf and her excuse was that I used wifi for free.

Lots of fun. This was the one who freaked out and said she was calling police and the other waiter and even her 2 friends were shocked and vouched for me. She's not here, which is good.

There's just no one here to make friends with and at least a few others were nice enough to say it wasn't me--that if you weren't raised here, don't even try to fit in with others who are or were raised here. It's true. So I keep to myself because what I write publicly on my blog and choose to share is one thing but if I'm trying to hang out with someone and talk freely, it gets out all over town.

The other night, these woman who said I didn't know them, well I did. At one point they tried to tell me I wasn't "normal" for being open to talking to them so much. They were asking me all the questions but tried to say it wasn't normal. I was so shocked and they said most people here wouldn't say anything to a stranger. I just thought, where the hell am I? wrong place. I said, in response, that I was very normal in other cities and people all stood around and chatted with total strangers because they were more transient and not just in one place with the same people all the time, so comfortable socializing. I said it was very normal other places. I then said I believed it would be hard for people like that to fit into Wenatchee just as it's hard for Wenatchee to fit in other places. They were just different cultures. I said I was pleasantly surprised to find more artistic spirits here than I'd thought were around originally, but that it's still a very different kind of community and it goes both ways, no fault either side. Most of the people...

Oh this is funny...I was blogging about that one waitress and a few minutes later she showed up.

Anyway, she is a trip. Okay, no further comment on that. I am just not generally a jealous type. I think I'm pretty cool with other women and don't feel threatened. I'm not clingy. I like honesty from a guy, but I feel secure.

Gosh, I turned this song on and the best energy...or maybe it's something I wrote or someone praying for me now. I don't know. It's almost 8:30 p.m. PST and the word "Horizon" or "Horizons" for a song came to mind and I found this beautiful piece by Steve Hackett from Genesis:

The live music was good and i think she's doing another set. She has a good voice and nice guitar playing. I came in on her Cyndi Lauper cover of Time After Time.

Oh, I LOVE this song, "Horizon" and playing it again. I looked it up and it's from a concert in Nottingham in 1990. Oh, it has some connection, I think, to Bach's Cello Suite.
I am loving this song Horizon. It's so beautiful. I could see it at a wedding or a very light butterfly ballet dance with little butterfly feet touching into the dew or raindrops at the solo plucking part.

I don't think I know any Genesis songs and this has sparked my interest.

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