Friday, May 7, 2010

So Close To Exposure--My Mafia-Government Boyfriends

I am so close to talking about things and yet I have continued to hold back. I have so many people I could be reporting, who have stolen, assaulted me, and deliberately tried to prevent me from getting ahead in any way.

Some of these persons were supposedly helping my son but they weren't. And it shows, when it's down to the wire and they are not there.

It seems to me that aside from being in intelligence groups, I dated some guys who were not just working with Mafia but doing double-time for the government. Because the U.S. was in on all of this.

Now, I'm trying to get just a few basic things taken care of, and nothing, and there is no way I will get ahead when I have every right of doing so.

I have tried to reschedule the psychiatric evaluation with the West Point guy and he's done nothing about it. It just seems to me like a few groups have worked together to try to screw me over and have my son taken, and that's it.

When I asked to reschedule my appointment, this guy tells me he can't do it online because it's not "secure". He made my other appointments online and had other correspondence and it's not like he doesn't know what is going on.

Why have all these different doctors and lawyers who are representing me, why, I ask, have each one of them gone on 2 week vacations prior or after supposedly "helping" me or screwing me over?

Dr. Freed took a 2 week vacation in Hawaii right before seeing me. My public defender did the same, right before dumping me after doing no work but having finally obtained all of my records. And then this psychiatrist went on a 2 week vacation unexpectedly, and cancelled my appointment, before seeing me. 2 week vacations out of the country in all cases except for one case.

Over on the East Coast I had people trying to jail me for decades and going after me and trying to keep me from getting medical care and things done, and then over here I have people stalling on every single thing and going on all these somewhat conspicious (in timing at least) vacations out of the country. I mean, if someone is trying to HELP me, I would think help could be arranged here and now and not stalled and delayed.

I have had serious, hardcore spies, not "fake spies" but real ones, on my ass besides, and I've been poisoned and assaulted and yet my own government law enforcement won't do a damn thing about it. Then they try to blame it on "other stuff" as if something was illicit when the U.S. was fucking in on it the entire damn time.

I have people driving by laughing at me and my situation because they know that the problems here, which are keeping me from my son and from work and everything else, they know the U.S. is doing nothing to help me. And it wasn't just the U.S., it was the U.S. negotiating deals with other intel groups and some of it was on the up and up and some of it wasn't.

Who has suffered for it? No one except me and my son. I have fucking federal people trying to work out some other plan, like, hey, hook up with a local Wenatchee person, as if this is my ticket.

I am constantly monitored and have been, by military, and yet for all of the surveillance by both U.S. and then UK groups, I have not seen ONE PENNY.

The U.S. at least gives Veterans a little bit of pay here and there. For me? Nothing. They just used me and continue to use me and my son and when they couldn't owrk out their hump and dump, they found a way to work around me.

And as for a grand scheme, there were a few in intel groups that had a great plan for me, but more than anything, some wanted to beat the shit out of me and grind me into the dirt to keep me OUT of getting into a better position.

So I get dumped off in the same place where they all know it's shitty for me, and they do nothing. Not one thing to compensate me for using me and my son on an ongoing basis.

It's really convenient, this. Very convenient to use U.S. citizens like military broads...hey, it's kinda like working for a restaurant and being told you're PT so they can get out of paying benefits of any kind. Here, they got out of not only paying me benefits, but paying me a salary or anything. And there were religious groups involved as well, or some groups who are with other countries who were involved.

I have NOTHING good happening here. Everyone East Coast knew this would be the case and yet I had to come back here trapped and I have NOT been fucking PAID for my TIME or for what I am WORTH.

It has not only affected my life and the life of my son, but it has affected my chances of actually making any kind of normal life for myself or being presentable in any way, shape, or form, to society or to be with the one I might be intended to be with. Instead, I was supposed to jump through hoops when I was being lied to.

If anyone EVER fucking really cared about me or my son, where the FUCK are you now? Waiting for my diagnosis of being nuts to displace blame? Of clearing this town from all of their shit?

There were SOME in high positions who wanted something better for me and they tried. But even they could not battle and fight the other intelligence groups who were sticking their fucking noses into MY business and trashing me and putting obstacles in my way for having any kind of future. I was never a "honeypot" but believe me, I was trashed and then other honeypots introduced.

And now I'm supposed to just eat this and here is my own fucking COUNTRY, allowing these other people to treat me like SHIT. Having not even a place to live or work or a safe and private place to live and having zero chances of getting my son back.

I can make a list of those involved:

U.S. military
and then later, Indians and I didn't know they were at odds with Pakistanis
and then, there were the religious groups whose members kept cancelling on all of my appointments so I couldn't get legal help or normal psychoogical appointments:


Some Jews liked me, I think, until it looked like I might usurp the fucking God knows what. I went to the Colombian parties and it was Colombians and Jewish.

Then it got even weirder bc I wondered why the HELL anyone from Australia or some of these other places even cared about me.

Riding lessons. I was supposed to take riding lessons. WHY? Because fucking Kat Middleton is allergic to horses so everyone knew this was part of some plan and then they went AFTER me to prevent it from happening?

Fucking tried to KILL me and now I am wallowing in the fucking DIRT. Because God forbid, I get on my feet at ALL, and look presentable in any way.

I mean, don't tell me it was all for Charlie when he's barely riding anymore with his back. And I would think "beer" would be so much more like another Ex I had, and very Canadian. But no, there were other plans, and I didn't get married so I could keep my mouth shut about having affairs or being a fucking mistress and then I was dumped with nothing and pursued like a banshee to keep me from getting on my feet or getting my son back.

I see these photos where it even appears I'm being mocked by some of the royals while I think others really did care. At least I was and have always been sincere about Diana. That is the god-honest truth.

Kate and William, if they marry, are doomed. They are as doomed as Charles was with Diana. And Kate is not the right personality type for being Queen even if all these forces so want her to be that. Chelsey would even be better, but at least Chelsy has common sense to know it is about your own personal life and goals and what calling God has for you. It's not about winning some fucking golden cup or the "prince" but about whether you are soulmates and it's true love and you are both going in the same direction and want the same things out of life.

I guess marrying Alvaro, that dream I had, was right. I was going to be like the whore I saw in the corner who was sold for $20 a pop. But it for a prince. Couldn't make an honest woman out of me, the way I am, flamboyant and all, and unwilling to go undercover as a married woman who wouldn't say a word to keep her son, but I was going to be another Camilla.

Then I was practically FORCED to marry, I think, just to keep me from being anything honest.

All this stuff about do I like sapphires. Either it was for William or it was for Henry.

Or for me to be discreetly shipped to Canada where I would live with a Canadian in trade and then work other shifts on the side. And the people I have to deal with in THIS town have no fucking clue. They're just glad to have me trashed no matter how it's done.

The things I know about Diana besides. I don't feel everyone I've come across has been her friend. There have been some who were afraid of me.

I would think, if I'm being dumped by the hump and dumpers, who are too embarressed to claim me on their own, that maybe the U.S.,, who knew what was going on, could do a little bit more for my fucking son and I.

But no, they can't even bring themselves to handle an assault or the fact I was medicated without my consent, because me and my son are destined to be fucking SCREWED in this country and no one else has the BALLS to come forward and do something about it.

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