Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Alternate Theory

I sometimes wondered, it crossed my mind, if Chris, who sported the number 13 on his body in tatoos but who thought it was an unlucky number, was involved in the backdrop.

In a good or bad way I don't know. I wondered if possibly in a good way. I thought of him because I noticed these guys worked close to a place he frequented, which one of them also freqeented. He knew people from Colombia in Florida and said his favorite drink was aquaietnte. However it's spelled. Exxon's "boss" was the one hadning me whiskey which was a connection to Chris. Exxon tested it first, looking out for me and asked who it was from. When I heard this one guy over the phone when the masking system failed as he was talking and the rhythm and cadence was Chris', I wondered because he said to at least take the money for the first part.

If Exxon just needed to stay in hte U.S. and Chris was trying to help in a roundabout way, but really had little money, it's possible...But somehow it was a set up because I was fucking getting set up by feds to go to prison. Someone could have been doing bad agaisnt me to uncover the truth of who was messing with me too. It is possible someone wwas investigating my claims and playing different roles to trick others.

Exxon handed me things that seemed to be coming from Chris. When Chris complimented my boots, somehow I felt they were from him, which sounds bizarre, but it's possible. The magazines and different things I got, which made me think of him because he would have known I might guess.

I am not deceived though. Alvaro and those played mind games that no one who really cared about would play. I was kept from getting diagnostics, from painkillers, and the car was not allowed to me when I needed it for trying to fix legal things. He always wanted to know what I was doing and then when I really needed the car to fix situations, he kept it from me. I was literally in hostage and blackmail situations. He did many very creepy things.

I know for a fact that Chris was also doing very odd things and purposefully go tme fired and my things were being stolen when I was with him. So the only saving idea at all, is if someone was totally screwing me over in order to get some group to believe they were working for THEM in order to ascertain the truth. It's the only idea I have which could give pardon.

More than once, he was keeping me from deadlines to get my son back, but then he was pulling this praying for my son thing. He came into Wenatchee, acting like he was going to buy a motorcycle and all this false shit again and he left believing I had absolutely nothing and no way to get anything done for my son. He didn't pay the rent as he said he would, and he didn't pay for other things. He took my things and erased photos and stole things out of my purse. He was passing on personal information about me to others.

Oh believe me, I am not deceived. I feel relieved now and light. I have not shed ONE tear. My housemate said something about "don't try to go after him when you need to stay here for your son." I don't know WHAT she thinks, but that is the last thing from my mind. I've never pursued any man, at any rate, either. I let them come to me. The only time I reached out was in D.C., once, and I didn't go back. It was over.

Anyway, Alvaro tried to force me to kiss him more than once when he knew I didn't want to. He was trying to conquer me, and as he said, "win this game".

I've gone to someone about this whole thing.

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