Tuesday, May 5, 2009

MS 13 and Alvaro Barbosa (Albergo Barbora sim) and Princess Di

When I first met Alvaro, he wanted to marry on Friday the 13th. He was very insistent. He said, "Then everyone will know it's not real." ? He said it was an unlucky day so it was "good".

The sum of the stones in my rings was "13". When I was broken up with him once, someone took me out, found me or showed up, and he talked about MS 13. He had someone working for him who, he said, was "ex MS 13". This was the fish guy who took me to relics, who was brought, at the end of the night, a shot of Petron by someone. He asked who it was from and no one knew. This is where all the wait staff was saying "Ciao" to me at the end of the night.

He seemed okay but he made some promises to help me too, and didn't. It was more like he was connected to Alvaro. He was U.S. military. He sadi it was the most vicious gang. He said he'd gone to jail for drug dealing and that people had tried to claim he was mentally ill and locked him up until his lawyer got him out.

I asked Alvaro if he knew mafia in Colombia and he said yes. But he denied he was a part of it although he was enthused whenever the topic came up. And he said a lot of them worked together unless there were issues and they were protective of their own people.

Chris was into the number 13 but I don't know why exactly. And the number 13 was blocked out on the computers at our workplace because it was bad luck and Chris didn't like 13. Then, Alvaro was always connected to 13 and this other number "40" which was used all the time by people who didn't like me or were connected to the Abbey attorneys. "40", ever since I turned down the Catholic church-Abbey attorney offer of $40,000 to settle my complaints against them, but with a gag order and conditions that I never tell anyone or "annoy" Whittemore or them again.

The mind game stuff about this Prince or Count or whatever is weird. Alvaro Barbosa and Albergo Barbara? I didn't know the name or think of it until it was brought up later, a few days ago, because it's so damn long, the real name. But I do remember Alvaro was talking about the spot in my eye, and he was introduced to me right after I was talked to about the Count guy. So then I'm meeting Alvaro, and he's watching Rocky? which is what the guys I lived with, who assaulted me and had me kicked out, in Hyattsville, were watching, which I commented on. Yeah, the whole nigerian thing and the CIA guards. So Rocky again, which was coincidence I believe, but then he's talking about vampire stuff after I'd talked about it. And he's telling me he wants to suck the blood off of my lip (what do you think about this guy Mommy?).

Then, someone is putting the black boxing glove on the shelf in the bathroom. He's playing the song "I'm Not A Princess" by Taylor Swift, over and over.

Next thing I know, I'm noticing this name similarity, just recently. I looked the Count/Prince guy up again. I saw he worked on "The Bently" projects. Alvaro was always wearing a t-shirt that said, "I worked on the Bently projects and survived." He also had Ferrari insignia t-shirts he wore, which I didn't pay attention to except that then I thought there was some big "lion" theme going on.

So, this Count guy works for Ferrari and for Bently projects.

Yeah, this is the same guy who is introducing me to all the Colombians, who was saying we could marry and live in Colombia, and whose photo IDs have stuff about military but he's supposedly never been. The same guy I was asked about spying on. The same guy is pulling some kind of "Prince or Count" identity deal and I sort of thought about it, but I paid more attention to who this guy was and why he was trying to distract me from getting my son back and moving on to bettter things for my life.

Believe me, if this guy is the "prince" he's a fucker and played mind games with me, knowing it hurt me and my situation with my son. How could he get this close of a name though, and then be putting on this act as if he's this guy? He got a fake ID? It doesn't seem likely unless we know who gave it to him. Did the U.S. give this to him or did he come up with it on his own? At any rate, was the real guy, whoever he is, involved in this, in handing over items to make Alvaro seem to be him?

Not only that, Alvaro was connected to all the weird song stuff playing in D.C. and he seemed to be aware and accepting of it. It wasn't a big deal to him like he knew what was going on.

He also knew more English than he let on because he read my blog and then would respond to it.

In D.C., some people were aware of what was going on. They knew and tried to warn me and in Wenatchee too and I assured those who were for me, that I wasn't delusional and I was fully aware of what was going on. I led him on to think he could screw me over better in a "marriage", the marriage he was eagerly seeking. So I used him to my advantage, and I also cared about him knowing all he'd done and was doing to me. I thought, "Kill him with kindness" and his stomach was upset on a regular basis, believe me. He knew he was an asshole.

At any rate, at one point, in MD, I asked him if he'd been burying any bodies. It kept coming to mind and then I see this weird photo of the concrete slab which was a kind of memorial or something.

When he met me, I was talking about writing a book about Diana. Then he was all about the number "13" and drove me straight to the building for Mines in D.C. He purposefully drove to the "mines" bureau and then he kept trying to prevent me from going there with the car to do any kind of research.

On one occasion, after talking about Princess Diana, he kept pointing out guys on motorcycles. On another occasion, I was talking about Princess Diana and he was going to put on Lady in Red which is when I burst into tears asking him how he knew about her liking this song. He was weird about it. Then he was derisive and I slept at the far end of the bed that night thinking he was a freak and what was his issue with Princess Diana if he claimed to have no interest. He was also strange when I said I knew Diana had visited Colombia right before taking a yahting trip and then going to Paris. Alvaro demanded knowing how I knew this and I said I saw it on YouTube and if I was planning to write a book I had to know the timeline.

I went online and found Colombia was a leading distributor and maker of landmines.

I never made any assumptions about anything and I still don't. But these are facts, and I made note of this.

I asked Alvaro if someone can leave the mafia once they're in. He said no. He said someone would be killed. I said, "Can't someone say, 'hey, I want to leave, but I'll keep my mouth shut and I just want peace?'" Alvaro said no, if someone did, they would be killed off.

I asked him about the photos of the slab of concrete after he left Wenatchee and he said it was just to show his boss he did it "right". It was odd though, there was blue tinted gravel around the already hardened concrete. Alvaro said it was just the top step of the stairs. But I wondered why there was a ring of blue gravel around the top stair.

What I'd written about Alvaro before was true, but then I claimed it wasn't true, and told Alvaro no one would know. I wanted more information and I needed the support of a place to stay and food to eat until my medical problems were resolved. I used the marriage as bait, and stalled for time.

Alvaro could play different personalities. He sometimes seemed very protective like he truly loved me. He was jealous of my wearing the other bracelet and wanted to know where I was going all the time.

His friend Henry...Henry and Alvaro...I sometimes thought they were gay lovers and A just needed the marriage blanc thing. If that had been the situation and I had been treated well, I would have tried to help them probably. Seriously, I have a soft heart. A. would have had to have been bi though, because he had no problem being attracted to me. Every day, more than once. He kept swearing he was straight. He had a lot of girlfriends. Maybe it's okay to be bi or gay in general in Colombia, but not in mafia macho circles. I don't know.

When I was with him however, I was living with him and intimately, and I did have feelings for him and cared for him. I just kept my eyes open and had someone tell me to proceed with care as if I were sleeping with the enemy. More than one individual in D.C./Maryland told me this. I was also honest with him about where I went and what my relationship was with others. I never cheated on him and was faithful to him the whole time. He didn't do the same with me and a few of his friends noticed and felt sorry for me. Not just friends but related by marriage and I still have affection for these individuals. I don't think they knew the extent of our relationship and what was involved but even from the outside, some of them knew I was better to him than he was to me. He never would have stayed with me if he hadn't been for the idea of a green card and maybe setting me up. When he went to Wenatchee, he split as soon as I told him I didn't know that I'd be ready to marry him in 1-2 months and would need a little more time to observe him and see if he could be faithful and his words added up. He took off after that. Not only that, he was cheating again and I knew it and he knew he couldn't keep it up with my knowing. He was acting so weird, winking with those from the state, and pulling out his phone when he brought up the marriage. Just not normal. He kept trying to claim he'd left after or because I threw a sandwich at his "head". I don't know why he kept wanting to repeat this version. It was thrown at his lap and landed on his lap, but he put his arms up to guard his face. It wasn't aimed for his face nor did it land there. It was a lap toss and I left the house and he stormed after me screaming at me.

That was AFTER he had sat there telling me if I didn't marry him in 1-2 months he had to know because he'd have to find another Americana to marry and I could be his girlfriend on the side. I am not fucking kidding. It would be nice, best case shitty scenario, to say he was just a desperate guy trying to get a green card. But he pulled way too many mind games and interfered with my legal stuff too much to be just about the green card. I'm sure his friends and even family didn't even know. Maybe someone was paying him, too, to do this, or promising him kind of huge pay off if he "won the game."

Like I said, John Kaempf was in town too, right after Alvaro flew in. He drove past the lobby of the hotel, where I was when Alvaro said he was going out for a "run" one day. He was driving a beige colored SUV. Not only that, when I saw him he then tried to hide his face.

When I look back at all of this, it's a little strange. The first time I went out with these guys, there was this priest sitting next to our table praying. I wrote about it. It just seems weird. The whole thing.

Oh, what's the other thing he did? I suppose the other thing was that I kept being told, by different people, that there was some big construction company owner who hired only latinos and was rich and could give me a loan. The fish guy, I think, brought him up and so did this guy in a pub, who approached me and said he would give me a loan. Then they said the name of the company and Alvaro started wearing these sweatshirts and t-shirts.

One thing I noticed about Alvaro, is he came back with injuries. His hands were smooth and not rough at all, not as though he'd been in construction long. He came home once, though, with a cut or sliced off skin on his finger. Another time he had come home limping and I said he'd been in a fight.

One woman asked me why stay with him, even when I was newly in Wenatchee and he'd arrived. I told her the benefits had outweighed the risks. Basically, I told her, I'd taken what I needed from him and hadn't allowed him to take from me what his ultimate goal was. I was playing a game but I was playing it smart. And then, I brought up not marrying him in 1-2 months because I was tired of it and it wasn't worth it anymore. It wasn't worth the yeast infection his girlfriend brought over with her. LOL. He comes up with the dirtiest chicks and what's bad, is that each one of them THINKS they are "the one". He gives them these insider looks as if this one woman is his whole world.

I SAW him DO this with at least three different women. Carolina from the Colombian embassy, his married girlfriend at our engagement party, the hairdresser, the Colombian princess, and...hmm, there was one more but I guess that's more than three. These women looked at him as though they really believed it, the non-verbal language, that they were "first" with him. These women are being used, consecutively or all at the same time I don't know. All I know, is that they've got some serious issues if they think he's putting anyone first other than himself.

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