Sunday, May 17, 2009


want to preface all of this by saying these "images" are not psychic clims of any kind. I am just playing with story ideas and things that come to mind today. i just heard this psycho song, "that's what you get (for messing with us)". At any rate some of the ideas are clips from things I epeience and most of it is pure fiction and creative rambling to generate story ideas. what do i think about alvaro? i think or know he was working with the u.s. maybe on the side with certain persons in the u.s. i would think that or mafia , from things I saw and witnessed. i dno't know in what capacity. city of delusion by muse is a really good song. sort of orechestral but almost thrasher

i was want hopscotch, drawing lines
and numbers on the pavement
skipping rope, and 20 years later
someone wants to use a jumprope as a noose
hanging red metallic ball ornaments
on a christmas tree
behind the bars, remembering gold and purple
metallic ropes of beads
doves in origami on the tree
pitching fast
to new york city
the destination for my honeymoon
i was told...was new york city
where a surprise was waiting for me
stripping wallpaper off of the walls
caulking and patching up the holes now
as i run with a crayon
stick figures with one sign for female
one for male, and a peace sign and a stop sign
blood running from the stop sign
where a cut was made in the cloth
forced him to stop
painting from top to bottom with a broad brush
the whitewash to cover the scene
some pretenders extending a hand in peace
or of assistance but with handcuffs in their pockets

dont' feel too inspired. i like the "let's make lots of money" by pet shop boys.

"nice boots"...they were not from exxon.
someone else was buying everything
someone else was deciding
someone else was planning
taking a risk and hoping i wouldn't care so much
about little things but would take what it was that was offered
a little bit to get by but with an alternate ending in case i
spilled too much or changed my mind
i knew but i doubted, $10,000 legally no tax worry
no one needed to know maybe
trying to force me though, and pressuring
the boss & my handler
pulling strings and all my strings behind the whiskey scene
now half of my shit is going into a museum and the rest of it
is being prayed over or made into a voodoo doll or slept with
like a blankie
i want my fucking socks back assholes
trying to frame
pretending to admire a piece of glass in a setting
ruby, staring at the ring and acting
as though it's from tiffany's
sitting in black and white with the girlfriend
as her husband pities and prefers to dance with me
joining me in a toast to weed
as the other family stares in dismay
hypocrisy thick as smoke from a reefer
thick as the line on her wedding sheets
"welcome to the family"?
mmm...welcome to me

blue and red balloons rising
as white ones are pulled down
needles for fingernails
lipstick for bleeds
heels for shit kicking
hair for stripping
the fat girl dances on t.v.
doing the chinese splits and meanwhile
several latinas are turning
like figurines on a music box
locked in their traditions
afraid to be
pride starching negligees
pride wanting to rip me
apart at the seams

hot pink and coral roses with tears like diamonds
all the marias and auras of gold and green
in every house that wanted to make me think they were
doing me...a favor

mr rinaldi may have guessed
why else would he weep
seeing what i could see
in that small born early baby
one i loved, one that saved me
probably my life
and my credibility too

digging with a shovel for the metal box
papers of war, buried with antique jewelry
a diamond theif
she married a diamond theif
thought her money was growing in the backyard
in the orange grove
in the lily of the valley
thought it was good fortune and hard won prosperity
never knew the means
she had married a man of cunning
i really like goodsailors 'good souls", ad thirteen senses "history". i liked the riot song but there is something important about history. like athletes "twenty-four hours" really, really like it. somecool music. and the frays "over my head'. radioheAD's "nude" is good, very atmospheric. like placebos "infra-red" oringal . i like the "come on home" anD I really like embrace "out of nothing"--the piano is beautiful.the lyrics as did your worst to bring me down. actually, just a gorgeous song. like hysteria and trouble by coldplay. heard a lot of good sonGS actually. like athlete again, 'trading air' too many good songs to list. like that english "jyoue" for you. "healf the truth is another good one. like all the english stuff. and the talking inbetween the songs. i like "battleships" by travis. i also like james' "hey ma" . Robbie Williams, "Feel". this song is not even vulgar...i love the line about i can see myself coming before i've arrived...and how that fits inbetween the verses--very powerful.

cadillac ladies with shitzus sipping soup at the table
pouring bad vine into cheap wine glasses
clamboring down the mountain, twine in hand
you on the hill, me in the mill
bouncing down, rapelling from me springing forth
superglue from fingertips to catch the glass
when i am falling away from
cadillac ladies with shitzus, from the hue of burgandy
the sun was beating upon your back today
your t-shit wet from the climb
your shoes in the hillside, my spikes in my prose
holding a heel by the toe to fling forth
like a dart, nailing that bullseye
against odds, once and always again, against the odds
nailing the paper to the tree
over the initials
like martin luther queen
crumpling up all the sordid messages and emails and letters
i found in the insides of your jacket
the hairs i discovered trailing from coattails
running one hand along the rail
one shoe off, and lost to a tree, cinderella
screaming her epithets to a tall and well dressed man
who guards his face with his hands
as if looks could kill
as if words could wound
as if he cared whatever scars she made from the
knife she found stuck to her back
down the hill with the flag from the pinnacle of the moon
spreading seed and lies in a thin line
for me to try first time, pressing one finger to my nose
"like this?" is this how it goes? to inhale the
remnants of sunflowers torn from their roots
grist for the will.

stars on fairy wands, wrapped in tinfoil
christening me, tapping lightly
and streaming across the keyboard
splintering cherry wood when the star
hardens unexpectedly, knocking the legs off of the stool
tied up from tying string around fingers
and handing over bluebells and forget-me-nots
memory of angel dust on your contact
when it fell onto the plate, it was how you forgot me
losing everything when the wings
were torn from the neighboring dove for me to
try on to size. her nails grow longer as i cut mine
to the quick. hurling dishes and glasses
from the french pane doors and cabinets
sattelites of saucers, discus of dinner plates
small yellow flowers around the room
small with green and gold on white
unbecoming behavior but goodwill still apparent
with no show of silverware

some say the goat is a cute and flippant thing
so nice for the garden outside the fence
eating everything, keeping the place trim
blackberries for the pie, and scratches on forearm
goat in the corner eating what the bears left behind
purple black cat in the corner
smelling the milk, knowing there is milk which
cannot be seen
meowing for her dinner, while we are eating blackberries
even some green, before it is time to go inside
goat looking friendly but kicking at the cat

whatever my destiny should be
spell it out for me
before the light is gone from day
before i to my bed away
knife cutting canvass, knuckles bleeding
cameras clipping snapshots snipping
cut outs for the carpet
pulling the string for the chainsaw
goggles tight while sparks are flitting out
like fireflies
white lightening crashes
split the rock into two and water
rushing from a new well
small cherries falling from the sky
manzanas like mana
grumbling over so many manzanas for my
sustenance, so many mariachi bands playing
before the curtain down
taking hold of a steel pipe to upright
lace between the wood
she should've known better than to treat me
like she should

bananas and raisins
today he ate bananas and raisins
he is like a small pet from the pet store
a little rat wheezing, "many women want to marry me"
forgetting how he's playing
"i'm not a princess" and "womanizer"
the latest cd of "love songs" from the last
sordid fling

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