Saturday, May 16, 2009

More Lucky Guesses (psychic?)

this is a copy of a correspondence I edited for privacy and content reasons. But I kept the part about how I asked if he studied astronomy. there was nothing, no clue whatsoever that he DID study ANY science like that. His profile just said he went to Harvard for an MBA and that was it. But "astronomy" popped into my mind unexplained, and I decided to brave it and just write it down. And he wrote back, surprised, that he HAD studied astronomy. Maybe I should call Duke? Or Duke should call me?...

Subject: No Subject
Message: Hi....

J. B Rhine started, at Duke, research into extrasensory perceptions (ESP) and parapsychology. After his death in 1965.... work continued at the Rhine Research Center.... where the work is still ongoing.

When I was at Duke.... Rhine was trying to define the types of ESP and the characteristics of people who possessed those abilities and experiences.

Rhine published a book on ESP..... titled The Reach Of The Mind (I think).... which I read back in my Duke days. It's fascinating stuff.

I was a pre-med student.... which I finished in three years and decided not to become a doctor.... then switched to all business courses in my last undergrad year. After Duke I got an MBA from Harvard Buisness School.

It's strange that you would ask about astronomy. In the military service I became fascinated by that.... taught myself navigation.... and then became the ship's navigator.... using the sextant and astrological tables developed by Nathaniel Bowditch, an American mathematician, who developed and corrected the underlying calculations and tables that are used in present day celestial navigation.

Best wishes ....


-------------------- Previous message sent Fri May 15, 2009 --------------------

I just had someone tell me Duke was doing a lot of work with psychics and experiments involving psychics. Sounded interesting.

What did you study? astronomy?

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