Monday, June 1, 2009

Michelle Erickson Didn't Schedule Visitation

Michelle E. with CPS didn't have visitation scheduled with my son today. LOL. She thought i wasn't going to show up and was she PISSED I did. Just disgruntled and annoyed. She didn't have a room set up even though it's ordered I visit from 9:30-11:30 on Mondays. No guard was there and all the rooms were full.

The guard showed up about a half hour later, and I heard him asking why she'd called him afterall. Ummm...because Michelle was counting and praying and believing in a "no-show".

She was rude as usual, and snide and smirking when I asked the guard, on my way out, why he hadn't been there that morning. That woman is just a piece of work. I think she might be losing weight though. She's wearing black all the time, so that could be creating an illusion. Not sure.

If she dealt with her issues she could be a very pretty girl.

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