Monday, June 1, 2009

My Response to Comment About Mykal Holt (& Her Missionary Position)

hi, I have no idea. I think this woman wasn't "for" me from the very beginning. i can fill you in on that.

she didn't even make specific statements as to why she was filing for this. there are no details.

this is true, and i should say, MOST of my blog is the god-honest truth because I use this as my journal now and keep an accurate record most of the time.

every now and then, i'll throw something out that's NOT true, to mislead someone or see how they react because i know they're reading my blog. i may play along with a situation for awhile and write about what's going on but try to disguise it or back out on what i wrote, because i either want more info and want the one party to think i really believe they are not so bad afterall, or...

like my ex, Alvaro. i went back and forth about whether what i wrote about him was true or not bc i was trying to get more info while writing the truth but then covering it to make him or someone else think it wasn't true.

this woman, mykal, went after my ex from the day we moved in, and i have written before, it was clear that they knew eachother. how, I have no idea. but they knew eachother when we moved in, and then she pursued him and flirted with him. next thing i know, they're having a full-on affair in the house when they think i'm training at minn's. i caught them one night and he didn't even try to deny it. i told him i'd help him pack his bags. then he took photos off of my phone put one of me sleeping on it, and took off. Mykal didn't even stay in the house after that. i wonder why...
she didn't stay the night, ever, after he left. then she kept insisting she had a bf. if she did, he is probably as screwed up as she is.

so the next door neighbors are supposedly enemies with one another but i have no idea anymore. Mykal was always saying she would shoot their brains out if they stepped onto her property, and said the drug taskforce was 'watching' them. then, i go to that house, and they told me she's totally screwed up and had done an illegal lock-out with them and they've had nothing but problems with her. they warned me about her the first week i moved in. so then, next thing i know, she locks me out and i'm staying on the next-door neighbors couch.

i should add, too, lol, that i had written about how when i was on the east coast with Alvaro, i woke up and the guys had left the movie playing so the dvd kept repeating this one theme song. from "milk". no big deal right? i think not. but then the night after Alvaro left, Mykal is offering me a sleeping pill (which i didn't take) and then in the next day or two she decided to stay the night there with the 'bf' and I wake up bc the dvd player was really loud and i go out there and it's playing and replaying this "alien" theme. which is also not that big of a deal unless you think about how the colombians were wanting me to wear the colonge "alien" when they first met me and kept putting weird references out about it.

these people are fucked up. that's all i know, but i think they want it to look like i'm the one who's nuts or fucked up and then just be there to be the ones to screw me over.

the other thing i wrote about which happened, was that when i was in a visit with my son, my son kept pointing to my shirt and saying i had orange star-flowers on my shirt. i went home and Mykal presented me with an "orange star flower" plant, she said, for "mother's DAY" and it was days before mothers day. maybe a total coincidence.

her fucking my fiance is not a coincidence and when i gave her an opportunity to defend herself, she tried to elaborate on an excuse and dug herself into a bigger hole. i know he's from colombia and i believed he also worked for the u.s. i know she goes to brazil as a "missionary". some missionary. she's not even doing the missionary position in bed. she told me when i was first there, that she was more of a "european christian" whatever that means, and she kept wanting to insist she was jewish too. whatehvaaah.

as for him, he said he was catholic but the guy had a very strong aversion to pork.


I have no idea except i know some of these people are trying to keep their own covers or just plain old screw me over. they kept leaving 4 apples behind, in my car, and in the house. always 4 or 40 something or other.

she filed her "protection order" after she locked me out, the night before i had to go to a hearing, when this OTHER guy shows up and is trying to get all over me.

i think a few people thought they could pull several moves all at once, and screw me over and get me to be homeless or have a nervous breakdown. it might have worked, if i didn't already know what this shit looks like. no one caught me by surprise. i was following some of the signs all along and had my eyes open. they just didn't realize i'm even a little bit fucking smarter than they think. they give me dues and credit for intelligence, yes, but they just have no fucking clue. screw me, fine, but don't think you're coming up with some fucking clever plan. l

these people have to work in tandem bc they don't know how to do anything on their own.

they're idiots.

I don't know...she's also with the Methodist church, she says, and acts as their missionary, and it's this group and the Catholic church in town that own and run the only hospital in town, which is liable for causing bodily harm and damages to me and my son in childbirth and then covering it up.

The other thing that's weird is all the stuff about cobwebs and spiders and people trying to freak me out with this. My roommates were making a big deal about "DEAD, POISONOUS spiders" on my hope chest, of two different poisonous varieties. I mean, what the hell? and I keep getting people making comments about spiderwebs and the "web of life" and "life is short" has been repeated more than once too.

As for "why" there is an order, there's no cause. I never did anything to require one and SHE was never even THERE at the house. There's absolutely no cause. I was the one who got the hell out because she was going through my things, and the roommates were making weird comments and then my clothing was being stolen, along with some photos.

And she repeated her history of doing lock-outs, which is illegal and improper, and I can't have my stuff disappearing and be jerked around by assholes who don't know how to take a blow and lose.

Poor losers. "Losers" as a double entendre.

As for how I "found" the place, she posted craigslist ads right around the time I had blogged about my fiance coming into town. She played all the right things up--how she speaks spanish and goes to Brazil, and lives in a historic area, etc...and it was the right price. It was the only place with the right price, basically, and she and my fiance were familiar with one another when we showed up and I noticed right away.


Anonymous said...

How did she find you at your new place in order to have the police serve you?

Mama said...

I was sitting outside at a cafe where a lot of people in Wenatchee know I go for wi-fi. There aren't a lot of wi-fi places in this town. So I was sitting at a table, and both of my former roommates sauntered by and talked to me. Then, they just stood around for about 20 minutes and an officer, Sgt. Johnson, arrived, and served me, pretending not to know who I was. I'm sorry, but the guy was standing right there and walked right up to me but then to the other guys. I think this town wants to make it look like none of the officers know who I am, after their own guys said to me, "You're known by police from Oregon to Washington." I was profiled all the time and pulled over and car searched.

There's not even a record of how many times I was pulled over and searched and harassed by police here, because they would say, after doing this, they were "letting (me) off", which sounds great in theory, but when you're constantly being profiled, it keeps the record out of the system of just how many times you're being stopped and for what alleged reason.

So, these same roommates who went along and claimed they were "afraid" of me, APPROACHED ME, and talked to me like nothing was wrong, and then stood by to watch me being served and watched my expression. Then one of them gives this other officer who is sitting down already, a hug, and stares at me, and says something about "thanks grandpa" or something. There was one officer sitting there already who was related to these women and then another came along to serve me.

These women who approached me and talked to me, were "so afraid" of me...and yet Mykal lied in her report and said I had harassed them and asked them about sexual abuse and I don't even know what she's talking about. I wasn't even aware either one of them had BEEN abused, ever.