Monday, June 8, 2009

Candle In The Wind

I tried to ask Judge Bridges for a continuance and he refused. I told him I had moved to Seattle and needed more time and asked if I could appear by telephone and he said no.

The problem is, that I had to work in Seattle Monday evening. I was supposed to be in training for a new job.

I explained everything to the judge and clerk and still they refused.

Mykal Holt owns the house she illegally locks people out of, and I guess she's done it before. This is no inconvenience to HER, as she stays where she's at. She also works in the same town she lives in.

On the other hand, after a series of thefts and threats, I didn't feel comfortable going back to that house and just wanted to get my things out. I had moved to Seattle.

So in this time of only a week or less, Mykal Holt did everything in her power to make MY life a living hell, and lied on a protection order claiming a bunch of crazy things which are very similiar to what the Hyattsville people claimed, falsely, just to get me out of the house.

What sort of concerns me...???

Is the fact that guards for the CIA lived there, and then these Nigerian politicians who maybe worked there on behalf of the U.S., and then here's Mykal Holt, acting as a "missionary" in Brazil.

Whatever. I'd like to know why they seem to have the same delusions, with one Nigerian woman claiming I said "heads will roll" while cutting a piece of chicken (with a butter knife, mind you, and no one who knows me would ever believe I would say such a thing) and then there's Mykal Holt, claiming the exact same thing. Well, claiming a "knife" was involved, which is a flat-out lie but something she probably drummed up to try to "match" the lies of someone else.

I had brought up seeing a "knife" when talking to her housemates, who were formerly in a GANG. That is the only comment or conversation I ever had about knives.

I've never threatened anyone with violence in my life, nor would I want to, and I have never been "psychotic" or delusional where I've done something like this and not "remembered" it.

The facts are as follows:

Mykal Holt is not a fucking "missionary". The woman is a slut who went after my fiance from the second or third day, and who KNEW him before we even moved in. And how did they know eachother unless they both work for the U.S. or some other group in some other capacity?

It would seem to me that if they wanted to keep THEIR cover, after fucking around and thinking I wouldn't notice, they would be more than willing to lie about things.

The puzzle is why anyone would hire them for government work of any kind. Is the U.S. so hard up that they hire people like Alvaro and Mykal? or do Alvaro and Mykal work for another group, as Mykal was so insistent on being "more of a European christian". So what the hell does that mean?

All I know, is that I've got people totally lying about me, who claim to be wanting to "help", who are either tied in with government, or state.

For some reason too, they're claiming to be christian and catholic but then also Jewish or follow Jewish dietary laws.

So why the hell are they wanting to screw me over? Tell me what my eNORMOUS, and unpardonable offense has been.

Today this guy took me over to Wenatchee and I think he wants me to believe HE'S not involved with this whole group in any way. When there is some evidence to suggest he may BE involved with this group.

I saw mixed reactions when I was with him. Some people thought it was absolutely fucking hilarious that I was hanging out with him and a lot of them were wearing red and yellow. Or just plain red. The first day I met him he was wearing a brand new Ferrari shirt that still had creases in it it was so new. Right off the shelf. I noticed because I had just written an "image" about seeing red and yellow. Both of these colors. Others, were just driving by in spite and glaring or laughing, but it was odd. WHY do these people even care?! If they're pissed that I named one of their friends or someone who was stalking me, why get pissed at me about it? I don't have anything to do with it. But here's another license # 277 UMK, volvo stationwagon with woman with dark hair.

One thing I can say, is that as soon as a man is involved with me, some of the weird shit comes to an immediate halt. I don't want to get into the details about how some of the weird shit stopped, but some of it did, and it's not my imagination, unless someone is out of town, or got "orders" to quit.

But there is other weird stuff going on. Still, some games.

I haven't slept with or even kissed the latest guy I've been hanging out with. But he seems to be in on who I am and whether he's for me or not I couldn't really say.

My "boss" who paid me $40 told me not to come back to work today. He made up some excuse about how I didn't show up on Saturday. It was b.s. HE told me I wasn't working on Saturday and that IF I WANTED to show up and see how busy it was and have a couple of drinks, I could. He made it optional and then he turned around and said, "Calling to let me know COULD HAVE SAVED YOU."

Interesting, because I've told anyone and everyone, about Alvaro, that "BEING HONEST COULD HAVE SAVED HIM." I have used that expression over and over and then I have Mr. $40 One Day Boss at the Waterwheel, with all these fucking waterwheels all over the place, telling me I lost my job because "calling" in could have "saved" me. Saved me from what?!!! I was supposed to, as part of my job description, go to the Waterwheel unpaid, get drunk, and THEN find out I didn't have a job. If you like someone, and you intend to keep them, you don't fire them over not showing up to an optional beer and gab fest.

I was referred by someone who showed up at the cafe when I was blogging about being in the cafe.

I found out about this after leaving to get back in time for work.

Then, I've got my new friend helping me with a lawyer, he says, and a psychologist, but what am I supposed to think? he also thinks the state doesn't have issues with me or that Wenatchee people don't, and I'm seeing these random people driving by us all the time--some friendly and smiling like they're supportive, and others, just mocking and enjoying the hilarity of...??? what? this new friend...I just don't know. Then he shows up first day and we're driving in a red car and he's wearing a red and yellow cat and everything was red and yellow theme. But it wasn't a Ferrari, it was a Porche. A Porsche he didn't know how to drive, and when his cell went off (maybe it wasn't even his cell), he was looking around inside the car for what was making the noise. I mean, flipping switches and looking at the dash and then other parts. He didn't know what the HELL was causing the noise.

I don't know who my friends are and who my enemies are.

I don't know who wants to get so close just to try to screw me over and make a game of it at the same time. I just need some normal good guys who are going to help me without all this weirdness. He wanted to know when the last day before my rights were terminated was. I didn't tell him.

Why do all these people want to know when it's the "very end"? I've bluffed about deadlines before and WATCHED people trying to do everything in their power to foul things up for me legally or distract me purposefully or pull out of some promise, just as they think it's the end of the line. My new friend was telling me today, how he could get me a $40 phone plan.


New friend asked me why I wasn't wearing the cross he gave me. I told him it was in my back pocket. I don't feel comfortable wearing it around my neck. I don't know who it belonged to before me, but it's not new, and I don't get a good vibe. He said, "It's from Tiffany's."

Who the hell cares if a piece of jewelry is from Tiffany's if there is something strange about it?! Whatever woman wore this cross before me, had a serious heaviness and something-is-not-right vibe about her.

It's not that I would never wear a cross. It's that there is something about THIS cross.

Someday, I may find out.

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