Sunday, August 9, 2009

Eye 4 An Eye: "No Good Deed Goes Unpunished"

Before getting into further details, I had a dream last night which was interesting. I don't remember any part of it except that I was talking to a Seattle housemate, who had (has) a feather of a peacock on her nightstand and she was saying a lot of people were losing an eye, and then said, right before I woke up: "No good deed goes unpunished."

I woke and it reminded me how I've met a few men in the last few days who have approached me or sat next to me, who had one eye bloodied and bandaged and were hospitalized for it. Predominantly hispanic, N.American, or latino.

Then I was telling this guy about my dream this morning and he said, "An eye for an eye" and later I asked to see his tatoo and it was an eye. A single eyeball tatooed for the death of a friend that was in a gang a long time ago.

One man came over and sat next to me in blue and white, with another guy in similiar colors, and the one guy's eye was completely banged up and he'd just been let out of the hospital in Tacoma. The other guy took me to dinner at a Brazilian Grill in Seattle and was wearing glasses and I later noticed his eye was banged up, and almost swollen shut and bandaged. He said it was from 3 years ago when he worked with the Mexican federal police or special forces but it didn't make sense. It looked new.

Someone recently said to me, the Jewish guy Boris, "No good deed goes unpunished" when I said I'd had a lot of problems and didn't know what the horrible thing I'd done was. Which sort of makes my punishment pointless, if I don't even know what it's for.

My dream was a combination of meeting these men with beat up eyes (always just one) and my poem about "Punishing the Peacock" and the saying by Boris, "No Good Deed Goes Unpunished." It was an interesting dream.

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