Sunday, August 9, 2009

Other Odd Things In Last Few Days

One thing the guy on the boat did, who told me I was threatening national security, was that before he retired for the night, he began brushing over my forehead and eyebrows, in the exact same way I have done with only two people in my life: my son, to soothe him to sleep, and Chris Dabney, when he was jolting out of his sleep with PTSD-like symptoms. I don't see a lot of people doing this, but it was clear this man knew who I was even though I didn't know who he was, and it was a strange coincidence, that he decided to do this to me, which I did in a very particular way. It was like he'd eithr seen a videotape of me doing this or had been told how I do this. It was a little odd because it was done in the exact same manner I used to do. It was stranger just because he knew who I was and I didn't know him. His other friend, the N.A. guy, wanted to have the same traditional breakfast that my ex-fiance had made over and over for me. Eggs with sausage cut up in it and toast on the side. I hated it. I told Christa my Dad used to cut up hot dogs in spaghetti and I thought it was gross to have any kind of hot dog added to an entre. Alvaro made this for breakfast almost every morning.

I've been approached by a lot of guys with English or Australian accents as well. Some talk about Princess Diana.

One guy came to me and said he was Russian but he had a distinctly English accent and wore red, white, and black and had a small black cross earring in one ear. He asked me a lot of questions and said he was a linguist. He looked like he was about 22 years old. He said he was communist but I don't think he was.

I received a text a couple days ago, before I was supposed to take a bus back to Wenatchee, from a co-worker in D.C., that said he hoped my day was "full of God's blessings" but it had an odd insincerity to it. I asked who it was, and I received it sometime after 6 p.m. EST and it was texted "Chuck" and then when I said, "from the post pub?" he wrote back, "The same, and the one who protected and provided for you, but since you don't know, I think it speaks a bit about your character."

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