Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Land Mines

The more I look into it, the more convinced I am that Diana was murdered. Any kind of assassination would naturally be made to look like an accident and set up carefully. Even a chase by paparrazi, with most of the paps unknowingly, could be used as a foil for getting too close to the car and causing the collision.

I would look to two things: religion and politics. Religion in the sense she was involving herself with Muslims and another religion may have used this to even possibly justify doing away with her for other secular and political reasons--i.e., landmines.

Or, it could have absolutely nothing to do with any religion. I am only guessing.

I think it's best to go with what her hunches were. If she was concerned, she probably had a reason to be.

I have never heard an expose on the land mines and what was going on with the defence industry and the government. But I would think, and say, to all of the so-called friends she had who simply wrote personal information about her, and claimed to want to "remember her", that their energies could have been spent learning about land mines. On one hand, it shows support for a charity and cause she cared deeply about, and on the other hand, they could have tried to learn whatever it was she was learning prior to her death. Perhaps many people did this, and most of the information has simply been covered up and Diana was an unlikely and unfortunate witness who became privy to documents and information she was not intended to have.

I think she knew something, and that she was never paranoid. She was picking up on something.

And I think, someone should pick up where she left off.

What made her more of a threat was her ability to bring international attention to the matter, however, and I'm not sure who else would be in a position to be heard. The irony is that where Diana would have used her fame to bring attention to a cause, so far, her fame, largely out of her control since her death, has been used to overshadow this cause.

Now that I think about it, though, if she really was this much of a threat, perhaps Burrell wasn't just trying to capitalize on her death. I didn't like the tone of the book I skimmed, about her, by him, as it seemed to be too self-aggrandizing and made such frequent mention of his being her rock. But perhaps he was adding this only to prove she did trust him, and that therefor, we should trust him as well. Not sure. One would have to read everything first, leaving no stone unturned, basically.

People can be self-interested and yet still have important information, and hold it accurately.

Too many things don't add up properly in her case. There is too much going on, and a lot of the evidence came up missing, or was edited from books by other individuals, and people discredited, I think. It's so much easier to think it's an accident, but truth is stranger than fiction. This is why I started wondering about this. I know what's been done to me and it's incredible. It's too incredible for most people to believe, and yet I know my judgement is sound and what has happened is real. I really have faith in Diana's judgement, for this reason. She became an activist and a visible threat and target, and she knew it. That anyone could claim she was paranoid is a little odd, when she had good reason to believe she was followed, monitored, etc, and evidence came forth later to prove this was true. Therefore, anyone claiming she was just delusional and paranoid, comes under suspicion for me.

Blame this on reading. Some of us, we read one thing, which leads to another, and then another, and another, and you just want to keep following the line and figure things out. It's an elaborate puzzle, but you really have to be a reader and a critical thinker to get to the bottom of things.

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