Monday, September 1, 2008

Pot Induced Poem Or...?

If the sandstone shifted, pink to black,
If the water floods and forgives my liquor sins
If the white dove bends before bleeding
and the cuts favor another life...

Would you take me as I am
without the change you dream of finding me in
without any hope of bluer skies and calm seas
if you had no other hour but this one
where i am walking past you with
another in a white dress
if you can see me through the window and know
i knew you would be there
could you forgive me and take me back
before the leaves fall, before i fall over the precipice
to my own demise
would you love me with all of you
knowing i die tomorrow
and that i will be your only chance
would you take that chance
will you kiss both the black moods and black eyes
the never-will-be
There is an anchor buried deep
One hand fastens it to the floor of the sea
You will never break it but
could you lift it above the water
overhead, and high and not be afraid it might fall

Do you have the strength to carry the albatross
denying benefits of glass
kiss my liquored lips
my sunken eyes
have gone to the deep already and my head depressed
against the sand.

If you favor changing stones, which
brighten when wet, how will you favor me without
sunlight or rain, inside your walls, in the palm of your
hand, if you take me will you uncoil your fingers enough
to allow the air before skipping me across the sea
thin and fast.

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