Thursday, September 4, 2008

What I Did Today

I am not into country, but I've been listening to a little bit of folk influenced stuff in the last couple days. I'm listening to Lyle Lovett's "If I Had A Boat". Such a good song. I used to listen to this at a house where I was a nanny. I think the title of the CD is "Joshua Judges Ruth". I thought about it because of the title of my last poem, "Ruth". This video for the song is exactly what the lone musician spirit embodies. It's just the instrument, the voice, and the imagination in the kitchen. A lot of pacing and a little bit of coffee! At least that's how I am, or was, when I used to practice all the time. Walking, or dancing with the guitar, from livingroom to kitchen, and looking out the window. It's very simple. It's not glamorous. It's just the music and the moment. I love those improv moments when you wish you were recording and can't get it back the way it was the first time.

I am definitely winding up to start singing again. I need a house of musicians though. And I've been thinking about writing lyrics again too and some music.

I was thinking about this, and how it would look to CPS. I really don't think they can discriminate against artists and musicians though. It's not a 2 parent picket fence home, but as long as I find people who are okay with it and they're safe and good people, it doesn't really matter if I'm living alone, or married, or in a fucking commune. A commune of sorts could be fun.

I have totally failed in my mission to write TTSOML posts. But I worked in a lot of music and singing today, which is good for the soul. And I called for a lawyer, to get the ball rolling on an appeal. AND I tried to call my son, of course, a million times like I do everyday. AND I tried to figure out new living arrangements, which I'm still working on and have some people working on with me. I ALSO called the other woman whom I had a better feeling about, from the Washington D.C. CPS.

Wenatchee CPS was saying it would take several months if I were to have a psych eval in the D.C. area. D.C. said this isn't true and that it only takes as long as the people take. Wenatchee CPS was just trying to get their way again, and lying to do it. But, according to D.C. CPS, Wenatchee has to initiate the process. They can call and make arrangements and help the ball to get rolling, but they are stuck with waiting on Wenatchee. However, D.C. can monitor them in the sense that they know what's up and the process.

The first supervisor who was going to "help" wasn't willing to even call Wenatchee. I just didn't have a good feeling about it. I somehow knew it wouldn't go anywhere with her, really. So I just decided to wait since the other one didn't offer help anyway. The other one might be okay, I thought, and she IS. She's wonderful! I love her already and she's a veteran with CPS and is about to retire but wants to help me. She got all my info and is going to get in touch with Wenatchee. Her name is Hester.

Thank you Hester! thank God for the Hesters of this world. I didn't even ask her to do anything, she knew what to do. She's been wiht CPS for years and years I guess.

So, I was proactive today. On behalf of my son. It is in his best interest that I get a lawyer to appeal what Wenatchee's done, and for me to get my eval out of the way ASAP, with someone on this side, who is more objective. My son needs to be with me immediately, and Wenatchee CPS knows if I have a psych eval right away, it optimizes my chances. It is unfair to my son to have them delay.

I know they reeeeaaaaally wanted THEIR Wenatchee guy to do the eval. For obvious reasons. They didn't even like the approach of a non-Wenatchee psych in Washington. They wanted this pysch to see a whole bunch of crap about me first and the psych told them she didn't operate like that. She told them she would accept stuff from them after she evaluated me objectively. Wenatchee didn't like this. I just decided not to go with it because of a conflict of interest I discovered. Otherwise, I would have, if it had been objective.

So, it goes without saying, Wenatchee CPS sucks.

I think I may be able to go dancing tonight but I don't know for sure. I am going out but I don't know if we're going dancing or not.

I think I need a bright red lipstick. I may have to find buy one tonight.

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