Thursday, September 4, 2008

My Son Is NOT Happy

In the last week, I've been able to talk to my son only twice. It's not because I haven't made an effort. I call every single day, throughout the day, and the phone is always busy, or no one picks up (they have caller ID), or someone is on the computer. I've asked them to call me at my number when it's a good time and then I'll call right back, and they refuse.

My aunt has hung up on my son's conversation with me, even when he has clearly WANTED to be talking to me. And the last few times I've been on the phone with my son, my aunt picks a fight, a verbal argument, out of the blue, trying to correct me about one thing or another, in front of my son. I am always the one telling her I want to talk to HIM not her and that I don't need these interjections. My roommates and other friends have overheard these things. My aunt's own husband has witnessed his wife disconnect my son from talking to me when he clearly WANTED to talk to me.

Tonight, they refused to pick up the phone until late in the evening, and my son was apparently lying down in bed. He'd already had a nap and it wasn't bedtime. He was just lying down. This is not normal behavior for my son. |HE's clearly depressed, and NEVER just lied around when he wasn't tired. But all I get are excuses. Whenever they pick up a call from me, AT LAST, they take my son away from something he's doing or in the middle of, which he's enjoying. He's either right in the middle of a movie, or playing outside or something. So they only bring him in, confined to the kitchen and interrupting his play, when I call. And then my aunt just gets on the phone and HARPS. And she IS a harper.

I do not even know why my aunt's family is intact. My aunt is a mess, and has wild mood swings, and even said to me the other day, "I've already raised MY FAMILY" after telling me she's thrown my son into daycare. Yet she harbors jealousies and disconnects my son from the phone without reason. If you ask me, that's screwed up. She has some major issues, and HERS may well be horomonal, because the entire fucking family knows she has the lowest sex drive of any of the Bairds, and no one else is lacking in that department. She never wants to have sex, which is probably wonderful for her husband. Maybe she never wants to have sex because she's wasting all her fucking energies raising her hands in church and pacing back and forth in prayer, ALL THE TIME, or maybe it's because she's an OCD cleaner, and everyone in my entire family knows this is true. There is something wrong when your aunt goes to any relatives house and the first thing she does is CLEAN. She can't keep her hands to herself. She has to be cleaning all the time. If she spent less time cleaning and churching, and went to therapy, maybe she could get some balance in her life and get her sex drive on track, which just may help in reducing her stress levels in how she handles my son.

She told me tonight my son "likes" daycare and that when he got home he was screaming for the door, yelling, "Kids, kids!" Sorry, but that is NOT reassuring to me. My son wouldn't do that unless he's miserable at home with my aunt, who puts cleaning before him, and unless he's traumatized. My son had a normal balanced life before, and had plenty of playdates with children and never ran away from ME, to the door, to scream for "kids!". If he's spending all fucking day with "kids", he's not going to be clamoring for them later unless something isn't right.

He needs his fucking mother.

And not only my aunt's family has a problem with this, Wenatchee people do. I need a GOOD LAWYER and I hope my son and I FIND ONE who will appeal this TOTAL BULLSHIT.

My aunt tried to cut off my phone visit today, saying he didn't want to talk. That hasn't been the case, but how she's behaved lately may have affected his desire to speak over the phone, if she's getting into it with his mother every time, and cutting him off from his mom (which then probably results in an unhappy argument between my aunt and her husband which my son overhears, to his trauma), and taking him away form things at inopportune times.

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