Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Strong Vibe

I feel pretty good this morning. Good energy.

I'll have to comment on the newest comment I've received, which I appreciated.

I think I have a couple I forgot to respond to, regarding sectoral heterochromia too.

Listened to "Dustland Fairytale" over and over last night and first song this morning.

I don't wish for anything but the best for my son, but some people need to be broken out of their cages, and the cages they have created, and start thinking about what is best for my son. If it's reasonable he needs an MRI, they should not be standing in the way, and they are. They know that something will be found on MRI and they don't want this evidence, even though it might help a little boy.

I'm getting organic whole milk for my son today.

Have to go, for his visit. Will write afterwards.

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