Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Eye of the Tiger

This song totally cracks me up, because I think about how much I loved it when I was a little girl, requesting it over and over. All about "the street" and doing "time" and survival and here I was, living in a country house across the street from a cornfield with cows munching on leftover harvest and a wheat field in the back and gardens to the left and right. I'd never seen a Rocky or Stallone movie before. We didn't even own a t.v. (for philosophical reasons)!

So I moved in with the Colombians and lol, guess what was on TV all day and night the whole time???


I've never seen a Rocky movie all the way through, but it was a huge Rocky thing, and at the last place I lived, with the Nigerian bushwhackers, or whatever they want to call themselves, guess what boxed video set they had on top of their t.v.? ROCKY.

I was tired and just sort of taking a nap but he asked if I wanted it off when he went out and I said no, mabye I'd pick up some Rocky stuff subliminally. So I heard bits and pieces of Sylvester Stallone, from the one where she's pregnant and he says he's going back to fighting and she says no, he can't see and she's going to work at the pet store and he says what if she gets some kind of weird pet disease. I guess this was from the second one?

So then I somehow fell asleep and the next thing I heard from Rocky was he's fighting and his eye is all bloody and I guess it was the first one where he lost, and he's calling out for Adrian or whoever she is and she's trying to get to him and he tells her he loves her and she says she loves him and the movie ends.

That's the only part I learned this time. I should have watched them all, and I want to someday, but I was too tired and had migraine and just slept.

I guess it's not a really big deal, Rocky, in general, in Colombia--it's a little more the Stallone thing, sort of Rambo more than Rocky I think.

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