I believe I've made this list before or posted the link, but for those who stumble across my blog who need a lawyer or a resource for finding lawyers who will take CPS cases and fight them, who are not lousy public defenders (who work with the state as they get their salary FROM the state), see this list. If anyone has any other names to add, please make a post for the benefit of others. Thanks!
The direct link is:
Lawyers who take CPS defense cases
I’m getting a lot of requests for referrals to lawyers who take CPS cases. If you know of any lawyers who do CPS defense, please tell us about them here. If you are a lawyer, please sign in by using the comment link below this post.
Please give us contact information… website links are very welcome. We need to know what state CPS defense attorneys are in, so at least tell us that much.
I’d like to make this page a permanent resource for people looking for lawyers who do CPS defense. Your referrals can help.
To those who don’t have competent attorneys, who can’t find a referral here, I have a suggestion: Go to your county courthouse or to federal court (if you intend to file a lawsuit there) and look through the cases, which should be listed in some kind of computer program. You can ask the county clerk for help locating cases. Look for cases that have the Department of Social Services (or whatever they call it there) as a defendant. Then find out who the attorneys for the CPS victims are. In this way you’ll probably find lawyers who are willing to take on CPS cases.
If there’s nobody available in your county, try nearby counties. Sometimes getting an attorney from another county is the best thing you can do - they are less tied into local politics and not worried about staying friends with local CPS workers and judges.
P.S. - This is NOT the post to make attorney requests on. This post should have comments with attorney referrals only. If you need an attorney, please do not tell us about it in the comments to this post as I will have to delete those comments. This post should create a page with lots of attorney names for referrals only.
lawyers cps law defense lawyers attorneys
Filed under: CPS — Linda @ 2:50 pm
W. Andrew Fox
The Taylor Law Firm
Knoxville, TN.
Comment by Ruth — August 10, 2007 @ 9:26 pm
Robert Powell
San Jose , CA
————————————————Margaret Cobenhagen
San Mateo,Ca
——————————————–Bonni Miller
San Mateo, Ca
Comment by Sam — August 10, 2007 @ 11:29 pm
Linda, just a comment to second what you wrote here.
Look up your state’s name for its CPS agency.
Who has won ( prevailed ) in litigating against CPS recently.
Remember, in NJ, Childrens Rights won a 12.5M dollar settlement for the 4 starved, adoptive boys.
Remember, that too, often caseworkers and their Supervisors may hold or carry Malpractice insurance or Errors and Omissions Insurance against their negligent acts.
In fact, the Texas DFPS Website, used to tout insurance sales to its caseworkers, right on the Website.
If the lowly caseworker does NOT carry insurance, the Supervisor MAY.
Now this will come out should the case come to deposition.
However, it is noteworthy to understand that NJ was only suing DYFS for 10M,. but once someone called the Plaintiff’s attorneys ( I wonder who that might have been) the settlement went up by 2.5 MILLION.
ALSO, THE settlement by Childrens Rights allows others foster children in NJ to sue more easily.
There is a page with all of this noted on the ChildrensRights Website.
I believe this URL is correct.
Preble in WA, Stuckle in I believe North Texas, and others are the names of some attorneys that come to mind.
Please folks, note that DSHS is the MOST SUED AGENCY IN WASHINGTON.
Folks must realize that the settlements are often CONFIDENTIAL OR NOT PUBLISHED.
Remember, even the Roskas were offered 3 settement figures in Utah.
They ranged from 5 Thousand to 200 Thousand.
So it is possible to win.
And I believe it may be the only way to tame CPS’ unnaccountable, un-overseen and irresponsible actions.
Heck, folks slip a law librarian a few bucks and they will research this issue for you.
Or even give them a bouquet of flowers.
You will not only help yourself, but curb CPS’ Fascist tendencies.
Comment by fern — August 11, 2007 @ 6:14 am
Great CPS defense lawyers in Texas:
Chris Branson: Houston Area
Paul Stuckle: Dallas area
Comment by Brian Paque — August 11, 2007 @ 6:32 am
Richard L. Lougee
Tucson Office
PO Box 43505
Tucson, AZ 85733
520-882-2080 (phone)
520-882-3002 (fax)
Richard Lougee, a smart, tough and usually relentless Tucson defense attorney….
Comment by EndGame — August 12, 2007 @ 9:25 pm
I have a question….The type of lawyers you are talking about, to fight CPS are Dependency Court attorneys, correct?
Comment by Vera Dubchek — August 12, 2007 @ 10:49 pm
Linda ;
I read many of your wonderfull notes , This is the best .
I strongly believe Many CPS victimes will find CPS lawyer here.
Com on guys , I don’t see enough names , we need more and more CPS lawyers names here.
Remember the day you were looking for a CPS lawyer , it was like looking for a needle in a hay stack , wasn’t?
So you found that needle, it could be your ticket to heaven if you share that needle with other CPS victimes.
Comment by Sam — August 12, 2007 @ 10:59 pm
Vera: Yes, dependency court attorneys, or attorneys to sue in federal court. Any lawyer specializing in going to court against CPS - that’s who we need to know about.
Lawyers can use this space to advertise what they do, or people can post about lawyers they know who have been helpful in these matters.
Sam: Thanks for the positive note. I’m glad I finally found a way to share a resource like this on the site. I personally don’t have the time to research for CPS lawyers in every state, but with everyone able to post here, we should get a good selection of lawyers to choose from.
Comment by Linda — August 12, 2007 @ 11:04 pm
You would want to hear our CPS story , Can’t expose it till Got approval from my attorny ROBERT POWELL( San Josa)
Comment by Sam — August 13, 2007 @ 1:23 am
It would be substantialy benefitial , if you can some how keep this lawyers who take CPS cases permenantly at the top of your web.
Comment by Sam — August 13, 2007 @ 1:44 pm
Here is a website for people falsely accused of sexual abuse.
Comment by Ruth — August 17, 2007 @ 11:16 pm
Comment by Ruth — August 17, 2007 @ 11:34 pm
Gregory Hession.
Website: http://www.massoutrage.com
Much useful info here for all
Comment by fern — August 18, 2007 @ 9:39 am
Robert R. Surgenor.
Not an attorney, but a retired peace officer, who is an author who attributes much juvenile misbehavior to CPS’ growth.
HIs Website is excellent. Read the 2005 story about supposed alcoholic Mom.
Google his name to get his Family Defense Website
Comment by fern — August 18, 2007 @ 9:41 am
Western states attorneys:
Take a look at Website:
Take a look at the names of attorneys who litigated here.
Washington state has ruled.
Suggest parents, grandparents, etc. contact the attorneys mentioned on this Website.
Note that in the Bramm suit v Washington abuse not mentioned, Just that the state moved kids excessively, cw’s untrained, kids needs not considered.
This needs to be litigated for the good of everyone.
Please folks, get back to this site when you hear from the attorneys. It may be even better if you have a group of folk from one particular state who assert that their family members were mishandles by CPS.
Comment by fern — August 18, 2007 @ 10:42 am
New York:
Martin Guggenheim. His phone # and email addy are posted on this site. Note the title of classes he teaches.
It seems to me that if anyone could evaluate your case and its merits, he could.
Comment by fern — August 18, 2007 @ 11:27 am
Like many of us, our first days in court seem a blur and not knowing and believing in justic we allow the courts to stick us with counsel and thats where the nightmare begins Ive been through six different attorneys and what they did best was take your money And when you do find one that will fight its too late but hopefully that good one will have made the record and you always have appeal and that man
was Arthur LaCilento his office is at 801 E. Chapman ave Suite 211 Fullerton Ca 92831 (714) 526-0450 The man is well respected by everone in court including the Judge who routinley asked him California Rules of Court numbers I have to tell you how different it feels when someone is fighting for you instead of for the other side William Gleason sill fighting for my son William JRs Return also when everyone else what charging me 350.00 an hour I was in shock when i view our contract and it was 200 an hour he would of been worth 500 he is truely an unusual lawyer
Comment by William Gleason — August 19, 2007 @ 1:28 am
We are a law office in San Jose, California. My firm handles cases challenging the actions of the Child Protective Services (CPS) in the removal of children from their family, continued detention of the children, and termination of parent’s rights to their children.
I am certified as a family law specialist by the State of California and I have been representing parents in CPS/Juvenile cases for over 13 years.
In addition, my firm handles federal civil rights cases associated with the unlawful removal of children and deprivation of the family’s right to association.
If you are facing false accusations of child abuse or neglect, or any of your children have been taken by CPS, contact our office immediately. If you want to truly be safe, contact us the minute you learn anyone has made a complaint / referral against you, or the minute you learn a social worker wants to speak with you or your children. Often the initial errors cannot be corrected or overcome.
We can help you protect your rights, your family, and your sanity. Phone (408) 553.0200. Our web site is http://www.rrpassociates.com
Comment by Robert Powell — August 26, 2007 @ 9:53 pm
Attorney Stehpen Barker
Southfield, Michigan
Comment by Susan Guthrie — August 27, 2007 @ 2:30 am
Attorney Stephen Barker
Southfield, MI
Comment by Susan Guthrie — August 27, 2007 @ 2:32 am
PO Box 131766
Houston, TX 77219
713.522.9888 (fax)
CPS Defense Attorney for the Houston area
Comment by Julie A. Ketterman — September 2, 2007 @ 6:14 pm
Shawn M. Harden
Harden Law Office
322 First Street East
PO Box 331
Independence, IA 50644-0331
Telephone: (319) 334-3679
Facsimile: (319) 334-7094
Web: http://www.hardenlawoffice.com
Comment by Shawn M. Harden — September 4, 2007 @ 8:27 pm
Please look up this web page. It has names of attorneys from many states that can be used to help if you have been wrongly accused. FIGHT CPS
Comment by MN — September 6, 2007 @ 6:33 pm
GO TO THIS WEB SITE and LOOK for your state. There is information about CLASS ACTION LAW SUITS.
Comment by No Longer Silent — September 26, 2007 @ 11:10 am
I specialize in CPS defense cases. I am based in Houston, Texas but take cases from anywhere in the southeast Texas area.
Comment by Chris Branson — September 28, 2007 @ 11:01 am
Ross G. Lavin in Florida he is young but he is good.
Comment by Jodi PotterKing — November 1, 2007 @ 1:51 pm
Lavin is a attorney in Florida
Comment by Jodi PotterKing — November 1, 2007 @ 1:57 pm
Here is the names of two very good attorneys. Kevin Tankersley, he is located in Winamac, IN.. The other is Ms. Heather Lockwood located in Seattle WA.. I pray these names will be an answer to someone.
Comment by Rita Lloyd — November 11, 2007 @ 2:42 pm
I do Defense work inTexas CPS Cases especially in Galveston County HOWEVER snce I am a one person firm I am unable to do this work pro bono.
Comment by Lynette Briggs — November 12, 2007 @ 3:28 pm
office 409-9086-6565
fax 409-986-9189
Comment by Lynette Briggs — November 12, 2007 @ 3:30 pm
sorry office 409-986-6565
Comment by Lynette Briggs — November 12, 2007 @ 3:31 pm
I want to make a correction that I wrote on the 11th, the lawyers name is Ms. Heather Krkwood in the Seattle
WA. area. I’m so very sorry for giving the wrong info., it was given to me wrong. Any info. on any lawyers to fight for us in the Lafayette, IN area?
Comment by Rita Lloyd — November 15, 2007 @ 1:55 pm
Sorry, again I need to better proof read, its Kirkwood in Seattle WA..
Comment by Rita Lloyd — November 15, 2007 @ 1:58 pm
On November 2, 2007, the Orange County Trial Lawyers Association awarded a San Diego attorney top honors in electing him as the “Top Gun - Trial Attorney of The Year” in the area of civil rights. The award was based on the 4.9 million dollar jury verdict obtained by Deanna Fogarty-Hardwick, against Orange County, its Social Services Agency, and two of its social workers Marcia Vreeken and Helen Dwojak earlier this year in a lawsuit alleging violations of her Constitutional right to familial association.
Shawn A. McMillan, Esq.
Comment by Janet — November 16, 2007 @ 12:33 pm
Texas Group: JIM F.
Texas Center for Family Rights.
I would start there.
Best. F.
Folks might wish to contact their local school district, and find out if there is a Special Ed group which meets to discuss SpEd issues.
Lawyers may have less to do with SpEd since laws have changed regarding their entry into the process.
Comment by Fern — November 22, 2007 @ 5:25 pm
Why don’t we all just stop sitting around and typing comments on computers just for people who get a kick out of entertainment of reading the CPS stories about people’s actual lives and do something about all of this in a positive manner. CPS has got to be stopped and stopped immediately. My father who was falsely imprisoned and wrongly accused of sexually molesting twenty-one years ago was again and harrassingly arrested this past friday and all because he still isn’t admitting to CPS’s lie that he sexually abused me, in which my father DID NOT!CPS needs to stop believing their own lie and get off it. Too bad lawyers won’t take such a case because it’s a so-called old case. If our family needs help our family just needs the help. There is no statue-of-limitations of such lies of nonsense…WAKE UP AMERICA!!!!
Comment by beverly enoch — November 25, 2007 @ 1:54 pm
Beverly, because of folks like Linda and Leonard and Al and scores of others, CPS has had investigations, courts have been opened and folks are networking.
This is an industry and it feeds many hungry mouths. If you think that this runaway train can be stopped in a year or two, you are sadly mistaken.
Even Walter Mondale, who proposed CAPTA, was chastened by the spectre of what HE created.
Most folks are aware that CPS is sadly deficient.
Try telling that to legislators who by and large are attorneys who benefit from vague, unconstitutional statutes.
At one time, we considered a Parents March on Washington, and that idea is still viable.
Many folks have helped to reform and tame CPS somewhat over the past decade.
Richard Wexler, Martin Guggenheim, even Seligman ( former APA President) all know about the real failings of CPS.
It’s all about the J-O_B_S.
If little people get hurt, that’s the price of doing business.
If kids get harmed, the rationale is they are the underclass anyway, who cares about them?
And plenty of folks in a number of states have sacrificed muchly to give the newbies some sense of security.
I always suggest that folks look at AFRA
And network with those close in their states.
Special ed groups ( for parents with special needs kids) is another fertile area for folks to meet and lobby.
The real corruption, is in the secret money, no-bid contracts and bought employees.
Heck, just this month KY did a big expose on CPS. I see a huge sea change in the state of KY.
Things are changing. Attorneys want and deserve to be paid–and there are folks who warrant CPS interventions.
Drugs are the main cause of parental neglect, and no one on this site nor anywhere else supports truly neglectful parents.
The problem is that CPS is difficult to sue b/c of their governmental immunities. Some court decisions have backed up our activism.
A Mom in Orange county Calif was awarded close to 5M for DCFS’ unlawful conduct.
The problem is parents who successfully litigate must be pretty snow whitish.
That is, totally innocent. But things are changing from when Richard Wexler penned his book, ” Wounded Innocents” which exposed the dark underbelly of CPS.
But the whole structure of US employment is changing, and folks who have been to college need jobs.
I have had University Professors address my professional group, and spout this. So, if your kids are taken, the Profs have their jobs and the social work majors have their *make-work* jobs.
Linda calls such jobs *unworthy* and especially castigates foster caretakers.
The essence of the US economy is business—and yeah, CPS makes and creates jobs.
The sad part is that most of what CPS does—take for example, court custody evals, were put in place without any scientific study or validation.
Take a look at http://www.npr.org
And see just how brutal and arbitrary custody evals ( done in Family Court everyday) are foisted off on folks.
Until you have had a tragedy like your family has had, it is difficult to comprehend or empathize with them.
Most of us do care….And do see some improvements…..
Thanks to all the Calif crew who have made valiant efforts to reform CPS lo this past decade.
Let us hope that folks in other states, like Kentucky, can continue the good fight.
Because it is for the benefit of the children and for those who have yet to meet up with the chilling cw.
Best to you.
Comment by Fern — November 25, 2007 @ 6:03 pm
try university legal clinics, i was very lucky with an attorney in houston,tx, from the u of h legal clinic, her name is janet heppard and she is a good attorney, a piece of luck in the most horrible situation I have ever experienced. My son is two yrs. and these foster fathers have had him for 1 and a half years already, now i am fighting the two foster fathers as cps stepped out leaving my rites intact but my son with the foster fathers, My mother passed a home study as did I and , when my now two year old was seven months I was pregnant with my little Joshua, and we (josh and I fled to wisconsin where I have family, as the Houston Cps would have taken Joshua,too.I did everthing I was told to do and they never returned my son, which goes against their own mandate..to return a child to family, I wonder if these two foster guys bribed anyone…..I am very close to broke due to the last year and half, also very sad and can’t believe this has happend. Janet Heppard is doing this pro bono,god bless her work, remember legal clinics at colleges and of course legal aid, the problem is getting them to accept your case as the are overwhelmed, but try….
Comment by jessica bhan — December 3, 2007 @ 2:53 am
Nicole Anderson in San Bernardino is an attorney that takes cps cases, many attorneys do not.
Comment by lina seitz — December 4, 2007 @ 11:50 am
1). Ask for a new public defender, they’re required by law to represent you to their best of their ability - get one who’s better. 2). Google “CASE PRACTICE MODEL+NJ” and get the Case Practice Model DYFS needs to follow. 3). Call the office of the Child Advocate, they can help a lot - their number is 1-877-543-7864 4). Request that a CASA Volunteer be appointed, they will represent your son and report directly to the judge, their number is 609-695-9400
Comment by William DiSenso — December 11, 2007 @ 9:40 am
Doug, there is a Yahoogroups specifically for SC.
The owner of the list is Eric. Perhaps you can begin networking there.
There is a Federal lawsuit pending v DCF in FL for wrongful medical on the part of CPS there.
You might also want to Google and see if there is an OI foundation or such group who will help with good doctors, etc. for trial.
In NY, just past week, a child with 14 fractures under 4 months old, was deemed NOT to be victim of child abuse.
See my posting re this on AFRA.
Look under News section. Also join this Message board for others with OI issues.
Comment by Fern — December 12, 2007 @ 8:34 am
To Doug:
Link to NY story on OI. It is a blockbuster, since it challenges how CPS classifies abuse as serious.
This is story. You need to get the Apellate summary or transcript.
Significant that infant had over 15 fractures at 4 months of age,but never tested + for OI.
This is apparently cutting edge medical info. However, as one poster has said CPS never questions *medical doctors*
Gosh, I would ask the OI foundation for help with this.
Best wishes.
Comment by Fern — December 13, 2007 @ 10:57 am
I am a retired law enforcement officer now doing private investigations in the Colorado/Wyoming area.
I am outraged at the abuses that are occuring in this country. Brenda Scott’s book “Out of Control” opened my eyes and my company is now dedicated to defending families.
Please email if you need help or just want to discuss the situation in this area.
God Bless,
Comment by Bill Finlay — December 13, 2007 @ 11:26 pm
Dear Lisa:
1. Three suggestions for groups in Michigan. Take a look at :
Under Members and see who is active in Michigan.
2. Google the name of Michigan’s CPS agency and look on Google or
Think they changed from FIA to DHS?
3. Register here on Message Boards.
You have a specific problem with teen, but it appears CPS is asserting your teen is better off in group home than with you??
I assume you have legal custody. Which means you have authority for medical decisions.
( Not an attorney)—you really need specific Michigan informed help.
Comment by Fern — January 4, 2008 @ 7:18 am
To Cher:
I would try to get in touch with “Mary Callahan” in Maine who has written a book about the FC system and is largely opposed to it.
She is a nurse in Maine and a staunch adovocate for children to be placed with family.
She organizes rallies, etc. v DHS Maine.
Please let us know if you received this message, since I cannot figure out if anyone is getting any benefits from these postings.
Comment by Fern — January 15, 2008 @ 7:40 am
My law firm is dedicated to representing people whose constitutional rights have been violated by county social workers. If you have any questions, please contact me at 888.893 4529, or email, vinny@msn.com. We are located in Los Angeles County, but we represent folks all over the state of California, and can represent folks around the country.
Comment by Vincent W. Davis — January 18, 2008 @ 10:02 am
For Southern California, I retained an attorney by the name of Arthur La Cilento. In reference to a comment posted here, I must say that I agree….Art is an EXCELLENT attorney!!!! He helped me get my kids home, he fought for me and my family, and he is indeed an extraordinary man. If you want someone who treats you with dignity and respect and will go to the ends of the earth to help you, call him…he is also very reasonable in comparison with the others I have consulted with. His phone # is 714-526-0450.
Comment by Sarah — February 27, 2008 @ 4:37 pm
Daniel L. Cox, Esq.
The Cox Law Center, LLC
Comment by Family Liberty — February 28, 2008 @ 9:09 am
Group in Kansas:
Vickie and others.
Comment by Fern — February 28, 2008 @ 12:29 pm
Excellent Tennessee Attorney:
Jes Beard
423- 267-4391 Office
423-267-4394 Fax
423-635-2068 cell
e-mail: jesbeard@usa.net
He is experienced and successful with DCS cases in both civil and criminal courts.
Comment by Jim Gerhardt — March 2, 2008 @ 12:08 am
S. Harney:
Group already formed in Indiana:
Phone # is on their site.
Best. F.
Comment by Fern — March 16, 2008 @ 6:30 am
Thanks for the Richard Lougee Atty.(Tucson, AZ) lead but he isn’t taking Anything NEW so ZIP that one…
Comment by jean — March 19, 2008 @ 2:00 pm
Michelle Myshell:
WA has Washingtonfamiliesunited.
I believe that they posted here in the beginning of the month. Do not know under what heading, though.
Arizona has a very active group which meets weekly through Robin Scoins.
You should be able to hook up with her group at:
Under Contents go to “Members and Friends” From there go to AZ.
Hope this helps you both. F.
(People–do not write your correct name, but if you want an atty to contact you, you need to indicate your state)
Remember many attys do not want CPS clients.
Also register & join Message Boards here.
Comment by Fern — April 2, 2008 @ 6:07 am
La Toya in Georgia:
Phone # on page. She can ( I am certain) give you some help.
Her name is Dorothy.
Best. F.
Comment by Fern — April 2, 2008 @ 11:34 am
I represent parents, grandparents and De Facto parents in California Juvenile Dependency cases. I ensure your side of the story is heard at a juvenile dependency hearing. I provide an aggressive, yet balanced, defense. You need an attorney who will neither back down nor come across as overly aggressive. The best approach in child protective services cases is to foster workable relationships with social service’s personnel, while at the same time taking a firm position in court to attempt to get your children back where they belong.
I have successfully defended parents wrongfully accused in Shaken Baby Syndrome, molestation, physical abuse and neglect cases. It has been my experience that everyone involved in this area of the law is genuinely interested in protecting children and most are over burdened with ridiculously high case loads. Sometimes it takes a special combination of patience and perseverance to get the true information out and persuade the court to go your way. No one wants to see a child separated from a parent based on untrue allegations.
I can guide you through the process if you are in recovery from substance abuse and are ready to rehabilitate. The judge, the social workers, the lawyers - everyone in that courtroom - has seen it all already. They have heard every excuse, seen every abuse and witnessed parents who can never reunite with their children. You have to be serious in your recovery.
Parents sometimes come to me with horrendous stories of having been mistreated or ’set-up’ by social workers. It’s easy to get caught up in fighting over ‘constitutional rights’ and become angry with unfair treatment received from total strangers. In order to survive this process and get your children back in your custody (or keep them there) you must set all of this aside and focus on the factual allegations being made against you. As a juvenile dependency attorney, my job is to prove the allegations are not true, or do not rise to the level of risk necessary for the government to take your children into protective custody. If you want to sue a social worker or a therapist, or get someone fired, or defend your right to smoke pot - I am not the attorney you need. My job is to get your children back. If you are ready to focus on that - call me!
To find out more about child protective services, call my office today. I represent people throughout California. Evelyn A. Cox, Attorney at Law 916-955-5300
Comment by Evelyn A. Cox — April 5, 2008 @ 5:34 pm
We have a good track record with DCS removal cases that have seemed impossible to other attorneys. Our address is 1522 Highland Avenue, Knoxville, Tennessee 37916. Our phone is 865-637-6550.
Comment by Margaret Beebe Held — April 8, 2008 @ 7:56 am
Rene Sandler is an aggressive advocate for those targeted in CPS investigations in Maryland.
Comment by Melina JImenez — April 20, 2008 @ 10:36 am
I am both public defender and in private practice. I have worked both as a prosecutor and now am in defense. I have been doing this in one form or another for ten years.
I am based in Evansville, Indiana, 812-253-0259.
Comment by Julie A Fox — April 21, 2008 @ 2:40 pm
I am an attorney in Houston, Texas who specializes in defending families against CPS. I am willing to handle cases anywhere in southeast Texas
Comment by Chris Branson — April 29, 2008 @ 5:02 pm
Will fight CPS in Harris and surrounding counties.
Julie Ketterman, Attorney
Comment by Julie Ketterman — May 8, 2008 @ 3:33 pm
California CPS defense by solo practitioner.
I have no staff - I am not able to take cases on a pro bono basis, a retainer is required in all cases.
I encourage you to look at my website for some guidance.
Comment by Evelyn A. Cox, Attorney at Law — May 10, 2008 @ 11:11 am
I will fight for you and your family!
Comment by Vincent W. Davis, Esq. — May 12, 2008 @ 2:39 pm
Rene Sandler and Catherine Woolley at Sandler Law LLC in Maryland were great legal advocates who helped my family get through a difficult CPS experience. They are smart, aggressive attorneys who know the ropes.
Comment by Josie — May 13, 2008 @ 12:08 pm
I got a recommendation in email for people in Oregon who want to sue CPS: Linda Beloof in Clackamas.
Comment by Linda — May 13, 2008 @ 11:09 pm
Parents of Special Education children:
Have you talked to any other parents who are in Spec Ed with your kids?
Does your school district have a Special Ed Committee of parents set up?
Many school districts do. It is best to get advice from local residents first. If you are having problems, it is likely that others have had the same difficulties.
Try that first. Special ed lawyers do exist, but the Federal rules about Spec Ed changed about 3 years ago, and lawyers may have problems getting paid.
However, it does not hurt to call and make inquiries. Often times, the office staff can give you some advice. Often, FREE.
Best wishes. F. ( Take a look on Wright’s law Website. For spec ed )
Comment by Fern — May 16, 2008 @ 7:18 am
check out Mom who won 4.9 million last March in CA against CPS.
Good for her! and her lawyer!
Comment by Cynthia Isbell — May 20, 2008 @ 5:32 pm
Texas residents:
There is a Family Guidance Center in Austin, Texas which helps families with DFPS concerns.
Google this. Just became aware of this site in researching FLDS illegalities.
Comment by Fern — May 29, 2008 @ 8:00 am
Here’s a link for lawyers that may help if you live in Berkeley CA or the surrounding area
Berkeley Parents Network
Comment by K — June 13, 2008 @ 4:55 am
My family recently hired Rene Sandler of Sandler Law in Rockville, MD for a CPS matter. Rene got the case ruled out. We can now all get on with our lives. She handles CPS cases all over Maryland. She did a great job.
Comment by Allie — June 15, 2008 @ 11:00 am
Defense Attorney against CPS in Southern California
Comment by Dennis Moore, Esq. — June 28, 2008 @ 9:46 am
California has a number of active groups:
One is http://www.theacf.org
Also call the large state-affiliated universities in California and see if they have a Law School.
Law Schools frequently have free clinics for women, especially when children are shuffled around illegally by DCFS.
Call and ask.
Sign on and register here for Message Forum to connect up with folk in Calif.
Best. F.
Comment by Fern — June 28, 2008 @ 7:13 pm
I am an attorney with offices in San Francisco and San Rafael, CA. I take CPS cases, and I have had good/great success. I work well with parents and the courts, and will fight to get your children home. 415-259-6630 Law Office of Jennifer Ani
Comment by Jennifer Ani — July 7, 2008 @ 9:35 am
I am an attorney who will take your Marin, Sonoma, San Francisco, or other bay area CPS case. 415-259-6630.
Comment by Jennifer Ani — July 7, 2008 @ 9:35 am
Call the Law Clinic for Children at the University of Michigan.
They might be able to help. F.
Comment by Fern — July 10, 2008 @ 3:34 pm
Good luck finding an attorney to go after social services.
Domestic violence is totally a victim’s fault in Colorado if it happens on more than one occasion. If it happens once and you don’t take permanent measures to protect your children from future episodes, then it’s failure to protect.
If the social worker is talking to landlords, then landlords need to be called to testify as to what took place. In Colorado, you have a right to object to the submission of any report done by anyone and request a hearing with the people present to testify who gave information that went into the report.
There is no reason to submit a treatment plan to any police agency. IF this is happening, the police are required to provide a copy of any paperwork given to them to you if you request it.
Informing the court of these things, after you have gotten the documentation needed, is essential.
Comment by Billy Wiseman — July 11, 2008 @ 12:39 pm
Comment by Billy Wiseman — July 12, 2008 @ 1:53 am
Comment by Billy Wiseman — July 12, 2008 @ 1:58 am
Comment by Billy Wiseman — July 12, 2008 @ 1:58 am
a friend of mine lives in Colorado and ive talked to my friend and this is what my friend saids to tell you
Were you close to the neighbor who got busted? Many times they will
take children because of association with drug users. That your drug
tests came out negative is a big plus for you, but what are they
alleging the neglect to be? Who is your court-appointed attorney? (I
know a lot of them in the north area, but not many in Boulder).
Your mom would have to appeal the decision to not allow her custody,
and she may have to take that clear up to an administrative hearing.
If they did not do a home study on your mom, then she needs to request
that. If they did do a home study, you can object to being denied and
take it to a separate administrative hearing. That’s what I had to do.
When you take it before an ALJ (Administrative Law Judge), social
services has to PROVE allegations against you. Holding against her one
unverifiable allegation 25 years ago probably won’t cut it with an ALJ.
Social Services also is required to tell you how to go about appealing
their decision. Since that comes under the heading of legal advice for
me, I can’t advise you on that, except to tell you that social services
HAS to tell you who to contact if you disagree with their decision, and
you will end up before an ALJ to be able to contest.
Interestingly, many times if you simply refuse to back down, they give
in. Other times they are hell bent on stopping you. If that is the
case, it is usually because they want to terminate rights. When it
involves teenagers, they don’t really want to get stuck with them.
It’s a lot harder to place teenagers permanently, so unless they have a
really huge bee in their bonnet, the kids are returned.
Most important thing is to make sure you do whatever treatment plan
they come up with. Despite the fact that you had two clean UAs in one
day, they will probably make you do drug treatment. Object to that in
court. Your attorney isn’t going to do you any good, obviously. TELL
next hearing that you are not satisfied with counsel because he/she
never shows up to meetings, etc., and you need someone who will
actually represent you. Getting that on record is the most critical
thing you can do for yourself at this point. Ineffective counsel is
the number one chance of a successful appeal if they decide to
terminate rights.
Comment by Billy Wiseman — July 14, 2008 @ 8:56 am
I hired Ms. Sandler for a domestic violence issue, and Ms. Sandler has been amazing. It is the best word that describes her.
I had hired another firm before whose dishonesty, incompetence and attempts to cover their dishonest and incompetent behavior at left me in a dysfunctional state of mind. I had never been so down psychologically in my life, and feared greatly for my future relationship with my children.
Ms. Sandler brought me back from the brink both personally and in the courts, and in some ways I’m ahead of the game. She has zealously represented my interests (very successfully I might add) while maintaining an ethical standard second to none.
I would recommend Rene Sandler to anyone seeking counsel. In a legal system fraught with a frightening lack of honest behavior and an equally frightening abundance of pitfalls, I cannot think of another attorney I’d rather have. Further, the fact that her ethical standards and compassion are as high as her legal skills makes me simply proud to have her at my side in court.
Comment by B. Y. Mathis — July 18, 2008 @ 10:50 am
I practice in Austin, TX and surrounding areas. Please check my website for client testimonials regarding CPS representation. CPS often does not know when to close their cases and when to stop messing with families. Although they enjoy the umbrella’d excuse of being “overworked and underpaid” I am oftentimes amazed at how they will not let go of cases that should have been closed long before. I have 8+ years handling parental representation in CPS cases; however I now only take private cases, not court appointed, so I am not reliant on the county for a steady stream of employment. Please call me as SOON into the investigation or case as possible as time is definitely of the essence. Tara Turner
Comment by Tara Turner — July 20, 2008 @ 7:26 pm
Tammy in Indiana:
Check out the Indiana group:
Their phone # on HomePage.
Comment by Fern — July 27, 2008 @ 2:05 pm
A family law attorney in New York for more than 10 years, I specialize in domestic violence, child custody, abuse/neglect and other complex issues in Family Court.
Tracey A. Bloodsaw
Comment by Tracey A. Bloodsaw — August 19, 2008 @ 12:17 pm
Attorney who fights CPS.
Comment by Vincent W. Davis, Esq/ — August 23, 2008 @ 2:18 pm
Kelley in NH:
Paula Werme, Esq.
I believe she is located in Boscawan, NH.
Google “Werme, DCYF”—Should bring up lots of hits.
Best. F.
Comment by Fern — September 2, 2008 @ 6:31 pm
California CPS cases only. Based in Sacramento. Parent Defense only. Former California Prosecutor. Also available to law firms for training and consultation regarding CPS cases.
Comment by Evelyn A. Cox, Attorney at Law — September 6, 2008 @ 12:28 pm
Cristen Howard ( hope this is a made up name)
1. Take a look at
http://www.CPSWatch.com ( Was based in MO)
2. Google the initials of MO CPS. Is it DHS?
3. Was there a warrant issued for childrens removal?
4.Join Yahoogroups.
Please get back to as to how this went.
Comment by Fern — September 12, 2008 @ 5:59 am
Theresa in AZ:
Very active gal there.
Look at:
On Home Page under advocates you will find the email addy of Robin in AZ who has been lobbying the AZ legislature for years.
Since she is residing in AZ, she would be the most qualified to give you some guidance.
Best. F.
Comment by Fern — September 12, 2008 @ 6:05 am
Addtl help:
Here is MO members page.
Your complaint is similar to many which are voiced on these sites.
Just quickly: Drug involvement is a No-No.
Do you have any folks who are in disagreement with you or hubby?
The police dept should know better than to let your children out of your custody without a warrant, signed by a Judge, unless the kids are in “imminent risk of danger”.
That can be a cw call or a LE call, AFAIK.
There are phone numbers on the page cited above.
Best wishes. Take a deep breath and pray.
AFRA is the best, accessible compendium of info presently on the Web.
AFRA= American Family rights Assn.
You can spend weeks on the site Suggest you read over weekend.
Compile the names of family members who are good citizens to take the children. Do not them into *stranger foster care.*
Comment by Fern — September 12, 2008 @ 9:04 am
Every month, a poster from WA state informs families about the existence of the group,
Or a name similar to that.
Suggest you read the archives to locate the proper name and phone #.
Take a look on the right hand side of home page and look up Washington, also, if Linda has entries from them.
Comment by fern — September 13, 2008 @ 10:05 am
I, the father, Karl Lentz , now as of September 5th 2008 has set a unheard of precedent, history making in FACT - I have a RESTRAINING ORDER GRANTED to me and my children, by a GREAT Judge (and he is an Alabama Judge) to prevent ANYMORE interference from the STATE of ALABAMA’s DHR…
After seven long years and with the intervention of the ALABAMA Supreme Court (by
providing an impartial Judge),
Upon request, I will send you a copy of my interlocutory injunction and the court order generated by the Court; I finally was given the opportunity to present evidence in my defense… I demonstrated the harm, crimes, and potential crimes against me and my children IF Alabama CPS/DHR agents/caseworkers/social services agents Judge Sandra Storm worker Tenisha Felton, DHR IS NOT allowed ANYMORE involvement with my Children lives…. ENDURANCE-STAMINA-FAITH-GOD.
Work hard enough, long enough - after seven (7) long YEARS, dreams come true.
Next court date is October 6th, 2008. I Subpoenaed three Jefferson County Civil Family Court judges (the judges have already been subpoenaed) I wonder if they will be able to hide behind a “civil”(civilized judicial proceedings) code to claim they DON’T Have tooooo. Oooh, But I am sure they will try to figure out how not to testify under oath nor give a deposition, but if they have done NOTHING wrong why would judges be afraid to testify under Oath?
This week I will subpoena Gov. Bob Reilly, Troy King, CPS/DHR director Candice Lanier, as well as CPS director Paul Butler as well…
Good luck to all, God bless. MY PHONE # is 540-908 4578 Karl Lentz,,,
Thank god I live in Virginia, and was NEVER an Alabama citizen…
Oooh what’s funny I am on a CA/N Assessment of a Report of Child Abuse/Neglect ONLY in Alabama I just found this out in Feb , when my family tried to get a 11 year-old afro-american deaf boy into our home thru foster care thru the Commonwealth Virginia’s DHR (my sister is a teacher at the school for the deaf and the blind, oh yes I/my family is white) Virginia DHR told us we could not because I have been “FOUND” guilty of Abuse and/or Neglect in the State of Alabama, funny, and I never HAD a child in Alabama , nor never accused of charged with Abuse or Neglect to Children, by the DHR police or anybody anywhere in the USA.
Comment by karl lentz — September 13, 2008 @ 9:08 pm
Dear Fern,
I am the Vice-President of Washington Families United. Our main office is in Olympia, Washington.
Our office # is 360-705-3233. Dave Wood, our lobbyist is usually in the office.
You may phone me personally if so desired. 360-478-2686. Please keep in mind that I also have a money paying job and I am out of the country 12 days days a month. So your phone call may not be return until I get home. Please get in touch with Mr. Wood at our office if it is an emergency.
We can only help those that have cases in Washington State or are residents of the same.
CC Tillett
Washington Families United
Child and Family Advocate
Comment by cctillett — September 15, 2008 @ 7:25 am
I am an attorney in private practice in San Rafael, California. I handle cases challenging the actions of the Child Protective Services (CPS) in the removal of children from their family, continued detention of the children, and termination of parent’s rights to their children.
If you are facing false accusations of child abuse or neglect, or any of your children have been taken by CPS, contact my office immediately.
If you want to truly be safe, contact us the minute you learn anyone has made a complaint / referral against you, or the minute you learn a social worker wants to speak with you or your children. Often the initial errors cannot be corrected or overcome easily. Phone (415) 259-6630.
Comment by Law Office of Jennifer Ani — September 15, 2008 @ 9:24 am
I just want to let you guys all know about two wonderful lawyers who helped us bring our babies home in Fairfax County, Virginia:
Cherise Cuevas (Reston)
Kyle E Skopic Law Office (Fairfax)
(703) 246-9530
Comment by Gail — September 19, 2008 @ 9:11 pm
Joshua S. Davidson is a criminal defense attorney in Phoenix who handles cases involving allegations of child abuse.
Comment by Joshua Davidson, attorney at law — September 21, 2008 @ 1:08 pm
To all seeking attorneys:
1. Most of the attorneys will require a retainer: that is, cash.
2. Your best bet is to find your own state organization which tries to combat CPS’ illegalities.
3.To do this:
Go to:
On the left side of Home Page go to
Site Content:
Under that heading, select:
Members and Friends.
Click on your US state. Some foreign countries listed, too.
When you find your state, the state organizations are usually listed at the page on top.
Call the numbers listed, and T-A-L-K.
If you want to have some feedback from an attorney you need to indicate your STATE.
And you need to reseach your own state here, too. Look on the right side of this Home Page. Linda has some links to specific states.
Hope this illuminates the subject so folks can meet up with someone who can help.
Comment by Fern — September 29, 2008 @ 5:05 pm
Thanks Fern
im in contact with Wa.Familiesunited, i have two parts to the video. The first one is 4 minutes long and the second one is 11 seconds long.
Comment by winona — September 30, 2008 @ 2:24 pm
looking for a lawyer that will look at my case in tn .it took us 3 years to get some one to give us a copy or the file and according to james hickman the attorney that thr dcs appointed us it is the only file to be had any one that has been lied to or wronged in sevieville tennessee contact me troyparks-61@msn.com ,I know i’m not the only person that the children and family sevices has lied to and covered up there mistakes and fabricated paper work and had documents noterized after the fact,also any dealings with the attorney suzan rushing,i’m curious to see how she treated other cases with her got to win attitude no matter how many families had to be destroyed.
Comment by Troy Parks — October 8, 2008 @ 10:10 pm
(619)231.1400 or (619)843.6733
2220 India Street
San Diego, CA 92101
Email: attny_gsmith41@yahoo.com
Gerald Smith received his Bachelor of Science from the University of Texas and then his Juris Doctrine from Thomas Jefferson School of Law in 1993. Before his decision to pursue a career as an attorney, Mr. Smith had a highly successful career as a police officer in Texas. He achieved the rank of Sergeant and was a member of the police department’s SWAT team. Mr. Smith received his instructor’s certification from Texas Commission of Law Enforcement Officers Standards and Education (T.C.L.O.S.E.) and was an instructor in the department academy. After graduation from law school, he served as a prosecutor for the City of San Diego in addition to receiving experience in the civil arena. Mr. Smith now uses his knowledge and experience primarily toward defending the rights of the wrongfully accused.
Comment by Attorney Gerald E. Smith — October 11, 2008 @ 5:05 pm
Ours is the only law firm in the State of Connecticut that is devoted, full-time, to full-service DCF defense for private paying adults. DCF, or Dept. of Children and Families, is Connecticut’s CPS. We have three full-time lawyers and a full-time paralegal, and practice in courts and DCF offices throughout the state. Please see our web site: http://www.agranofflaw.com.
Thanx, Atty. Mike Agranoff
Comment by Atty. Michael H. Agranoff — October 15, 2008 @ 6:37 am
I am looking for a lawyer in Omaha, NE.
Comment by Sondra Price — October 15, 2008 @ 3:03 pm
were looking for a lawyer who can help us on a case against cps in seattle wa asap.
Comment by ritchie — October 15, 2008 @ 3:08 pm
were looking for a lawyer to help us on a case against cps we have done evrything they asked us to do and more my boyfriend had never got a chance to have the girls they have been in the sistem since 2005.
Comment by jamie — October 15, 2008 @ 3:13 pm
Is there anyone in Texas that can help me with CPS and not charge an arm and a leg?
Comment by Cheryl — October 15, 2008 @ 4:21 pm
Joshua S. Davidson is a dedicated and resourceful defense attorney in phoenix who represents individuals charges with various sex related offenses in including child molestation and sexual conduct with a minor.
Comment by Joshua Davidson, attorney at law — October 31, 2008 @ 11:01 pm
Lawfirm in California … see their blog on juvenile dependency issues … they work in San Jose, Fremont, Monterey, Sacramento, Redwood City, and Salinas.
Comment by Linda — November 5, 2008 @ 7:56 am
Koch and Trushin in Florida have a blog article on helping grandparents get kinship care and custody rights: In Florida, how can grandparents attain the custody of a grandchild
Comment by Linda — November 5, 2008 @ 7:59 am
Illinois residents:
Attorney sponsored Website. Meetings held montly for families with DHS concerns.
Chicago area:
Worth reading site and subscribing.
Comment by Fern — November 12, 2008 @ 12:04 pm
Hi am wondering how I can get help getting my children back from my sister who lied to dss who filed false accusations and helped her to get my kids all the while they told me do what they say and ill have them back soon I live in massachusettes and been trying to prove my innocence for over ayr with proof and the judge won’t listen and noone will help now my kids are confused and think I treated them bad when I did everything for them before myself and the judge says I think of myself how wrong he is now their having sex had surgery doing bad in school drinking please help me I don’t even want to live anymore its one lie after another can’t take being away from them I miss them so bad its killing me that I can’t fight these lies I want to sue everyone involved
Comment by sharon pritchard — November 13, 2008 @ 8:22 pm
I need a attorney asap children at risk of being taken any day. I have a class action lawsuit that is needing to be pursued immediately. I need help in a timely manner in Oregon. If not they will be gone. I have seven children.
Comment by Sally — November 20, 2008 @ 4:42 am
Can someone tell me how the Mormons in Texas filed an injunction and got there kids back.
I live in Washington State and my nephew and niece is currently in CPS custody. Since being taken all CPS has thought about is terminating parental rights so they can be placed up for adoption. I have been refused to option to have my nephew and niece pleaced with me through relative placement. My brother who is the father of these children, has had his civil rights/disability rights violated over and over. Currently CPS is holding an incident against him in why he can’t have unsupervised visitation. We have witnesses who will state the woman planned it all. I need a name of an attorney in Southwest Washington who would be willing to help me.
Comment by Linda — November 20, 2008 @ 9:03 am
I need a lawyer in the DesMoines Iowa area but probably can’t get one here these lawyers here are scared of their own shadow they are a joke here.
Comment by Terri Rote — November 21, 2008 @ 12:21 pm
November, 08
NY state residents:
Pro-bono law firm for low income residents:
Comment by Fern — November 22, 2008 @ 8:50 am
National Website for ( Foster Care Kids??)
Has a link to their attorneys. They DO TAKE some individual cases, although their chief strategy is to class action within the individual states.
They have a link and a toll free posted on their Website listed above.
I think they are primarily concerned with abuses to foster children.
Good luck to all.. F.
Comment by Fern — November 25, 2008 @ 12:30 pm
It is listed as:
Don’t know why the original link did not work.
Look under reform efforts for attorneys.
Comment by Fern — November 25, 2008 @ 12:32 pm
Phone # for Childrens Rights for individual litigation v a Child Welfare Agency:
Please read the Website in its entirety b4 phoning.
Comment by Fern — November 25, 2008 @ 12:37 pm
I just recently had to defend CPS charges in Maryland and was represented by Sandler Law LLC in Rockville. Rene Sandler was my attorney and did a fantastic job fighting the bureaucracy of CPS. I strongly recommend her if you need help in Maryland. The experience was very difficult, but we won!!
Comment by Joel P. — November 27, 2008 @ 7:05 am
I am looking for people to jhelp me fight cps in KY…… Who is out there? http://www.myspace.com/fightcpsnow
Comment by TK — December 3, 2008 @ 11:04 am
Folks in California have brought up the name of John?? Powell.
Mr. Powell obtained a large settlement for a Dad falsely accused of sex abuse.
There is also another atty in LA or Orange Co who won close to 5M for a Mom whose children were wrongfully taken. Her husband was part of this triangle, too, I believe.
This settlement was probably the largest in Calif history with DCFS, but my guess is that even though awarded, DCFS will appeal and ratchet the settlement down.
Suggest you look on the Home Page here and search for lawyers or search under Site Map for lawyers.
Also, the Chat room is open here. You need to register.
Friday night Linda ( site owner) says she tries to be on Chat Room then.
I am sure you can connect with some California residents at that time. Believe best time may be around 7PM–Calif time.
Also there is a California group under:
They are not attorneys, but they are residents of California Lots of good info on that site, too. Including phone #.
Not sure where the owner of that site resides, but I know that many folks on this site are from Calif.
Best Fern.
Get back here and tell us what you have done. When one person helps another, we all learn.
Comment by Fern — December 5, 2008 @ 8:23 am
Bonnie Miller is unethical and corrupt in San Mateo County
Comment by sheryl — December 10, 2008 @ 2:39 pm
Orange County/LA/Riverside/San Diego
Arthur LaCilento
714 526-0450
Rich Pfeiffer
sometimes the public defender is all you need if you understand the dependency system and what you need to do. For CA, read appeals cases online at http://www.courtinfo.ca.gov/opinions/nonpub.htm
Comment by Leo — December 16, 2008 @ 1:24 am
Note to Sofi, Kristi, Kindness, Mercedes and Lynn… I’ve moved your comments to the Lawyer Requests page. Also Keke, your post was moved to the Guestbook page.
This page is only for Lawyers offering services, or for people to make recommendations of lawyers they know take CPS cases. Please don’t post lawyer requests here.
Comment by Linda — December 18, 2008 @ 11:18 pm
Hear is a good Attorney for Nashville and Surrouding Counties! He has Worked With The Attorney on this site that is also from Tn
Greg King
530 Church St, Suite 202
Nashville, Tn
Comment by Princess Pea — December 22, 2008 @ 1:37 pm
Greg King
530 Church St, Suite 202
Nashville, Tn
Comment by Princess Pea — December 22, 2008 @ 1:38 pm
need a defense lawyer in memphis a.s.a.p. please help!!!
Comment by debby martindale — December 23, 2008 @ 7:56 am
Trista Sampson in Riverview, FL
Very reasonable retaining fee.
Comment by HappyMommyx4 — December 26, 2008 @ 8:56 pm
Dr Terry Brooks Heads Ky Youth Advocates
Was able to catch 8 Ky Social Workers in Fabrications in Ky
Yet all but 4 of them are still working in the system.
If you need help call this man he works under Dr Terry Books and he may be able to help you Good Luck!
Case advocate Dewane Westmoreland/Works with Terry Brooks in Ky!
(502) 895-8167 ext 111
11001 Bluegrass Pkwy # 100
Jeffersontown, KY 40299
(502) 895-8167 EX 113
Comment by Princess Pea — December 26, 2008 @ 9:46 pm
This man won so many cases he had his own taken from DCS. And he is a Lawer but I am sure he got them back. He helps a lot of Parrents in Ky around the Ashland Ky area!
Bishop, Robert – Bishop
Law Offices,
112 W Dixie Ave
Ashland KY
(270) 769-3865
Comment by Princess Pea — December 26, 2008 @ 9:48 pm
New Clip DC PS Curruption!
Why so many Families are ripped apart and Toddlers put in Foster Care! If You Dont thank this can Happen to You, then think again. Better not get any one mad at you this is how they could react By Calling DCPS! This has happened to many American allready! Information about the last two Post are in these videos just click on the link.
See end of this Video for Your Rights
Comment by Princess Pea — December 26, 2008 @ 9:54 pm
Princess Pea:
Excellent information. Thank you so much on behalf of families in KY.
It sounds as if attorney Robert Bishop may be considering class actioning KY.
Linda, can you add his name to attorneys who are ACTIVELY litigating v the state of KY?
Thanks. F.
Comment by Fern — December 27, 2008 @ 7:12 am
David Beauvais ( around Oakland, CA)
won an important 9th Circuit Court appeal which ESSENTIALLY STOPS CASEWORKERS FROM REMOVING KIDS, WILLY-NILLY.
The 9th Circuit covers not just CA, but
This is an extremely important holding by the Western Appeals Court ( 2007).
Should be the subject of a front page by Linda. The 9th Circuit is the LARGEST APPEALS COURT IN THE US.
Also view:
Best. F.
Comment by Fern — December 28, 2008 @ 10:33 am
This lawer states that she has succesfuly handled a number of cases where CPS where seeking TPR’s or Termination of Perental Rights.
Does any one know if she has won apeal cases on this or not. Or won a lot?
Comment by Princess Pea — December 28, 2008 @ 9:46 pm
Federal Law Suites Against DHS/CPS in Tn
Maby this could help with lawers or help with cases!
Comment by Princess Pea — December 28, 2008 @ 10:20 pm
Our attorney has been WONDERFUL! He is very experienced with CPS cases both in juvenile court and in criminal court as well. I am also proud to say that he got our children back for us in a Munchausen by Proxy case. We HIGHLY recommend him! (make sure you ask for/about him exactly as I type his name… his Dad is in the firm as well)
William Phillips II
210 E Main Street
Rogersville, TN 37857
Comment by Courtney — January 1, 2009 @ 8:14 pm
Are you possibly a resident of Maine?
If so, contact Mary Callahan, an RN, and author of “Memoirs of a Baby Stealer”
Featured on this site.
If not–get back to us. You know, what contact Mary Callahan, even if you do not live in Maine.
Best wishes–Fern.
Comment by Fern — January 2, 2009 @ 6:59 am
A good lawyer in Michigan is Janet Fredrick, as of 01-20-09 she is suppose to be one of the best. I know I’m going to give her a call. She even offers advice. She is author of THE FIA GAME. which is a must read. If anyone know of anyone else email us at:ajnelson@fmtcs.com.
Comment by Annette — January 20, 2009 @ 12:39 am
If you need an attorney, please do not tell us about it in the comments to this page as I will have to delete those comments. This page should create a page with lots of attorney names for referrals only.
Attorney requests go here.
Comment by LindaJoMartin — January 25, 2009 @ 10:52 pm
13107419857 you may call after ten pm i need help too get my SON a great lawyer and bondsmen he is charged with a crime he didnt comment please if you can help us thank you mother, marian hill
Comment by marian hill — January 27, 2009 @ 12:02 pm
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What to do if CPS agents are investigating you
Write to your legislators about CPS
The Good Advocates List
A review of: Protecting Children From Child Protective Services by Alan L. Schwartz
Solomon's Wisdom
A Call For Change - by Joseph Sarandos
Bounty payments for adoptions - how much is your child worth to CPS?
Get your case file using the Freedom of Information Act and Privacy Act of 1974
The New Freedom - Orwellian "Newspeak" for a program that will force mental health evaluations on everyone. This is NOT "freedom" - this is about taking away your rights and controlling the minds of children and all other U.S. citizens.
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Rene Sandler of Sandler Law LLC in Rockville, MD handled a CPS case for my family and was fantastic. The case was shut down almost immeidately after Ms. Sandler agressively took on the bureaucracy of CPS. I am so grateful for her work on my behalf. I strongly recommend her.
I want to sue CPS for falsely reporting me. Yes CPS reported me just to open a case falsely mind you and have documentation to prove that as well. I want this to stop so me and my son can live happy and normal. They have done horrible things to us and it needs to stop before it is too late!!! Can anyone please help me? I am in NY I don't know how to fight them and I don't know my rights or my sons. Pretty sad when you have to protect your child from someone who's job is to protect them!!! Please anyone that will take my case help me!!!
I am looking for help against CPS in Northern AZ. My child was removed from school without notification to me or the school. When she did not come home I called the bus system and the school neither had any idea where she was. i drove to the school to find out what happened and was there almost 30 mins before the CPS worker revealed herself. In that time i was panicing not knowing where my daughter was. I had no clue nor did anyone at the school. She said she was keeping my daughter for 72 hours not including the weekend. For the past 3 weeks we have been perparing for winter and cutting wood. in that time my child has had some bumps and bruises from the wood cutting and stacking. The CPS worker is trying to say We hurt our child even though I showed her the bruises on myself as well. I dont know what to so and want to pursue this case. Is there anyone out there who can help me???
I am looking for help against CPS in Northern AZ. My child was removed from school without notification to me or the school. When she did not come home I called the bus system and the school neither had any idea where she was. i drove to the school to find out what happened and was there almost 30 mins before the CPS worker revealed herself. In that time i was panicing not knowing where my daughter was. I had no clue nor did anyone at the school. She said she was keeping my daughter for 72 hours not including the weekend. For the past 3 weeks we have been perparing for winter and cutting wood. in that time my child has had some bumps and bruises from the wood cutting and stacking. The CPS worker is trying to say We hurt our child even though I showed her the bruises on myself as well. I dont know what to so and want to pursue this case. Is there anyone out there who can help me???
I would type in a search for one of the agencies that works to stop CPS, like "Fight CPS".
If you mailed me information about your case, I would look at it and tell you who I could refer you to or publish a story for you, but I can't give legal advice.
So far, to date, every person who has contacted me has not been sincere about who they are and no one ever bothered to give me anything that proves they are who they say they are or that they have a case they say they have.
Just a word of advice.
I am looking for one of the best attornys in Porter county Indiana (Valparaiso) to get out daughter back from DCS!! Who do you suggest? This is a very minor case and its getting dragged out by DCS! Help! bennyhill38@yahoo.com
Felishia Young, 1001 Texas Ave., Ste. 1400, Houston, Texas 77002, 713.328-6811 (office) 832.460.3120 (fax)
Takes CPS cases in Harris, Brazoria, FortBend, Galveston
and Montgomery Counties.
Thanks for the information!
Thanks for the information!
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i have a lawyer but im not sure how experienced he is with cps. it seems like everything i want to do or complain about, he opposes it. i dont want to lose him if he knows what hes doing but i dont want to keep him if hes not gonna win my case. Please help. i need advice quickly
For the person needing a CPS lawyer: what is the name of the lawyer?
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