Sunday, January 2, 2011

Bitch Esther & Proof of Non-Consensual Medication

Here is a photo of my eye drooping after Esther-the-Bitch drugged me. If you are wondering why the police officer decided not to mess with me (when I told him to "fuck off") take a look at my eyes.

My eyes were FINE before I had their fucking coffee. I know, because I went to the bathroom as soon as I got here, to put on a little make up. There was nothing wrong with my eyes. Then, I had the second cup after probably something was changed and after the police were here, and I suddenly have my sinuses clearing up and my eye drooping. For the last 2 days I have had no eye drooping and I've had coffee too.

It's my left eye and in the photo, the eye to the right.

This bitch (Esther) just left on her bike.

The one who gave me coffee that was tampered with.

This Starbucks was set up before I even arrived in Nashville.

I gave Washington state and others, too much of a heads up when I was leaving Washington to visit Tennessee.

I was emailing the place where I have stayed, before I ever left Washington.

The FBI and others monitor my email.

All they had to do was mapquest what place I was emailing and figure out where I might go to do my blogging.

Where do you think?

The closest place with wifi. And probably a coffee shop, as is my habit.

I was emailing the place I've stayed at, a week before I showed up. And this Starbucks has been the absolutely worst place for me with the technology stuff.

I guess it was broken into a few days ago. Which I find very interesting. I asked what was taken, if anything, and they said, "Two drawers". They said it was "really weird" because someone just took two drawers.

That was it.

I have to say, I have no idea how someone was able to do this. I mean, it must have been a talented cat burglar because there are cameras and traffic and everything. I don't know how anyone is able to get away with any kind of robbery these days.

Like the art that was stolen from the Egyptian museum. You have to have some serious money to do that. It's rich people stuff.

Which is so strange to think about: rich vs poor robbery and techniques and resources. It's not all about the poor. The rich steal. Sometimes, far more often that the poor. Sometimes, as is the case for Washington state, by making it appear legal too.
Yep. I just looked it up. I am being given antipsychotic medication.
I don't need it, and as you can tell, it really helps with my perception of "reality". I think I've been stating the same FACTS over and over and over.
(Next time someone sees Esther, if you want to put a stick in her bicycle spokes, feel free. She's the only black woman with braids that works here. It's a green bike with a basket.)
I would say it was from the overheating stuff this morning but that was very mild and then it quit. And it had nothing to do with my sinuses.
I just read that antipsychotic medications have an neurolepsy effect (can cause one side of the face to droop) and can also have an antihistamine effect (which would explain the clearing up of my sinuses).
I have grounds for political asylum.
This has been going on for some time too.
First someone gives me something crazy at the Panera that MADE me totally wig out, which was really nice, and then gave someone an excuse to give me the shit that causes my eye to droop and sinuses to clear up.
Nice job fuckers.
Umm, yeah, even I recognized something was up the other day.
Someone was giving me this same shit over in Wenatchee. The eye droop-sinus clearing stuff. Then they were trying other things over here.
I asked my parents if they had anything to do with this
By the way, I am trying to edit this post and someone keeps changing it. I keep putting spaces inbetween my sentences to separate ideas, and someone keeps changing it to have it all run together.
I have corrected this over 10 times now and someone keeps changing it. Ever since I wrote that I knew I was being given antipsychotic meds without my consent.
I wouldn't say that it's been without my knowledge.
And I would definitely not say this anymore.
I am leaving this country.

Now, I just posted more sentences with spaces inbetween and the only one that came up with the right space was after I wrote "I am leaving this country" and then a space stayed put and it posted "period" with a space inbetween.
By the way, a really very nasty woman with short white hair came in with her husband and was not good energy. She left in a gold mercury and said something to someone else about his "session" and to me, she kept making motions to the heart and smirking at me.
I just shut down my laptop and tried to take over the controls by going to the Administrator function and using this safe mode and logging on as Administrator but it didn't work.
Someone is hacking into my computer a different way.
And just changed every single space I made and took it out.
I would say this is very advanced hacking.
It is happening so fast it's more of an automatic function thing that someone is doing because I wrote a whole bunch of sentences with doublespacing inbetween each thought or idea, and as soon as I hit "publish" someone was able to get them to all run together instead, instantly.
Which is still happening so I am going to try a different post jand see if it helps at all.

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