Monday, January 3, 2011

Gym Today

I went to several classes because the FBI here has trapped me from being able to go anywhere or do anything. They have not, as of yet, secured my benefits to help protect me as they said they would. I have $10 left (or less) in food stamps for buying food and I told them the women's place I was at was one of the places I got something bad.

I was told there were all these jobs after the 1st, but nothing came in besides housekeeping. I don't even know if that will work as I was last paid $16/hr (or more) years ago and now they are saying $8/hr. ?! and I am trapped so what else can I do?

I said okay, I'd do it but then I worry that this is going to have me overtime with a small group that might just be bad and ruin things for me. The last job I had here, was for a Catholic guy who hired me just to fire me and say bad things about me.

If they are good people, it might be different.

I was at the gym and people acted shocked. What else do they expect me to do? at least I'm proving there is nothing wrong with my mind

What pisses me off, is that I went in there, and I picked up what we were doing as if I'd been in the gym for the last 20 years. I wasn't perfect, but I picked it up fast.

Half the people out there in the world don't know what I am even capable of, because I've had jealous assholes keeping me down.

Like I said, my family has, in our genes, more natural ability than half of these people who have been in training with major money to help them along.

And like I said, we've been robbed and pushed down because others have been jealous.

I will post more tomorrow but right now I have to go.

And I will post more of the proof of what happened after I was poisoned. But I have more to say, just about gym and jealousy.

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