Sunday, January 2, 2011

RTI and psychic

What is RTI.

Came to mind, which is why people like to experiment with me I guess.

I don't care. I'm not a guinea pig and neither is my son. I don't want my son used either. he should be free.

Yesterday I saw "puddy tat" the tweetie bird that says this, in the mind's eye I saw it. I then went to chapel and was sitting there and this woman came and sat next to me wearing a tweetie bird shirt.

I asked her when she had put that shirt on and she said about a 1/2 hour ago. I told her I had seen it, in the mind's eye, at about that time. But I knew there was another woman with a shirt of tweetie bird on it and thought it was maybe her. But then this other woman with the symbol came and sat next to me.

She said I had the gift. Which is what a lot of people say but that doesn't mean it makes sense.

I also had an impression of Kate Middleton but I felt it was confused because I've never had any impression of her face before and she ws really pissed in my impression. I mean, she looked mean and kind of hard or steely. Her lips pressed together. It was only hair and face and I think neck and shoulders but I couldn't tell what she was wearing. I also wasn't sure if it was really her but that was whose identity came to mind with the impression.

I wasn't thinking of her or trying to think about her at all. So this is why, when she popped to mind, I felt it was authentic..I mean in the sense that I wasn't trying to see her or thinking about her, but in another sense I didn't know if someone was trying to send it to me and maybe it wasn't her but I was supposed to think it was. It was strange. She looks very soft and warm and nice in all the photos so I didn't know what to think of a mean look. I had it in the morning yesterday. It had to have been before noon. I think it was early morning sort of, my time (CST).

Since I've had a few things come to mind that I'm not trying to see I kind of thought maybe someone was trying to project something to me that wasn't right, but I don't know how this is done or why it would be done. At any rate, it was a first for me.

It sounds weird, but I just thought, if it's possible for some psychics to don a wig to try to confuse other psychics (at least they do this in govt. settings)...I thought maybe someone wanted to see if they could project the idea that it was her but it wasn't her.?

It came to me sort of like tweety bird did. I wasn't trying to think of tweety bird and for some reason, it just came to the forefront of my mind. It was like, in a flash, her face was right there and she looked hard and mean and when it was gone I had the idea "She's mad at me. But she doesn't even know me. She looks mean." But then when it was gone I considered, maybe some psychic was trying to project some false thing to me. I saw her face as if it was only a foot away from me. It was close up.

This other thing happened the other night. I think it was the night before last night or even 2 nights before last. It was during a chapel and I closed my eyes for a split second and saw a large hole and the next thing the speaker said was something about a hole. It wasn't a hole in the ground, it was more of a smoke circle shape but like a hole and then the next minute, literally, she was talking about some kind of hole. My eyes widened at that.

Then the night before last? there was a man who spoke and his main verse was one which was a double of another verse I had just turned to and read. It was about the exact same thing. God showing things to the foolish and poor to shame the wise and rich.

The other thing I did, which I hoped to God (and prayed too) was not some kind of mind control but was from God, was that I knelt on my knees when I was outside.

This came to me, to do this a couple of nights ago. I was walking back to where I am having to stay and all of a sudden, I think it was on the night before New Year's Eve, I felt the strongest need to kneel and pray but I didn't.

Then last night, I did and it was right before 6 p.m. CST. It was at about 5:45 I guess or around that time. I was outside, next to the wall of the house and had finished eating some chili Top Ramen and raisonettes and it came to me while I was eating the soup out of a cup. So I did and prayed briefly, hoping it was because I should and God wanted me to for some reason and not for some weird reason. I sort of wondered if someone else was doing the same thing somewhere in the world and we had a connection but I didn't get any impression of anyone. I just felt I had to do it.

The time before, that other night, it felt like more out of the need because of maybe danger somewhere or something precarious and then last night it felt more like communal or fellowship or common unity or a calling. I also thought, "I hope I am not following some kind of mind control command" but I reasoned, "Getting on your knees, if it comes to mind and is at an opportune time, can never be wrong." So I said a small prayer and that was it. Like 5-10 minutes.

Also, today, this afternoon, I sensed a very good energy again at a certain time. I wasn't sure where it was from but it was the same as the good energy I felt around 4 p.m. one day recently at the YMCA. It was maybe a couple of hours ago.

It wasn't being medicated. Believe me. I am pissed about that. It was something else.
the man from my dream was older I think. Had a broad sort of face and not really dark hair or anything. The one where he looked at me when I said how many kids I wanted to the woman. He was sort of ahead of me and to the right in the minds eye and the woman walking next to me on my right and I was on the left.
Several nights ago I tried vaguely to think about these 2 brothers from the Russian church, for just a split second. I thought Vladdie was wearing a long sleeved black shirt but I've never seen him in this and that his brother was wearing a long sleeved medium blue one. But I was "trying" and it seem like a "for sure" thing.
Today while at Starbucks, I saw a dozen tiny planes flying by and the first one, I anticipated before it was in view. I looked and saw nothing and wondered why I had looked. The next second, it was coming into view.

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