Wednesday, January 5, 2011

New Problems Arise (that were not really new)

These women who are on staff at this women's shelter...I went there to treat it like a hostel while visiting. A couple of the women hated me and were trying to do whatever they could do to me, right at the start and only barely masked it. But I knew. I knew who was not on my "side" for some reason, from the first day and I wondered why. Women on staff there. Later I met a few other women.

I didn't want to blog about it and create problems but I always wondered. I also had a very strong suspicion that at least 2 who had issues, were not christians, in the real sense. And one security guard, in particular, said some really "off" things to me, about my son. I asked him today, while walking away, if he went to church and he said on occasion. I don't think he ever goes. And there is something wrong with him.

I won't name the names for now. Not unless problems get worse and I'm hoping they might still be remedied.

I was told the mental health person wasn't there so one of the staff that's provoked me and mocked and been really horrible, told me to talk to HER. She was just nosy. She asked if I was working or getting benefits and then said the director said they wanted me to have a mental health evaluation to make sure I was a "safe person for the others to be around."

I couldn't believe it. If I am a "safe" person when I'm the one who has had people stealing from me. I told her I didn't have a mental health diagnosis, and never had in my entire life, and that the only things I have even discussed with other women or them had been when I had things stolen and that was it.

I said it was amazing to me that they would try to force me to do this when if someone needs a hospital evaluation, they would choose to go to the hospital. No one working at a "christian" facility (that requires chapel every single night but so far, has never addressed theivery), has a right to force someone to go to a doctor for a physcial examination anymore than they have a right to force a mental health exam.

And I am telling you, the same women on staff who made the most fuss are the same ones I had a bad feeling about from the start. At first though, they were not mocking me or acting triumphant. They acted more like hell's angels and advocates for the devil. They were visibly happy if things did not go well for me or they heard as much, and looked WORRIED when I was doing great with work or things looked like they were turning around.

Then they said a few women had made complaints, and these are the same women who were stealing from me.

So I was told to have a mental eval or leave and I said, "Okay, then I'll leave."

I was NOT going to have a mental health eval by THEIR chosen provider, when they had not even taken steps to investigate theft of my belongings.

So I went to my locker to get my things and I changed and then she came back and said the director was there and to talk to her and then she introduced me to their mental health man. I am not kidding. They brought him over and I said, "I am not speaking to him to be evaluated."

They know I have never been any kind of problem and I am hardly ever there and I can prove it.

So then they said I could either be evaluated or have to leave at a certain time in the morning and not go back until a certain time.

They all stood in a circle around the door as I was leaving, and then I asked the mental health guy if he had heard my conversation with the director and he said yes and then I saw his reflection in the glass of the door as I was walking out.

This is a man whose face looks open and earnest. I never saw an expression that was arbitrary and he looked like this nice and kind, fair person.

I love glass doors and stupidity though, because he did something very stupid and the glass door caught it: My back was fully turned and not-so-bright-guy stuck his pen that he was holding, down his throat in a gagging gesture. Right after I had asked him the question and then turned my back to him.

Shocked, I then turned to look at him and he withdrew the pen enough to chew on the end of the pen. He at least pretended to be chewing on the end of the pen.

I was stunned.

I guess I should write what I got in the Bible last night because it was about Judas asking how much money he could receive if he betrayed Jesus and then he went home and pondered this. Everything I got from the Bible last night was about betrayal.

Here's the weird thing. One of the staff women who I knew didn't like me from the start--I wondered where she was coming from. And then I found out her name is the same name as that of the wife of a Nashville TN FBI person and I had just asked her the other night about the FBI and there was sort of strange reaction. I don't think there is any connection bc that would be too random. But I won't say the name of either the FBI person or her right now. But she is one who wanted me out from the start, or didn't want anything good for me and who was mocking me last night.

This other one has been there, she said, 9 months and I don't believe she is christian at all. She said she goes to a non-denominational church but something isn't right. She has been trying to provoke me from the very first day, over small things, but all the time and had the same fear when anything was going well for me. I don't know what her background is past a few months or some time in a non-denominational setting but I met someone that, I believe, was related to her when I was first in Nashville, so I would wonder why I am having any problem at all.

There are a few other things.

I love how this woman Anna Cruz, who got the Presidential pardon, gets away with anything she wants to get away with too. She stays there and acts the same way...disappointed by anything good.

I am also going to report that since I've come to this Starbucks, I have twice had something directed to me which caused my heart to skip and it is technology. I am sitting next to a window so it might be someone outside but I don't know becaue there are Starbucks workers across from me, and then other people here too.

Also, this same thing happened while I was in front of my laptop in the women's dressing room before going to kickboxing. This thing with my heart. I thought it was really strange. I didn't know if it was someone behind the lockers or what.

There was a woman behind me giving Arabic lessons to a caucasian woman here at the Starbucks. I looked back at her, wondering if it had been done from that direction but I didn't know. And I don't want to assume. She didn't look Arabic at all (to me) and I thought her accent was more Eastern European. She left right after I posted something about the heart stuff but I can't assume it was anything to do with them.

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