Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Odd Torture Use By Iranian Auto Mechanic Tonight

I had something else weird happen tonight and it only happened from one place and there were only 2 people there: an Iranian father and son.

I left the women's place and went to use a phone next door at the Uniroyal auto mechanic shop. They seemed nice enough and the one guy allowed me to use his Blackberry.

I had a few noticeable problems with this Blackberry cell (not technology but telecommunication weird stuff) and then something very bizarre after the father started up some kind of car welding tool of some kind.

Not only that, the other thing that was odd was the son slid a knife partway under the counter.

I ignored his taking out a knife and putting it halfway under something because who knows why he did this. I have no clue.

So I made a few calls and then it was after just a few calls I started having issues with getting the right numbers. First, I noticed this loud echo on his cell and i couldn't hear myself speak to the other person on the other line. Then, I tried to call the YMCA and I got a fax ringing in my ear. I looked at the number I'd dialed and compared it with the number in the phone book. Then, I called Washington state Social and Health Services offices to request a fair hearing and correct their error, and as soon as I dialed in my social security number so they were able to identify me, I got the msg that their circuits were busy and to call some other time. I called again and instead of being able to even put in my social, I got a busy signal. I tried several different WA state office numbers and had a big problem.

They had a pair of men's Army pants hanging up in the mechanic shop and a few other things. Which I wondered about.

And then I was standing there at the counter, and the father turned on some kind of tool that was for cars (I assume) and made a lot of noise and then I had it going right through my heart and like a shock. It was like getting shocked by an electric fence. The current was sort of like an electric fence shock but it was mainly at about my ribcage level and I wasn't touching anything except leaning against the counter.

Then I went to a Starbucks and a partly middle eastern man came in with some guy who I guessed was military.

I thought the knife thing was weird. But I didn't worry at all. They seemed fine and then when they started ttalking I asked what language it was and they said "Farsi" and I said, "Oh! are you from Pakistan? or Iran?" and they said Iran and that Pakistanis spoke Urdu not Farsi. I had thought Pakistanis (some) also speak Farsi.

When I felt this effect when he had this machine on, I left the counter and walked over, casually, to the garbage can and threw away my napkins but I mainly left the spot because of what had just happened and wanting to see if it was just specific to an area. As soon as I walked away, even though the machine was still going and making noise, the effect to my body quit.

There are people colluding to do these things to me and some of them are, in my opinion, being bribed or bought in some way to do it.

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