Friday, December 19, 2008

Information About Best Baby Formula (Nov. 7, 2006)

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habaneros and baby formula
Tuesday, November 7, 2006 8:51 AM
"loree baird"
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Word to the wise: habenero peppers are hot. Do NOT touch your nose after handling and cutting one up. I did, and my nose is burning like the fires of hell. When it started to run I seriously didn't know if it was snot or blood. And forget mouthwash. Just eat an habanero for a thorough clean burn. Even my teeth are tingling. Way better than Listerine. I thought I had subdued the pepper with 2 eggs, monterey jack cheese, avocado, and mushrooms, but no. The habanero cannot be subdued. Jalapenos? They're like baby candy.

Also, for anyone using infant formula, don't use Enfamil or Parent's Choice, or an Organic brand I checked out, because they use palm oil and studies have shown kids have 1/2 the bone density of others who had formulas without palm oil. Palm oil prevents calcium absorbtion. I thought it was weird it was in the formula,because it's in popcorn stuff too. Also, all that iron in formulas...well, it may lead to Parkinsons, according to research. The accumulation of iron in formula is 40 times that which is in breastmilk, and researchers believe (some, at least) it builds up in the brain before age 2, also is shown to cause brain damage when fed to rats. The American Pediatrics and FDA discourage these findings because of the success rate of the reduction of anemia, however, I personally think the problem is that if babies are anemic it's because they're discouraged from eating egg yolk (which is not the same as egg white) until they're so old and they get fed other crap.


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