Friday, December 19, 2008

Letter To Robin (Oct. 26, 2006)

Thursday, October 26, 2006 5:56 AM
"loree baird"
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Hi Robin,

Are you mad at me about something? or just don't want to be in touch any longer?

I went to Stephanie Maiers' wedding shower and you came up; lots of people asked about you. I said you were running a high class drug ring through a successful law firm. haha.

I'm writing a couple of guys--one is Chinese and is doing really well for only having been in the U.S. since he was 17 and he lives in a big city in Texas, and the other two: one is an airline pilot living in Florida and seems like a quality person, and the other is a jack of all trades (pilot, linguist (knows 5 languages), athlete, ect).

Oliver is very bright, and loves to run. He doesn't just want to walk with me holding his hands, he wants to RUN. ALL the time. He is soooooo active it's nuts. Kicking, wiggling out of every chair, running, and sitting unsupported. He doesn't sleep as much as most kids his age. He's also really happy. Steph's family commented on this--a lot of people do...that he is so well-adjusted and happy. He loves to be tickled and likes untying knots. Really loves music too. He's going to be a puppy for Halloween--my neighbor gave me a costume

I'm getting ready to write the book I've talked about writing forever. My best friend is a professor at a writing college in NYC and she is encouraging me to go for it, and she'll workshop it and edit and then find a publisher (she used to work for publishing house). It's my main goal in life. I've never cared about making lots of money, or being a social or career climber, but I want to be a writer of great books, and make people laugh. AND, with Oliver, proceeds could come in handy for him. I just have to move the computer out of the bedroom and set up my office and write before he wakes up in the morning. My friend Christa was telling me Toni Morrison got up and wrote for 4 hours before her kids were up, and then she went to work as well. The Maiers offered me a job through their dad's company but I have other things to do right now. At some point, I would like to live in another country with Oliver.

I'm sending you photos that are more recent. I'm included in them, unfortunately, and I don't know how to separate them from the ones of me and Oliver (my mom took them). I've lost some weight but have about 40 lbs to go. I'll send you an excerpt from my after-the-shower observations as well, which was a way to transform my humiliation into humor.

How do you like being a lawyer?

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