Monday, December 15, 2008

Migraines Linked To Sleepwalking ????!!!! CRAP

OHMIGOSH! CRAP! Okay, I'm SURE the baby is Dabney's...and I NEVER noticed feeling like I'd had sex...but it seems to me that my other roommate apparently witnessed me doing something in his ROOM that I DID NOT REMEMBER. And this article says MIGRAINES are linked to SLEEPWALKING! Oh, and by the way, this does not excuse the robberies that really DID happen in my apartments. I have roommates to confirm the locks seemed jimmied when my medical records disappeared. I believe we even had to call a locksmith. And, I have enemies that wanted to know what was in my medical records, to use against me. There wasn't ANYTHING then, but later, in Wenatchee, people manufactured crap that wasn't true. I also know that Christa stayed the night at my house, right about the time I noticed my records were gone. But I assumed it was a robbery.

Sex in Your Sleep? For Real!
By Nancy Shute
Posted 6/1/07

Carlos Schenck, a psychiatrist at the Minnesota Regional Sleep Disorders Center and the Hennepin County Medical Center, has been studying bizarre sleep-related disorders for the past 20 years. That includes people who eat while asleep and even drive a car. In the June issue of the journal Sleep, Schenck and his colleagues Isabelle Arnulf and Mark Mahowald reveal, after a review of the literature, that a range of unconscious behaviors they call "sleepsex" is occurring, too. U.S. News spoke with Schenck about his findings.

What sorts of sexual behaviors do people engage in while they're asleep?

We know that medical disorders like migraine headaches can trigger sleepwalking and other parasomnias. Now, we know that you can have a sexual behavior disorder during sleep. That includes sexual vocalizations, masturbation, fondling another person, intercourse, and assaultive sexual behaviors.

You say people absolutely don't remember the sexual activity. How would I know if I were engaging in sleep sex?

In most cases, unless your bed partner brought it up, you wouldn't know. There was one man who severely bruised his penis because of masturbation. Hopefully, he would get medical attention and figure it out. A lot of time with sleepwalkers who live alone, unless they see the furniture rearranged when they wake up in the morning, they wouldn't know they were sleepwalking. I tell sleepwalkers who live alone to put newspapers very neatly around the bed or put a door alarm on the door, so they'll wake up if they're sleepwalking.

Why haven't we heard about this before?

People are very embarrassed by this; it's very shameful, humiliating. I see a lot of people with sleep-related eating, and they're embarrassed, especially with the weight gain. But with sleep sex, they're really ashamed.

What do you do if you suspect you or a family member has a sleep disorder involving sleep sex?

It's important to know that it's treatable. A physician would do a family history, and a partner sleep history. Most of the patients in our review did have a very rich history of parasomnias, such as sleepwalking, sleeptalking. Most responded to standard therapy, which includes medication such as benzodiazepines and klonipin.

Some of what you describe is sexual assault. How do doctors find out about these cases?

We get calls from lawyers around the country who are dealing with these cases, asking for our opinion on whether someone could have actually been asleep while committing a crime. The typical story is the teenage daughter awakes to find her father doing something inappropriate. He may have had previous parasomnias, or he may have had something to drink, or it may be volitional. It's really so tricky; we don't know on the night in question what was going on.

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