Monday, December 15, 2008

My Father's Sleepwalking and Migraine

I think I've hit upon something. I'm not going to say I have sleepsex because that sounds ridiculous and I think I'd know. If I did a LOT of sleepwalking, female roommates would have told me, too. But I think I am a sleepwalker, and that I've done this in childhood AND as an adult.

I was just reading, there is link between migraine and sleepwalking, and there is also a genetic link.

Which is when I remembered, my father has been noted to sleepwalk once or twice, and he has reported at least one incapacitating migraine headache (though oddly, just once). My mother said she was finding my father standing out on the deck, at their house, in the middle of the night, and didn't know he was outside. I think he was even peeing off of the deck, instead of in their masterbath, and didn't realize it.

So there you GO. I might need...Hmmm.

A BIG ASS APOLOGY FROM WENATCHEE "tension headache" theorists.

Ergotamine works, and I'm a sleepwalker. And genetics are involved, and I've already had TWO neurology exams that agreed I have migraines. DEAL with it. These people need to be MAJORLY sued for all the times they refused me TREATMENT.!!!!


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