Thursday, December 25, 2008

Accomodation for Disability (March 21, 2008)

I noticed all of the hearings from the Wenatchee hospital injunction and then with this case, were "coincidentally" at the exact same time I would be due for migraine. So I asked for accomodation:

Accomodation for Disability‏
From: cam huegenot (
Sent: Fri 3/21/08 10:18 AM
To: (


I need to change the next hearing date because it will coincide with my migraine period which has an established pattern.

While I am in the process of finding a preventative treatment for them, it's not nailed down yet and I will need to push this back 3 days or more to allow for my migraine.

Let me know if you can change the date.



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