Saturday, December 20, 2008

Another Letter To Potential Informants

I'm not making a lot of posts today--I posted a bunch of old emails I had, to show what was going on prior to CPS's claim I had a "breakdown". There was no breakdown. And these emails prove who would have known they could be in trouble.

Not only that, I know the Abbey lawyers (Kaempf and Whittemore) assisted Wenatchee counsel to defame me and avoid a medical malpractice lawsuit. The whole thing was planned.

I am making this post today because while I know there is more than one potential informant out there, I realized, and I have this feeling, that there are a few individuals who are seriously thinking of coming forward. I believe the information may be totally varied--one person might know about one thing and someone could know about something else.

I am begging you, to please make this step. I do not extend my forgiveness and pardon to just one informant, but to anyone who is willing to come forward before law enforcement or someone else catches up to them. I don't care if your motive is guilt, fear, or very sincere remorse, I forgive you and would ask that you and your family be protected and honored for being willing to help me and my son.

What happened to us was very wrong. It is one thing to go after me, but they went after my son. A baby. My son was a complete innocent, and any group that would do this, is very dangerous and will harm others, and you could be next. People like that are just recklessly violent and bad. If you were involved, I forgive you. If you were not involved, but have information, please come forward for my son at least, so he can get the right diagnostics and we can be together again, safely.

Also, for anyone who has information about state or CPS workers and their attempts to purposefully work with Wenatchee medical professionals to railroad me, are welcome to come forward. Any kind of planning to obstruct justice or withhold evidence, or to lie, is evidence of a joint plan, and they can be held accountable, under federal law, for conspiracy. Conspiracy is a big word, but all it means is that at least two different people worked on a premeditated plan to cause harm or violate laws.

Like I said, I don't know who to steer informants to, because I know there have been dirty people in the FBI and also in normal police. I am NOT Mormon, nor do I wish to become Mormon, but like I said, I think going to someone in FBI or law enforcement who IS, is going to be safe, because they are one group that the others were concerned about, and I believe they'll take it seriously and offer you and your family the protection you need. Show them my posts, where I say I want you to have immunity and protection, and get it in writing, and then give out your information.

You may be male, female, upper income or lower income, you might work in government or outside of it--any information you might have could be very helpful.

Thank you.


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