Monday, December 15, 2008

Copy of Email To Judge Hotchkiss Today

copy of my email to Judge Hotchkiss, sent 2 minutes ago, to his secretary Jo Jackson:

This is Cameo Garrett.

I have already sent an email to Juanita Koch, requesting any motion or order to be emailed as an attachment to me as I was not at the last hearing and have not been in receipt of any mailings.

I have moved from my last location and spent the last 2 months in a painful pregnancy which ended in a missed miscarriage, which is still a factor in my health.

I do not have the ability to give a regular address at this time and cannot collect any mail at the former address.

I have made several requests to this court in the past, which were repeatedly ignored, or answered at the last minute.

Please submit any information you may have from the last hearing, to my email address so I am actually "served" with whatever the order is as I have not seen it myself.

Additionally, I tried for over TWO months to get "services" over here, as requested months ago, and CPS in both D.C. and Wenatchee refused to return my phone calls when I left several messages, and when I even went into the D.C. offices three times, in person, and had meetings, I was put off and then no one called me back. I waited on Wenatchee and D.C. for months, and they purposefully stalled and then claimed I had not complied with your last order.

There has only been bad faith on the part of CPS and the state, and you, your honor, have been a part of this, by proceeding with hearings without me, and giving me no prior notice I should be prepared to go pro se, and knowing I had not received the court file or ANY discovery prior to any of these hearings.

Your Honor, that is not just an accident or by-product of a busy docket. That is illegal and a violation of my civil right, rules for civil procedure, and was dishonest.

I am asking for your last "order" so I may file a case against you and the state. I am also still not in receipt of the CDs which prove what happened in Wenatchee, which prove evidence was withheld and that I was not in receipt of discovery.

All I have heard about the last hearing, is something about a "last ditch" effort by, supposedly you, and I heard this through an anonymous poster on my blog,and the only other thing I heard was a couple days ago, from my aunt who is not in possession of any order and doesn't know the details and did not know the details of the last order.

What I do know, is that you have allowed the state to cut off even phone visitation with my son, when I am in the middle of getting medical documentation which, surprise!, contradicts what your "witnesses" have claimed, and which proves I have injuries that the same witnesses tried to conceal and cover up.

You do not honestly expect me to get a fair "psych eval" from Washington state do you? the same state that withheld evidence and denied me the right to discovery in a timely manner?

Oh yeah, you're the judge who hung up on a mother after telling her, on the spot, she was to go pro se, and agreeing, at the same time, I was mentally ill.

I like how you thrust the "mentally ill" out of hearings after telling them they have to defend themselves, on the spot. And then hang up and say you're proceeding without a defense, when I tried to call to get back in.

You blew all your chances. I hardly think any "effort" by you, would be considered "last-ditch".

You were too tired to even hear me out, in the fact finding hearing, as I desperately grasped for straws, while you KNEW I had NO discovery before me and I didn't even know what the state was basing their case off of.

You ordered the release of private and confidential medical records to be examined by any and all state employees, and conveniently only received the chart notes, which are doctors' opinions, and mind you, opinions from doctors and professionals who knew I had been looking for a lawyer and law firm in Seattle to represent me and my son in medical malpractice.

Every single complaint against me was made after I told the medical professionals I was getting a lawyer and they were going to be sued. I then proceeded to go to Seattle and my ability to do even that was cut off.

But how, exactly, do you think I should view you?

Put yourself in my shoes. I know they're a little rough around the edges and perhaps a few sizes too small, but since you're the big man of the town, I'm sure you are humble enough to step down and consider, as a former so-called "defense attorney" yourself, what in this case went wrong.

Imagine, for just one moment, what could YOU, personally, be liable for? Or were you always satisfied with the immunity clause for judges? Acting within your scope? I imagine such immunity is empowering to both the brave and the cowardly within the judicial system. If you are not concerned about being sued, exactly, what of your personal reputation?

Is it that you're too close to retirement to care? You're pretty much ready to turn in the gown for the Hells Angels jacket? Rev up one of those bikes? Or is it that you depend upon the loyalty of all those good Wenatchee people who put you in your position in the first place?

If you don't want to let them down, I suppose I can understand your actions. That doesn't make what you did right. I wrote a poem with you in mind, on my's the one called "America the Beautiful".

All of my aspirations to do something good for the justice system, go down the drain with each encounter of another corrupt judge. No, you're not willfully corrupt, I hope, but you're just negligent and too god-damn lazy to care and comfortable with your social position. Do you really care about "the truth" and "justice"? No. You're too worn out.

You worked too long in Wenatchee, as a lawyer first and then a judge, and never had the chance to be challenged. I even think, had you lived in another location or town, you could have been great. But you settled.

And ever since, you have been settling. I feel sorry for you, because being a judge, is an enormous responsibility and privilege. It is one of the greatest honors our country can give any man or woman. And yet seats are sold. And seats are taken by those who really don't care, who just want a stable job, and if they can do a good turn once a month, and manage a tight docket and budget, they feel good.

You may not have known, but I looked up to you. I looked up to so many of you judges. You had my respect and my awe and I sincerely thought even lawyers, were fighting for the rights of all mankind. I never thought it was about money or social ties. I believed in YOU. Of all the great honors anyone could receive, you were given the title of king. You are king of justice and have a place in the courts. But none of you have the fever anymore. You don't care. I could cry over this email and care about every word I write, and it will be cast aside because you and your fellow judges, most of them (not all) simply do not care.

The only time you spring to action or diligence is when it is concerning your own affairs. Which is why we have to sue. Yet you know the game and how it works. You knew all along that I didn't have money, and you even mocked me in a hearing, telling me to "get a private attorney then" and I could hear your laughter. You knew I had no money at all, but were delighted to say, "Let them eat cake!"

Judge Warren was sending grandmothers to jail for a year, on a first-time DUI when they were completely repentant, and in the same hearing, I watched him let a sex offender, who admitted what he'd done, off with a restraining order. Save the court some time, and you'll be rewarded, you say to the people, and people in Wenatchee have been taking guilty pleas for things they didn't do for far too long, even at the advice of their corrupt and lazy public defender. Judge Warren was refusing to file kites. That is illegal, and every lawyer knows it, but Warren did it anyway. He also put an illegal suspension on my car, and alerted police to it, when I was trying to finish college classes in Oregon.

Why? I believe he had a personal motive for some of his decisions, but secondly, he was about to retire. He didn't care about getting caught, and when I went to Wes, with the Wenatchee FBI, Wes didn't care either. Wes said, "He's going to retire anyway."

If this is the way you want to be remembered, you will have your wish. My son will not forget you, even though you've forgotten about him. And the sons and daughters of others who you railroad won't forget you either. Most of the time, maybe, you try to work a little equality. But when a good friend asks you for John the Baptist's head on a platter, how can you refuse? When the crowd clamored for a crucifixion, without a fair trial, to avenge them of the insults from an innocent man, the king listened, and he did what was...right?

No, he did what he felt was politically correct.

The least you can do, in our future correspondence, whether you are answering a summons for trial yourself, or threatening me to return to a state for burial (you've already acheived the crucifixion and you simply don't want me to rise from the dead), is to acknowledge that I have a right to prompt and courteous response to requests for hearings or service of motions and other papers.

I think, in your retirement, you might like to remember this part of my case the most, because I promise you, of all the cases you've had before you on the docket, you will never forget this one. Because this one is just beginning, and if you were "tired" before, you are going to be exhausted by the end.

Get your rest. Lay off of the red meat as you know you need to watch your cholesterol and bp.

I will remember you in my prayers tonight and this is the only thing I will say, in this entire email, without sarcasm, because I figure I owe it to you, out of a vestige of respect for your position--one that used to represent so much of this country to me. A position which used to make me proud to be an American and now only repels me, in a search to find out where justice fled to. She is no longer present in America, and God is on the last train out as well. I will be one person who documents what became of Rome before she fell.

Thank you,

Cameo Garrett

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