Sunday, December 14, 2008

Lack of Estrogen: Miscarriage & Role Of Marijuana In Estrogen Levels?

I think I may have hit on something. And thought it could have been the MRI, there could have been something else, a reason why the baby wasn't moving and the heartbeat was difficult to find.

I think it may have had something to do with estrogen, possibly, and the lack thereof.

This is why I think it's possible:

1. My periods were almost non-existent. I had less than a half of a tampon filled per "period", which was in contrast to my previously very normal 5 day, whole-box of tampons cycle. There was obviously something wrong with my hormone levels.

2. I started smoking marijuana to prevent migraine. The month I smoked the most pot, was the month I had the return of an almost normal period, which was immediately prior to conception, or a month before--it was for 3 full days and was halfway normal and heavier flow. I noticed this, and that it happened after I was with Dabney, and actually thought, then, that maybe it was (LOL) something to do with his semen. But actually, it probably pot that got my periods going again to some degree.

3. Marijuana is known to stimulate or have estrogen-like compounds in it. Which is why some men, it is thought, develop "breasts" from heavy or chronic marijuana use.

4. I quit using pot when I became pregnant. This could have caused a lowering of estrogen, when my natural levels were in decline and would not typically support a pregnancy. I had enough in my system, probably, for the first couple of months and I didn't notice migraines. But prior to the MRI I had a bad migraine and took only 2 inhales (because I figured it's better than narcotics and you CANNOT take ergotamine or other things in pregnancy) and 2 Tylenol and then 2 Advil. The migraines were coming back, though, because I wasn't using marijuana anymore.

5. Research shows the cause of most "missed miscarriages" is from lack of estrogen, as estrogen is required to keep a pregnancy going. I will post a couple of links showing this is true, at the end of my argument.

6. My use of marijuana (2 inhales) had nothing to do with miscarriage. It is used quite frequently with others with no problems, but I didn't use it enough. I only used it prior to pregnancy, and that may have enabled me to become pregnant in the first place, replacing my lack of estrogen with a synthetic or marijuana-promoting form.

I came upon this idea just today. It came to me like a little lightbulb, because I had my second round of migraine yesterday. It was pretty bad but on the other side of my head. I smoked pot, because now that there is no baby, I am not worried about using it. So I smoked about 4 or 5 inhales and then I noticed 2 things: an increased pressure in my head (throbbing) and an increased pressure in my breasts and a warmth in the pelvic area. At first, I thought the breast pressure was just from blood flow changes, like to my head as well, but then last night, my breasts were fuller than before and hurt, AND some of the pregnancy signs to the breasts returned (won't go into detail). Today, my breasts are heavier and feel almost pregnant again (but I know the baby's gone--my stomach is totally going down and I don't have pain anymore).

I started thinking, what does pot have to do with breasts and making them feel pregnant again? I thought: ESTROGEN.

So I started thinking, "Oh my GOD"...and realized it is quite possible the only reason my periods were sort of returning at one point, was because of increased use of pot, which stimulates estrogen, which I was obviously lacking if I wasn't having periods anymore. And then I looked up research, and it all shows tons of evidence that missed miscarriages are because of lack of estrogen. And what is also interesting, is that lack of estrogen usually doesn't stimulate a MISCARRIAGE right away, but a MISSED miscarriage. The heartbeat stops but the body tries to carry it on for awhile.

So, while it could have been that the MRI contributed, and I believe it did, for sure, perhaps there was something that contributed to how easily the heart stopped, and it is possible that I would have needed hormone supplements to carry the baby to term anyway.

Not that any doctor would have listened to me, because, of course, I'M the IDIOT. Supposedly, having no periods after having regular ones, is "normal", and knowing those doctors, they never would have tested me for hormone balance or imbalance.

Half the people who are doctors shouldn't even be doctors to begin with. And, do me a favor, in the future, "Army Wife"...If you don't know the ANSWER, don't spit something out, on the fly, or make hurried assumptions.


Hmmm. Now I'm reading more, and while Babs still needs to do her fucking homework before spitting out stupid answers, I'm not entirely certain of the role of pot except in that it does affect hormones (which is probably why it reacts and prevent migraine, which is thought to come from the pituitary gland, which regulates hormones and eating impulses, etc). I am reading it's possible for alcohol to increase estrogen, and I drank a little more in the month before I got pregnant, but I wasn't drinking very much in the weeks prior to conception. It was more the month before that.

All I know, is that someone should have been checking my hormone levels and it never crossed anyone's mind, even after I told Army Wife about my problems with periods for 8 months prior to conception. She said, off the cuff, "Well, there's obviously no problem with your fertility, because you got pregnant!"

Yeah bitch. And I lost that baby too.

Women can become pregnant and still have problems with the hormones needed to maintain a pregnancy, regardless of what may be causing fluctuations in the hormone levels.

Next time I get pregnant, and I hope it's possible and that the baby is created out of love, I'm obviously not going to have any MRIs, and I think it's important to make note of this, to prevent this from happening to any other parents, but also, I'm getting a FUCKING GOOD doctor who listens to me, and checks my hormone levels and takes things seriously. And does the stupid urinary tract infection test on a regular basis.

I swear to God I don't know how half of the doctors ever get a license to practice to begin with. I think an IQ test should be administered, and a logic test like the one from the LSAT, instead of just going off of tests that check the ability to memorize information. Memorization doesn't make a doctor an analyst. It just means they can remember information, much like robots do, without the ability to think of alternatives and think outside of the box.

And who the HELL told Army Wife, that abnormal menstrual cycles were "normal"?


Anonymous said...

i think you've hit on something here! brilliant thoughts

Mama said...

thank you! i think it's right on, and i notice this. after smoking weed i bleed at least a little bit, as supposed to, when i'm supposed to be having my period.

nothing is normal about my cycles anymore. i'm not having periods and i've been out of marijuana.

i need to get some more.