Thursday, December 25, 2008

Family Breaks Promise 6 (March 17, 2008)

Everything became an issue of control. Bob Beaty called Paul Cassel and talked to him about my case and me, without my permission and consent. THEY decided, with my mother, to have me go pro se or have Cassel represent me with Beaty "in the background". That wasn't my parents had promised. They had promised to pay for FT representation by a lawyer, not PT or "behind the scenes". I didn't like Cassel, and had problems with him before when I was advocating for his own other clients about his lack of zealousness. So my family backed out totally, even though I agreed to all conditions. THEY backed out and kept changing their end of the deal. I never backed out on their "conditions" or tried to change any of them. I stayed firm to my own promise. But this is something my parents do not know how to do:

Re: Yeah, there's more‏
Sent: Mon 3/17/08 8:21 AM
Cursing and using horrid language will get you nowhere with us, nor will your threats. In fact, it has
just the opposite effect. You give no credit at all for the fact that we HAVE tried to help you, it's just never enough in
your mind and you're never grateful or, computer, housing, and now attorney
fees, either from us or "my" family. Even Holly taking Oliver was done to "help" you to not
worry about him, and to give him a good environment with love and care, because he, too, is

We have moved forward in good faith. At this point, we are done. We will focus on what is best for Oliver.
We will continue to pray for you, but there will be no financial contributions of any kind. Period. You, of course,
are not obligated to any 'conditions' for the help given thus far. You are, as you
say, a grown woman, so make your own grown up decisions and carry them out as you see best. Do not count
on us for anything more. You sent a note to Bob Beaty asking him to arrange a continuance, but you need to
realize that we are now completely out of the whole thing. If you refuse to show up at your hearings, you will
lose by default, period. You will have to use a court appointed attorney or else find someone on your own who
is willing to represent you on your terms.

It may not seem that way to you, but we do love and care about you and hope that someday in the future
we can have a relationship.

-----Original Message-----
From: cam huegenot
Sent: Sun, 16 Mar 2008 8:18 pm
Subject: Yeah, there's more

I could forward all the other emails where I'm pleading for help and for you to
believe me, but I won't. Suffice it to say, I don't trust a fucking thing you
say to me OR that you even "care" so much.

I'm not taking ANY mental health evaluation until I have testing done for the
FUCKING radiation and microwave testing I've been talking about. I was beside
myself in so much pain, and so confused about the source of pain, until I
figured it out.

And you did nothing, and I'm not going to get screwed by MY OWN FAMILY again
over this, because you don't believe me or trust me.

I am NOT putting myself in the position to go to court pro se and have the Judge
start ordering mental evaluations, when I have NO legal representation and we
agreed it would be Private Practice representation.

When I have the private practice attorney signed on, as we agreed to, in
exchange for my agreement to your "conditions", I'll start taking advice, and
orders, and will follow through on MY obligations to the agreed "conditions".

Right now, YOU'RE not holding up your end of the bargain. Number 1, I asked for
help with a lawyer long ago and you refused. You PROMISED me, at that time,
that YOU WOULD HELP if anyone took Oliver away, and they did. There were NO
"conditions" for your support. You PROMISED to simply pay for a lawyer if it
happened, and thought it WOULDN"T happen.

I'm going above and beyond what I should be required to do, as a grown woman, to
agree to your NEW attempt to bribe me in exchange for financial help with a
lawyer. You didn't make your promise before with a bribe. But now, you've come
up with a bribe. AND now you try to bribe me, even as you totally change and
revise and try to get out of YOUR end of the deal.

NO way. You're either honest or you're not.

I am fully prepared, if you continue to disrespect me, lecture me, blame me, and
treat me like crap, and threaten me and try to control me, to do this on my own,
and in the process, I'm asking for Oliver's removal from Holly's care, for a
number of reasons, and to have him closer to me. I will also attack each one of
the contributing "family" members who screwed me by talking to CPS in the first
place, and show what kind of control freaks they've been, and how they never
offered normal support or help when I needed it before, which shows lack of care
for both me and my son.

YOU will be SCREWED. YOUR entire family, will be screwed. You think the world
won't know what they've done to me, by calling police, jailing me, leaving me in
jail without bail, not helping me when I ask for help, and then threatening me
later and making bizarre bribe attempts in exchange for financial help to get
Oliver back?

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