Thursday, December 25, 2008

Hero Paul Glassen, Former CPS Worker (March 19, 2008)

So really now, am I "paranoid" or did Wenatchee just highjack this case and everybody all the way through? Several things they did in my case were abnormal and bizarre, and supposedly not "usual" and then I have lawyers who are supposed to be working for ME working for them and violating ethics rules:

Change of Venue IS Possible‏
From: cam huegenot (
Sent: Wed 3/19/08 5:59 AM

You guys were wrong once again. I confirmed with a former CPS worker that CPS always tries to get the family to side with THEM rather than the parent. Paul told me that they use techniques the police use, to collect statements and get support for their case, even if they're not being honest. He said you guys should have kept quiet and shouldn't be talking to them at all. He said talking to CPS will only harm me and my case.

He also said he knows of lawyers who have dealt with Wenatchee before, and said that based on his experience with CPS, he KNOWS that I shouldn't have a problem getting change of venue if a lawyer asks for it. He said the fact that I live in Bellingham and work here now is good enough. He said what Beaty was doing was completely unprofessional and that he could lose his license or be censured for contacting people about me (Paul Cassell in Wenatchee) without my permission. He also said to dump me last minute was totally bizarre and not normal.

By the way, he knows all about CPS mental health evaluations. He said that in Wenatchee, it was common knowledge that all their contracted providers made a ton of money off of CPS and would write whatever CPS wanted them to write. He documented and kept evidence of an incoming message from one of them to a CPS worker, which was typical, where the mental health professional says, "So which way are you going with this? Are you wanting the kid to be back with the parent, or not? I need to know how to write this up." The "professional" was asking CPS how to write the evaluation, instead of making an assessment on their own "professional" judgement. He said they all do that over there.

Once again, I was right in my judgments, and you were wrong.

I know better about my own legal affairs and the system than you do, and yet you trust people who have been against me from the start, over my judgment. And you even trusted Beaty over me, simply because it was going to cost you less money. You knew something was wrong with Beaty, and then you just got sucked in and went along.

I found out I have very good grounds for change of venue, and that it should be NO problem getting it, with a competent attorney who TRIES.

I'm sorry you wasted any money on Beaty at all. He wasn't worth it. I even warned you he was charging for more than he said he would. And that "ride" from his secretary? she lives in Birch Bay too, and it doesn't cost HIM any money.

It doesn't matter what I say or do, I followed my end of the deal, and you didn't. It's as simple as that. You proved you do NOT care about Oliver, and that you're NOT willing to make sacrifices to help him. You also proved you don't know what in the hell you're talking about and that you're completely manipulated by CPS and anyone other professional, who sides against ME, your "daughter."

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