Thursday, December 25, 2008

MY "conditions" (March 15, 2008)

I ask for basic respect and list some of my own "conditions":

MY Conditions‏
From: cam huegenot (
Sent: Sat 3/15/08 10:05 AM

It also bothers me that you were telling Mr. Beaty you'd give HIM information about this doctor Amon you want me to go to, but you never told me about this, or said you were going to let me look at the link or review.

I am about to completely drop out of this entire process until I get treated like a competent adult who is in charge of her own life.

I really don't appreciate the way I'm being disrepected so far, and if I have to wait until I have enough money of my own to fight this, because no one gives me notice or time to think about things, or a chance to fight for what I know would be best for my case, that's what I'll do.

I mean it. I may keep writing in my blog, too, until I get agreement from my family to quit acting as witnesses and collaborants with CPS, and until I actually sign a retainer with a lawyer, because right now, there is NO RETAINER with anyone, and my family is discussing my case with CPS.

I am fully willing to agree to quit writing on my blog. If I decide to go ahead with a PD and waive my right to change of venue, and go ahead with Mr. Beaty as an assist, I will absoslutely respect his wishes and another lawyers wishes, and quit writing in a blog. But right now, I'm a free woman.

I have agreed to certain conditions that you asked me to agree to, which rub against the grain and upset me and treat me like a child. I also told Mr. Beaty I would agree to not post in my blog and I am prepared to quit altogether. But I have conditions too, and needs, and so far, it doesn't seem like they're being respected.

My conditions are:

1. No one in my family talks to CPS. Period. Not you, not granny and grandpa, no one, without first talking to me about their concerns or to my lawyer. And no one talks to the AG.

2. I need a car to get a better job. However it happens, I need a car. My car was left in a parking lot and I was jailed, partly on account of my own family's comments to CPS, which they USED in their allegation. It wasn't just my "fault" and a consequence of my own actions. My own family gave them ammunition to frame me. I also think you should agree to the other conditions Mr. Beaty put in place, such as money for an apartment so Oliver can stay with me in our own place.

3. Testing for both radiation AND microwave or micromagnetic changes in my body. If they are different, and tests are different and have to be done separately, I need to have this done. This should be done BEFORE any psychological or psychiatric evaluation and I will NOT consent to having any mental evaluation until this is done first. And if you're going to be checking up on me to be sure I'm going to the church you want me to go to, as you said you would (implying you don't trust me to follow through with my word to agree to your conditions), I'm also going to withhold having any mental evaluation done until the other testing is completed, partly because I don't trust that you will follow through with your agreement to pay for the testing. So, you can do whatever you need to do to be sure I'm following through on the conditions, and I am doing the same, ensuring the testing for radiation and microwave stuff is done before I consent to the other evaluations.

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