Monday, December 15, 2008

Need Your Help In Filing RICO

It's good this baby is in a better place, because I have a lot of catching up to do. I couldn't do this if I was still pregnant, so I know this is for a reason and was for the best.

I am happy to have loved and lost than never loved at all, with this child. And I believe God and his new angel will watch over me, and they know we need protection.

I guess the state and others involved, watched me and saw how weak I was and just assumed they'd get away with everything. I put up a fight, but they knew they'd taken the wind out of me.

Not anymore. Because if it's the last thing I do, I will leverage another U.S. law against not just criminals, but criminals within the U.S. government and I will prove all the pretty "patterns" I was mocked over noticing, by Marie Scanlon and Michelle Erickson.

And once I really get going on my research, that's all I'll be writing about, if I write at all, because I will be focused on writing motions with teeth.

The Abbey is not getting out of this on account of "prejudice". No, I can prove their lawyers and they, were guilty of things I haven't named them for yet and I can prove conspiracy with others, which I did NOT sue for in the past.

And my statutes have not expired.

Do you now see, why they have people chasing me out of work and trying to ruin me further? They knew I would come back to get them. They can't say I'm mentally ill, either, if I'm filing my own RICO claim, and do a good job, at least they can't kick me out of the court on account of that.

I am asking for the assistance of others in financing this, and I am going to go to embassies anyway, and notify them about my cause, showing I need political asylum, but I'm giving this one more shot in the U.S., and if they know anyone who can help in any way, to let me know (all names kept confidential).

Anyone can send me money anonymously as well. It's not cowardly to be anonymous when you're making a donation.

I have to get all the notices of intent out.

I'm getting my son back.

I'm getting a Judge who is going to demand the release of discovery and FOIA held by the FBI and the two states.

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