Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Pesticide Poisoning (Jan 8, 2008)

Still thinking it's pesticides maybe, the twitching, when it was from magnetic pulse. But I just couldn't believe it myself. Freed said he'd test for lead poisoning and I asked him about organophosphates:

From: cam huegenot (
Sent: Tue 1/08/08 2:45 AM
My phone:
I'm not going to be able to sleep tonight. Both Oliver and I twitch all the time. I just notice it more at nighttime. I read the wiki article about the acronymn for organophosphate poisoning and it fits.

The worst part is that I know it had to be intentional because both Oliver and I threw up with all those symptoms, at our old house, before orchard exposure. I took us both to ER and thought we had food poisoning. It was in March or sometime of spring of last year. We were twitching ever since and sometimes very very badly, but it all began about a month or so later, when we THEN in the orchard. The throwing up and first exposure happened and then silence and then all the twitching and disappearance of Oliver's speech though that may have happened a little earlier.

SHIT SHIT shit I don't know what to do. If I take him for blood test just anywhere, it won't be trusted bc there are people who have tried to harm us and others to protect those who have done harm.

I read it can affect a kids brain and communication and this would be Oliver. I wish I had your cell phone because I want to do the blood tests right now and get them going bc Oliver esp. needs the antidote. I don't know why it would take a really long time though.

Please help us. This has to be it. He should be tested for lead and other stuff too, but this fits. And I have an idea how it happened or who was involved. I am so sick. People knew about it. Other people knew about this.

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