Sunday, December 21, 2008

Safe in This "CIA" House & Epilepsy Neurologist

I have bronchitis. I haven't had bronchitis since my son and I got it after we left Wenatchee. Same old thing now and I'll have to get antibiotics.

I realized, my living situation now is safer and better than it's been since I was in the Bethesda area with the Navy hospital guard. That guard/guy didn't try anything and was safe, and didn't abuse drugs or alcohol, and same thing with the people in this house.

No one uses alcohol or drugs, and they're all normal upstanding people and no one is trying to "get with" me. It's just a communal house and there are no bad vibes. Nothing is disappearing and I don't have to watch my stuff either.

I think the advantage was that I met this guy, personally (not on Craigslist--he sold me the voice recorder for my intention to record D.C. CPS where I caught Joe Toscano trying to refuse to let me sign a release form), and I know for a fact, he and his roommates have absolutely nothing to do with the catholic church or weird justice system stuff. Even though two of them are connected to the CIA, there is nothing weird about them and I know for a fact they don't have inside info on me and don't play mind games with me. They're just normal.

I would join the CIA way before the FBI. No, the FBI is not "better". I'm sure I just kept meeting all the wrong people and they had something to cover. No wonder the CIA doesn't trust the FBI and there are problems between exchange of info between the two groups. I would wonder about their quality controls too and be afraid of giving information to the wrong person. Now, I totally understand.

I do wonder about some of the torture and weird things some CIA people have pulled. I don't think that's good at all. But there are frickin' mobsters in the FBI, and they don't take responsible action to root them out, and I wonder about their screening processes more.

I don't ask questions about their work or workplace and they don't question me either. We just go about our business. The other day we all watched a really funny comedy--I'll have to find the name of it. My favorite part was about the tigers in the zoo.

At any rate, this is a safe house, and so was the place with Will. I had weird shit happening with my last roommate and the father of the baby.

I wrote things about my last roommate which were positive, bc he was reading my blog, but I also wrote something to keep track of my concerns, which I didn't publish then but saved as a draft and I'll publish it today. It was about the missing work shirts.

Anyway, I have to get an epilepsy diagnostic and I'm sort of wondering about the guy I was referred to because I went through a Catholic hospital this time, and this guy, while not Catholic, specializes in stress disorders more than true seizures and even wrote a big hypothesis about stress seizures after traumatic events. I need someone who is going to do some very hard science. And I'm NOT saying this guy wouldn't take other things into consideration, but even epilepsy neurologists have sub-specialties. I need someone who is familiar with pseudo-seizure so they can make a differential, and distinguish between the two, but I think, well...

SO I was looking at options and there are some who are even doing DNA analysis to find genes of predisposure and I need someone who is doing brain scans, genetic testing, and anything else to distinguish real from not-real. I'm sure this other guy is really good, but if he practices with a certain slant, those doctors sometimes jump to the conclusions they are most practiced in, rather than exploring fully, all options, so that's why I'm going to talk to a few more people.

I also see he has no experience with migraine at all, and it would be much better for me to go to someone who has experience with both migraine and neurological headaches, and epilepsy. That way, they could possibly confirm two things, instead of just one thing.

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