Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Car Vandalisms (Jan. 12, 2008)

This was paranoid, but not clinically paranoid. It was for a good reason, but I suspected the wrong people. I was stuck out there with my son, and we had all the problems out at that location. Then, I thought my grandpa was trying to keep me from leaving the house by stalling on fixing the car, and then ruining it after it was "fixed". The thing is, the car WAS tampered with, at least twice at that location, but I thought it was my grandfather and it most likely was not him. If someone was using a magnetic pulse and had the location secured, they wouldn't want me to be able to leave. Every time I did, too, I was trying to file documents and keep up with court. My car broke down right before the Wenatchee hospital trial and I lost because I didn't have transportation. I then filed a Spokane case, but I couldn't do anything because my car kept breaking down. Once I heard a loud smash of metal and my car wouldn't run afterwards, and another time, it was something else that my grandfather had just fixed, which was ruined. Even my grandfather came out and said that it was bizarre. He asked me if anyone had been around the house but I hadn't noticed anyone:

Rent, Car Repairs, and Damages‏
From: cam huegenot (
Sent: Sat 1/12/08 7:26 AM
Mom and Dad,

This is for both of you.

Let me tell you something else.

You promised to fix this car. You and Dad and grandpa and YOUR family, now I KNOW, purposefully STALLED on fixing things so I couldn't drive while you were experimenting with treatments and medications. I'm sure you were warned it could be dangerous. So Oliver and I suffered. You cannot imagine what it's like to be on house arrest and in the worst pain and suffering of your life. You were told my pain was in my head and imagined, just as you have always wanted to believe. So you didn't care.

Then you and grandpa find a way to sabotage my car again, and it breaks down on the property, and after Grandpa thinks I had it fixed, he takes a look at it, and damages the oil filter which was brand new. I have that oil filter bc I asked for it. He purposefrully damaged it to try to prevent me from driving, and knew it would blow out oil and leave me stranded again. But I took some of that rent money and got the car fixed, after YOU called me to say you WERE fixing the car and then tried to back out at the end of the call.

You have told Granny you put "conditions" on fixing the car that I didn't meet. You lied to her. There were no "conditions". You said you were fixing it and that it was the last time and if I got towed for being suspended or whatever, that was the end of my car. THEN you said, "on a different note, we'd like you to consider something" and you brought up my going to and taking Oliver to "the healing room". I said I would. You said Dad said he wouldn't help Oliver until I did, and when I asked if he WOULD if Oliver wasn't healed, then you started to back out. So after I reasonably question your suggestions that I and Oliver go to healing rooms while you take and pay for you and Dad to have immediate medical treatments with the best specialists, even out of state, when you don't even have PAIN like I do, you got MAD and said you were "reconsidering" fixing my car and would talk to Dad. That was over 2 weeks ago. You promised to fix it and then took it back.

I knew you wouldn't fix it. You and Dad "care and love" me and Oliver so much, y9u'd put us through Hell, and leave us stranded again, telling the doctors to hook me up to the meds again. You don't want me going anywhere, and didn't want me to have a computer or be able to write even, until I was "medicated, sedated,", and, in your opinion, "stable". You have lied to everyone else and told them, your testimony, that I am "not the same" and not sweet, as if we never had problems before. You are both control freaks who want me to be one certain way and you don't want to help financially.

So since I've been out here stranded, and had to use rent money to pay for the car YOU said you'd pay for, I'm not paying rent anymore. NOt until I get an apology and my lawyers are involved. If you or grandpa try to kick me and Oliver out, or don't pay my rent, and try to get Bob and Pat to do it, I will add that to my damages, that you had me medicated against my will, left us stranded and to suffer, and THEN, to top it off, kicked us out of housing while I was under medication which was without my consent.

This is over.

This is the saddest thing I have ever had to bear, in seeing my own parents turn on me, in an effort to NOT have to help me financially and try to control me and have the state control me, and THEN, saddest thing of all, to try to cover for yourselves when you think you might get sued. You would make your own daughter out to be a vindictive "hater" to claim this was my motive for suing you. You have always put money before me, and you continue to prove this is where your heart is. You have never loved me and you are hypocrites to claim you love me or be Oliver; you love yourselves and that's it.

While I'm not paying rent, I will need time to get my own alternatives together, with the ACLU or my lawyers. And, to find other NORMAL medical care out of the area and outside politics. While I examine my alternatives and possibilities, I plan to live here with Oliver. I think Grandpa owes me this and can quite afford to pay my rent after his own contributions in this whole affair.

If he allows us to be kicked out it will be retaliation. He is partly responsible for this mess and he can pay for it. I'm sure that once my own lawyers are involved, they will be able to deduct the cost of backrent owed from the damages, or, I may even pay for backrent after I receive my settlement.



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