Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Convincing Mother (Feb. 22, 2008)

After everything, I think my mother, from the start, wanted to find a way to keep my son with her best friend and sister Holly. My mother makes all these comments about "filth" but it wasn't bad and I had guests over. She and her sister are religious nuts and her sister is a clean freak to the point of obsessive-compulsion. And after all of the "claims" by my mother, of offering financial assistance and help, she backed out on every single thing in the end, and probably told my father a bunch of hogwash as well. She claimed I backed out on my commitments, but I never did. I was willing to do anything for my son:

RE: question‏
From: cam huegenot (
Sent: Fri 2/22/08 2:00 PM
This is why I can easily get change of venue:

Number one: By all accounts, including from the Canadian govenrnment, Oliver and I had MOVED from Wenatchee to Canada. W were no longer residents of Wenatchee. That's why they want me to move back. Only if I move back to Wenatchee, is this in wenatchee. INstead, the court proceedings can take place where the residence is after I was dropped off at the border. I became a resident of Birch Bay/Blaine. They sent Oliver to Wenatchee but that wasn't our last residence before the protective order was issued. Our last resdience was in Canada. My lawyer can argue the proceedings should be held HERE even if Oliver is with Holly in Wenatchee. ALSO, my lawyer can PROVE prejudice against me in Wenatchee and that it will be impossible for me to get a fair hearing or trial because of problems over there and how many people were involved and have at least heard second-hand information about me. I was defamed throughout Wenatchee and EAst Wenatchee and even people in Douglas county knew who I was. A lawyer has an EXCELLENT chance of getting change of venue, esp. because we left our Wenatchee residence.

I want change of venue and a private attorney until I get radiation testing and the indpedent mental health evaluation nback. AFTER that, if you want to put me with a court appointed attorney for the rest, that's fine. But for now, the only way to get ahead is with a private attorney.

This is how it should happen:

1. HIre private attorney/notify court/modify visitation and restraining order/get change of venue
2. At the same time, test for radiation.
3. By the time radiation results are back, the change of venue will be finished. Do mental health evaluation through doctor private attorney knows. Then decide to either keep private attorney or throw it back to court appointed attorney.

I WILL go with a court appointed lawyer to save on cost if the first steps are taken because they are most improtant. The begininning will set the stage for the whole thing. During this time, I should be able to save money through a job and contribute to paying you back for the lawyer.

Make sure Dad knows all this talk from CPS about change of venue opinions and their advices, is inappropriate and an attempt to keep THEIR mistakes hidden. A private attorney will be able to point out that they have nothing on me except suspicion and no evdience that I am a harm or risk. He can place Oliver with me again, and fast. A court appointed attorney doesn't have time to find the loopholes and doesn't care. That's why CPS wants this to stay in Wenatchee.


Subject: Re: question
Date: Fri, 22 Feb 2008 16:29:51 -0500

I willl say, in spite of how it appears, cps has never sought to turn us against you. They 'have' expressed concerns. To be honest, as some of my just-sent notes say, WE DO have concerns, too, Cameo. That doesn't mean we don't love you. doesn't mean we think you're lying about anything. doesn't mean we think you would ever hurt Oliver....though keeping him in the filth you kept him in...that's not in his best interests. Also, yelling and screaming at people in his presense,,,,thats not good for him. I think those are areas where you can be 'helped' but only if willing to GET help or TAKE help. You have to acknowledge needing help.

What about if there were change of venue and you had a court-apptd atty over there? Especially after or maybe after a short initial time with ballanger? Folks I've talked to dont seem to think it likely that you'd get the change of what then? Locklyn says shes not an expert but they usually do it where the child is or was living....and you've said and I've said we dont want Oliver moved...not unless it's to go back to you. I'll be honest, though, I'd like to see you get help of some sort as a condition to getting him back. I think you love him as much as any mother can, but love isn't everything. That's not saying I think cps should be chasing you down and taking him, but I can sort of understand to 'some' extent just why they did. I don't agree with the extreme descriptions they put in their reports, but a lot of what they said is true.

I tried calling the attorney and he just got back from lunch but was headed to a meeting and will be gone about 1 1/2 hours. Again, I am NOT promising to hire him....but I'm willling to talk with him for a few minutes and see what he says on some things. As to sending us $20, don't. You need it more than us. Just keep it. Will be in touch again when I can. Love, Mom

-----Original Message-----
From: cam huegenot
Sent: Fri, 22 Feb 2008 1:06 pm
Subject: RE: question

OKay, this is what I think...
I DO think change of venue is important because I've had really, really, bad problems in Wenatchee. I'll have a much better chance of getting him back and avoiding the weird politics over here. I absolutely believe it's best to change venue and everyone I talk to agrees, even the CPS guy I talked to in Bellingham says it sounds like a good idea. The justice system is pretty bad in Wenatchee and lots of people know that, AND I've personally had problems with people there--too many people, including police and judges. At the very least, having a private attorney will be a major step up from court appointed counsel from Wenatchee. but, because Wenatchee judges will probably side with Wenatchee lawyers, because they know them...and because of politics, it's probably a good idea to remove the whole thing to this area.

As for Oliver, yes, I would petition to have him stay with Holly and Pablo. I don't think he'd get better care anywhere else and he can still see Granny and Grandpa and familiar people and I would travel to see him. I am hoping that if we hired a private lawyer, he wouldn't have to stay with Holly as long and the driving or bus trips would be short-term. But yes, I would agree to leave him there. I know even Pablo is very affectionate with his kids and that's probably good for Oliver to get that kind of attention from both of them. ALso, I THINK, I talked to someone in CPS who isn't involved in my case, and they hinted I may be able to get CPS to pay for travel expenses, at least for bus or gas, to visit Oliver.

I want to visit Oliver at Holly's, but I want all CPS and court matters to be held over HERE because it will be a disaster in Wenatchee. And, regardless, the most impo0rtant thing is to get a lawyer on this, private one, right away because a private attorney will make a HUGE difference in th outcome. And, like I said, we could drop him at any point and if I can just have him until test results come back, and I have an evaluation through him, that would be possible. The other thing is, I'm told NOT to "cooperate" with CPS wanting me to have a mental haelath evluation unless it's COURT ordered and THEN, it should be independent. If they still awnt me to go to their people after I have an independent evaluation, at their cost, it's better to have the first one through an independent party first.

But yes, I would and WILL keep Oliver with Holly and I asked CPS if I could visit him at their house so he's not confused and they won't work with me and say it has to be in a tiny sterile room at their office. For 2 hours in a tiny room. I told them this would be more vonfusing for him and found out through another CPS supervisor that it IS possible to have visitation at Holly's or elsewhere, with a monitor, but Wenatchee CPS workers who took my case won't work with me. I liked the Bellingham supervisor, a man, and he couldn't understand why Wenatchee was doing some of the things they were doing and recommnended I get a lawyer and change of venue ASAP. He would work with me, I could tell.

I do have a job. I'm working now. It's not a lot of money and don't tell CPS because they don't need information. But the fact I have a job here and live here makes for a very good reason for change of venue. It shouldn't be difficult. My job now is mainly paying for room and board. I am going to send you half of my first "paycheck" which is only for $20 but at least it will be a good faith payment. I have room and board and got $40 additional for this week and I'll give you $20. I have other more FT positions open to me which pay more and have more hours. I have a very good chance of being employed FT within one week. For now, I have the basics covered through my job. So, I AM currently "working". I am going to get a job that pays more though, to pay you for attorney stuff. I 've been on the phone, online, and pounding the pavement for work and it's just around the corner. There are some options. Remember, I found a job in Canada within 2 weeks and I've only been at a stable place to even LOOK for work, here, in the last week.

The most important thing is a privatte attorney for now, to be hired ASAP, and getting the radiation tested. After that, I am open to playing it by ear. But if we start out STRONG, we will be better off. It's harder to go back and "fix things" when it's too late, and getting a private attorney will put us on the best possible footing and he may be able to point out CPS mistakes, or even clear the whole thing up. But I swear to you, CPS doesn't WANT us to hire a private lawyer because they know court appointed ones don't have time or get paid enough to do a good job and CPS, at this point, wants to justify their position. They claim to be about Oliver's best interests and yet THEY aren't working with me on vistitation and have not returned my calls, and they've interfered with my family and tried to turn you against me--it shows me they are mainly concerned about being "right" and trying to collect evidence against me to support their claim that I am not just "unfit" but a HARM, DANGER, and RISK to Oliver. If they get their way, I could lose him permanently, because, like I said, you can't cure "schitzophrenia" and that mental illness is a risk to a child--if this is what they want to claim I am, which is what they're doing, I'll lose him and yet they lie to YOU to get what THEY want.

I promise you I'm right about this. I'm glad you're starting to think a little bit. Because I have not been kidding or been lacking judgmenet about this stuff. I mean, look at the U.S. Border /Customs witness--I have people trying to frame me and hoping no one will ever believe me, but this last time, in that sistuation, I had a witness step up to vouch for me. But I've been rational, and I'm telling you the truth.

Subject: question
Date: Fri, 22 Feb 2008 14:58:34 -0500

Do you have a job FOR SURE? Also, if so, when exactly do you start?
Dad is wondering. I'll be writing more soon, might call Belanger just to
talk with him a few minutes; we STILL are not decided on just what is
right to do, but praying about it. Job is just a curiousity on our part;
but want to know.

Also If...big if, but if we did hire private you still think you
need change of venue? Are you willing to leave Oliver with Holly till you
get him back? It would cost you about $100 each trip to see him and we
wouldn't pay that, sorry. You would be working at least one full day, probably
more just to pay the trip. But, for the record...I will NOT support moving him
from her. You may want to and if you succeed, okay, but it wont be with our
help. That's not to harm or infuriate or inconvenience you, it's because we care
about him and honestly don't want to see him moved and uprooted AGAIN ANNNNNND...
I think he's getting EXCELLENT care. In fact, you might drop a note or something to
Holly & Pabo to THANK them since I know it's a big sacrifice and they are just doing
it because THEY care about Oliver and you.

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