Friday, December 19, 2008

Grounds For Medical Abatement

I realized this morning, that I have grounds for medical abatement and that I can request to appear by telephone for the hearing, again, because of medical necessity.

I should also be able to get at least phone visitation reinstated in the meantime, because I am not able to travel long distances at this time.

I have not yet miscarried.

It would be a risk to my life, and dangerous, to take a long trip on bus or plane, and end up going through a miscarriage on the bus or plane.

There are serious risks to a D&C surgery, and if it can be avoided, it is better for the body to expel naturally, and because I want more children someday, it is my right to choose what is best for my body.

I thought it would have happened by now, but it has not, and it can take anywhere from 2 weeks to 4 months for this to occur. Most typically, it will happen before 2 months is up.

As long as there is no sign of infection it is safe to wait.

And as soon as it does happen, I would go into the hospital to be sure everything came out, because that's when you are prone to infection.

So I am making a motion for medical abatement and for reinstatement of phone visitation. That way, my son and I are not prevented from bonding, and my son doesn't forget me, and I am also in compliance with "visitation". To refuse would be discrimination against a medical condition.

Not only that, I am getting other medical diagnostics here. I've already gone through a PCP who referred me to a neurologist, and now I have a referral to the epilepsy specialist.

Basically, this unborn child is giving me a way to get my son back. I guess there are hidden blessings. It is actually a blessing to have this reason for medical abatement, and God knew I needed it, in order to make my discovery about seizures first.

Not only that, I think I can get a letter from some doctors about my prolapse and how it affected my pregnancy and is grounds for medical malpractice.

Sort of funny how all the doctors in Washington state tried to minimize my medical problems, but other doctors, who didn't know me at all, have an entirely different opinion. I mean, sort of funny, no?

I'm still trying to figure this out...WHY would doctors in another state find something so much worse than Washington doctors? Hmmmm....

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