missing FBI e-mails
Saturday, December 9, 2006 5:56 AM
"loree baird"
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eaglelaw@qwest.net, dslader@spiritone.com, dick.whittemore@bullivant.com
I have gone through all of my past sent messages and my most important mail is gone. Everything I sent about the FBI when I first met them is gone, my report of a matter that I made in 2003 before I met the agents is gone, and other important mails are missing. The only ones there are ones where I sound like a nut--but anything legitimate or useful for tracking the facts and dates of things I reported and when and whom I reported them to are missing. I have NEVER deleted any of these. I don't know how someone could delete them from my computer. The only time someone was in possession of my computer, that I didn't know well, was when I first came to WA; this guy said he'd check something out for me that wasn't working and he hooked my computer up to his computer at his house, so his monitor displayed what was in my box, because my own monitor wasn't working. He worked at a computer store and said he was going to give me a disk to clean things up or get things working again but he never did, and I always had a bad feeling about this afterwards.
Not only that, certain important e-mails I sent certain judges and attorneys, which prove important dates and events are gone. The ones that bother me most are the missing FBI mails. Everything I wrote about them is gone, like, when I first started e-mailing all of you about how I met them, was interested in working for them, etc., and detailed some things. It's all gone. It doesn't make sense. I have never archived my sent msgs, deleted, or otherwise. I still have e-mails from 2002 that I sent.
Also, after I called the Portland FBI about Bujanda and Garza being at my house and what happened, the FBI business card that Bujanda had given me, with 3 of his phone numbers on it (personal) was missing. It had been right on my window ledge by the phone, and the next day it was just gone. I noticed it because I had shown it to my neighbor who later became a roommate, and it wasn't in the same place, before I made my complaint or right around that time. I know he didn't take it as I was in my apartment with him the whole time and knew exactly where that card was because I knew it was important. I have absolutely no doubt that someone from the FBI gained entry into my apartment and took it. I didn't notice anything else missing.
I was going through my old e-mails this morning because the OIG had been interested in looking into the FBI thing further, but while they first said they were interested, now when I write, I am ignored. I've only sent a couple e-mails to the OIG. After the first, they were going to look into things, and gave me a contact person. I said I'd try harder to obtain my FOIA records on my own first and go back to them as a last resort. Then, later, a month ago or so, I went back to them and have been ignored, but I didn't go back to the same contact name so I started looking through old mail to find out where it was, and noticed all this other stuff is missing.
I am going to check my old college account archives, but I'm pretty sure I sent my stuff through Yahoo.
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