Friday, December 19, 2008

Oliver at 2 months (July 6, 2006)

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Oliver, FBI, Judges, Motherhood
Thursday, July 6, 2006 12:21 PM
"loree baird"
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Since 5 or 6 weeks Oliver has been playing games. He likes peek-a-boo and squeals with delight and smiles if he sees me kissing him in the mirror, and then he's invented a few games of his own: About a week ago I was putting on make-up and he was fussing so I gave him the binky. After a bit, it fell out. So I went back to him and gave it to him again (he was just a few feet away from me and we could see eachother). It fell out. THEN, I noticed he was SPITTING it out, just to get me to come over to him. SO I said this to him, and asked him if this is what he was doing, and he grinned and spit out the binkie and then every time I tried putting it back he immediately spit it out and laughed. Then, a couple days ago, he tried a new trick...He's particular about eating with bottle or breast. If he wants one, he's settled on it. So I picked him up to nurse him bc he was hungry, crying a little and putting his hands in his mouth, and as I turned him towards me to nurse, he rolled back over onto his back, into the position he's in when I give him the bottle. And he looked at me and waited. When I tried turning him towards me again, he rolled over again. Then, he decided he would play dead every time. So he'd act hungry and then if he didn't get the bottle, he'd close his eyes and mouth and freeze his position. So I'd lay him down, thinking he wanted to sleep. But NOoooo, then his eyes popped open and he'd cry and fuss with his hands and he kept doing this until I gave him the bottle. I was stricter at first, weeks ago, wanting to make sure he didn't forget how to nurse, but now I just let him choose. I figure you've got the rest of your life to be miserable and may as well let him enjoy eating the way he likes as a baby. Also, he sort of won the right to choose, as he would cry stubbornly for an hour if he didn't get what he wanted. I mean, I would hold him and rock himn and do everything but give him the bottle and he'd cry. So when I decided to back off and not force him, he relaxed too and now half the time he wants to nurse (which is more convenient) and then the other half of the time he takes a bottle. But, I know babies are much smarter than we can understand I think, but it still suprises me. Also, at 5 weeks, I "taught" him how to hold his binkie to his mouth with his hand and he does this half the time. DOesn't have total hand coordination yet though. His arms are not as strong as his legs/feet. But the standing and bearing weight on his own legs so early is not the result of any "baby boot camp" bc my mother says I was the same way and that people and doctors commented on how muscular and strong I and my brother were at such young ages. One med. tech asked what ethnic group Oliver was from, but I'm sure it's a combo of my genes and his dad's genes. One thing, he squeals and "talks" a lot now, but he doesn't totally "laugh" unless he's asleep. He's been laughing in his sleep since week one, but hasn't done it the same way when he's awake. And one time, he just screamed bloody murder, in his sleep and I've never heard that scream while he's awake.

I am still unable to get FBI cooperation in obtaining records. Nada. The ACLU may be helping me.

So now I'm onto Judge #3. Even when Burton stepped aside, I didn't gloat. There's nothing to gloat about. It's no "victory" when it just never should have happened in the first place. AND, even if it was a victory, it would be tacky to gloat. I am not interested in ego, I am interested in results. Give me results and I'll back off. So now, Judge Graves may have saved himself and his chambers from an interrogation/complatint to the Judicial Committee for Fitness. A very good move.

I am 170 lbs. Huge. I still look pregnant, and I'm not totally sure if I'll ever have a waist again. But, when my mother sounded disappointed that I was only down to 170, I reminded her that at the time of my delivery, I was 210 lbs. So I've lost 40 lbs in almost two months. Nursing is exhausting. Everything is exhausting. Oliver is awake at 4 a.m., smiling and talking and wanting to play. He does NOT sleep through the night. I feed him 3-4 times at night. My therapist wrote a letter on my behalf, which I'jm sending to Perris, asking for an extension, and giving me time to take the psych eval, which is being scheduled for me. I haven't been able to touch a thing and I haven't opened 98% of my mail. Of the legal mail, I've opened two pieces in the last 2 or 3 months. That is IT.

The only way to do it, if you're single, after the home-delivered meals and help ceases, is to buy plastic silverware, paper dishes, and t.v. dinners. I couldn't do it any other way. I have a whole freezer full of Lean Cuisine and Indian dinners and Amy's Organic dinners. And now I have to purposefully shop for things that can be eaten with one hand, or on the go. I would recommend that any woman, if she is plannign to be a single mother and likes to wear make-up, to learn how to apply it in the car in moving traffic, beFORE having children.

Oliver is trying out new tricks, like "playing dead" when he's hungry and wants the bottle but doesn't want to nurse. I'll turn him towards me to nurse and all of a sudden he'll roll back over, wait for a bottle, and if it's not coming, he'll close his eyes and mouth and freeze until I lay him d0wn and then he'll act hungry again.

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