Thursday, December 25, 2008

Oliver's Signs of Trauma (March 22, 2008)

My Son Is Acting Out‏
From: cam huegenot (
Sent: Sat 3/22/08 10:24 AM
To: (; (

Mr. Caballero,

My son is showing obvious signs of trauma. I already have documented signs of how this separation has affected him, and he doesn't understand why he can hear my voice over the phone but he can't see me and why I'm not with him.

I just got on the phone with him and he started acting out. I have NEVER heard my son like that before. He was squealing in a way I've never heard--a combination of very sad sort of whimpering/crying and frustration. I asked my aunt why and when he started doing it and she said, "he started when he couldn't get his train over the cord"--I had been on the phone with him for about 8 minutes already. After my aunt took the phone from his ear to tell me what was going on, he was still wimpering and crying and sounding weird. I asked why he was STILL doing that, and it didn't sound normal, and she said, "Your guess is as good as mine." I said it wasn't normal and I said I thought it was because he missed his mother and she said, "We have to go now, I think he's getting tired."

My son was not "getting tired." He was up at about 9 a.m. and doesn't "get tired" an hour later after he's up. He gets tired in the afternoon.

What you are doing to my son is WRONG. My son needs to be placed back with me immediately.

I have called Van Siclen and I hope he takes my case and makes you, CPS, and all the medical professionals wish you'd never messed with my son.

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